Anardiel Willow
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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
S 13 +1 bonus I 14 +1 bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gargoyle, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll. W 9 D 13 +1 bonus C 9 C 10
E6 XP 77800 (+5%) (64000 for 6th) HP 28 AC -2(-1) MV 9" ML 7
- Detect Magic
- Shield
- Sleep
- Read Languages
- Read Magic
- Magic MissileM
- Charm PersonM
- Protection from Evil
- Haste M
- Dispel Magic
- Hold Person
- Fireball
- Fly
- Invisibility 10' radius M
- Protection from Evil 10' radius
- Protection from Normal Missiles
- Charm Monster
- Dimension Door
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Polymorph Others
- Remove Curse
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Ice
- Wizard Eye
Treasure on Person:
- 650pp
Arms and Armour:
- Elven Plate Mail +2 .wt 250
- Shield +1 wt 100
- Sword +3 wt 30
- Staff of Power wt 30
- Ring of Fire Resistance
- Backpack:
- 6 torches
- 3 oil
- 2 Holy water
- 1 weeks food
- 50' rope
- 2 sacks
- 1 wine skin
- tinderbox.
- Potion of healing (0)
- potion of Antivenom.
- Scroll Fly(learned, so used),Wall of Fire - wt 10
- Warhorse
- Bridle and saddle
- Barding AC5
- Saddlebags
Mule w'Saddlebags
- Waterskin
- Iron rations
- Seige quivers x2 (100 longbow arrows)
- Shield
- Lance
- Longbow
- 5 Silver longbow Arrows
Stored at Keep
- 20 gp,750 sp,123 pp
- Gem (500,1000) - wt 20
- Ring (900) - wt 10
- Gem (10000, 10000) - wt 20 (to Holt Fund)
- 1000 gp
- Jewel (11000) - wt 10 (Will be sold to finance his branch of Mages Guild (Holt chapter)).