Forgotten Freedom:Kanatash

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Kanatash is one of the original crewmembers of the Forgotten Freedom. He is an extremely talented Khalashtar psion specializing in the discipline of pychoportation as well as a Psion Uncarnate. Thanks to his Psion Uncarnate levels he is permanently incorporeal. He was originally a prodigal hunter of the inspired from Adar of paladin-like purity. To these ends he made it his goal to find a way to transport himself directly to Dal Quor to strike more direct blows against the Quori. Unfortunately when he attempted the trip his calculations were slightly off and he instead ended up in Xoriat. He spent the next 5000 years as a plaything of the Daelkyr, which needless to say drove him completely insane. In the end the Daelkyr bound his consciousness to the fabric of Xoriat itself and sent forth a projection of him to Eberron. Once there Kanatash was drawn to the Forgotten Freedom like a moth to a flame as it is the greatest nexus of madness outside of Xoriat.

When Kanatash first arrived on the Freedom he was simply a really creepy, gibbering lunatic who wandered the deck and no one could get rid of. Over time however he has changed considerably. Long term exposure to the crews minds has driven him to a state which he terms "Perfect Madness" in which he seems almost normal at times while still being completely irrational and unpredictable. Kanatash's only real goal in life is to completely destroy reality so he can hear the sound it makes when it snaps. However he is in no hurry to do so, he actually plans to in his words, "give it another few million years to mature," so that he can "savor the moment." To pass the time while he waits for reality to crumble Kanatash performs numerous horrific "experiments" on the redshirts designed to twist and break their minds and bodies. He also enjoys playing head games with the other crewmembers when he thinks he can get away with it. He is also a main conspirator in Kithle and Sa'vor's planned Illithid Empire.

In regards to the rest of the crew Kanatash is feared or at least disliked by most for generally being really creepy and committing acts which have a negative effect on the general sanity of the crew. There also seems to be a deep, underlying animosity between the captain and Kanatash, most likely stemming from the time Kanatash drove the captain insane. Sa'vor and Kithle on the other hand both generally adopt a "don's screw with my plans and I won't screw with yours," attitude around Kanatash. In fact the only crew who seem to be on good terms with Kanatash are Volrath, Terra, and Carlot. Kanatash is a good friend of Volrath's Daelkyr father and generally refers to him as a nephew despite the lack of any actual blood relation. This kinship with Volrath extends to a certain extent to Terra as well. However the individual who Kanatash has the best relation with is Carlot. After being originally attracted by Carlot's experiments, which in their effects on the victims mirrored his own, Kanatash struck up an intimate relationship with her. This relationship has been a cause for great mental trauma among the crew and their "photo album" has become more feared than liquid keelhauling.

Other Facts

-He has a pathological hatred of hippies for as of yet unrevealed reasons.

-He actively serves the Daelkyr or "deranged lords" but at this point has risen through their ranks to the point where he has authority over the majority of the "lesser" Daelkyr lords.

-He is one of the crew's favorite scapegoats for when something really weird or horrific happens.

-Contacting his mind is extremely hazardous and results in the victim being reduced to a vegetative state for the rest of their lives if they’re lucky.

-Has a number of cults of dragon below dedicated to him scattered across Eberron.

-Is the ships designated master of psychological torture and also serves as the ship’s counselor on occasion.