Joto the Iceman, Fighter
Joto the Iceman
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful
- Strength: 9
- Intelligence: 14
- Wisdom: 17
- Constitution: 13
- Dexterity: 13
- Charisma: 12
AC: 3
HP: 11/11
Level: 3
XP Total:
XP Needed:
Common, Elemental
- Gear Carried:
Backpack (3 days' trail rations, winter blanket, bedroll, 8 torches, flint & steel)
- Weapons:
Bastard sword, shortbow, quiver w/20 arrows
- Armor:
Splint Mail
- Treasure & Coinage:
1 g.p. and 1 s.p.
- Draft Horse
Saddle, 2 saddlebags (4 days' feed, 50' hemp rope w/grappling hook, shovel)
Encumbrance Total:
74 lbs (horse carries 48 lbs)
Background & Description:
Joto the Iceman, a sharp-eyed wandering swordsman, on the run after defying orders from a corrupt mercenary unit. Though he is small, he combines quick wits and tactical skill with a strange knack for resisting the effects of witchcraft. The only treasure he carries is the ceremonial wage that he was paid to join the mercenary band - one gold and one silver - which he keeps as a symbol of how cheaply he once sold his sword arm.
Fighting Style: