Anardiel Willow
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
S 13 +1 bonus I 13 +1 bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gargoyle, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll. W 9 D 13 +1 bonus C 9 C 12
E3 XP 8121 (+5%) HP 14 AC 3(4) MV 6" ML 7
Arms and Armour:
- Elven chain mail & shield
- Longsword
- Longbow & 20 arrows
- Spear +1 wt 30
- Backpack:
- 6 torches
- 3 oil
- 2 Holy water
- 1 weeks food
- 50' rope
- 2 sacks
- 1 wine skin
- tinderbox.
- Warhorse
- Bridle and saddle
- Barding AC5
- Saddlebags
Mule w'Saddlebags
- Waterskin
- Iron rations
- Seige quivers x2 (100 longbow arrows)
- Shield
- Lance
- Longbow
- 5 Silver longbow Arrows
- Spellbook: Detect Magic M, Shield, Sleep
- 500 gp, 750 sp, 800gp gem, 240 ep, necklace (1600)
gems (100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100) - wt 70