The Red Walker
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
The Red Walker Class: Elf Level: 3 (Swordsmaster-Conjuror) Experience Points: 10760 (+10%) (16000 for 4th) Total Hit Points: 13 Armor Class: 1(2) Movement: 12"
Attributes: Strength 13 +1 Hit/Dam, Open Doors, Hurled Intelligence 17 R/W Elvish, Common, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Eastern (Human), Lizard Man Wisdom 09 Dexterity 13 +1 missiles, -1 AC, +1 Init. Constitution 08 -1hp Charisma 11 Maximum retainers:4, Retainer morale:7
On Person: 1 gp - wt 80 1 pp - wt 10 1 jewel (1300) Stored at Guildhouse:
- Spear +1 wt 30
- Silver Dagger wt 10
- Handaxe wt 30
- Shortbow wt 30 (inc Quiver?)
- Quiver (14 normal, 6 silver arrows)
- Plate Mail +1 wt 250
Backpack: wt 80
- Tinderbox
- 6 torches
- 1 waterskin
- 50' Rope
- Standard rations
- 0 vials holy water
- 3 oil flasks
- Wolfsbane
- Garlic
- Stakes and mallet
Belt w'pouches wt ?
- Purse
- Potion: Stone to Flesh (5 doses) - wt 10
- Potion of Gaseous Form - wt 10
Mule w'Saddlebags
- Waterskin
- Iron rations
Spellbook: 1st
- WebM
Total Encumbrance: 440
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands