SWN (Back in Black): Famiglia Domici

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The Domici are a wide spread merchanting "family" with diverse interests. The family is a friendly and self-loyal corporation. Most of it's sub-divisions are not legally related to the others and the chain of command is based on a loose matrix that assumes connections made on the moment of contact.

For example, a Domici interest might be exploring an asteroid belt and have a few dozen belters employed as well as ships. During the course of time a ship is damaged beyond repair and the head of the belting interest would contact a Domici interest that deals with ship salvage. Whether or not the two units had done business together before there would be an instant relationship based on the family. The belter would get a good price that still gave the salvage team some profit, and the belter would not interfere with the salvage operations. The request would be made politely and the payment for scrap materials delivered with a fine vintage as a gift.

Employees of a Domici interest may or may not be related to the family but each unit tends to be small enough that the Division leader knows every employee by name. There are instances where a non-family member shows high value to the Domici and a suitable spouse is found that everyone is compatible with.

A very flat organization, there are only four distinct leadership ranks in the Domici. Note that family terms are used but that does not imply an actual relationship indicated by the title. For example, an "Uncle" may or may not be the individuals biological or legal uncle. Domici refer to peers as "cousins", otherwise they use the rank title for an individual; "My Uncle Vittoro".

When a Domici wants to enter the family leadership they will seek guidance from more experienced members and then set about a project. This project is funded by the individual themselves and must show a sustained profit. At a minimum the project must earn 1 million credits profit in less than one standard year, of which 20% goes to the family and 10% goes to a charitable organization. Once the ability to show sustained profit impresses an uncle, the individual becomes a "son" or "daughter", with the rights AND responsibilities to the family. At this level a "child" may get projects and funds assigned by the uncle.

Most Domici leaders are quite content to remain sons or daughters as the fellowship brings great rewards. Those that show particular talent and drive may seek to become an "Uncle"; it just takes a sustainable equivalent to 20 million credits per annum. Merchanting is one obvious angle, but other Domici own remote planets and provide rest and recreation facilities, mining operations, etc. If the Domici seeks to be an Uncle for a planet then the approval of the planet's Domici is required. Leadership is very politically oriented, though mutual profit goes a long way towards acceptance.

The Nyx cluster is home to the resident Domici "Grandfather"; one Allesandro Domici. The position is mostly organizational; Allesandro does not interfere with an uncle's business directly unless there is a significant issue at hand. However, as he knows every uncle's business intimately Allesandro provides a great level of inter-unit coordination without the usual red-tape and legalese.

The Domici leader carries the title "il Drago", for some reason lost in the mists of time. It is not known if il Drago survived the Scream as he was reputed to have many powers beyond the average human. If he did survive he has not made himself known.

In addition to business interests there are significant elements of charitable works funded and organized by the Domici. Orphanages are common, as is any effort to help people help themselves improve.

Symbolism is strong in Domici. Any family member in good standing, even non-leaders, may wear the family color combination of blue, yellow, and red. Historically the "black and silver" combination is disdained by the family though either one of itself is fine. A "child" may use some part of a draconic depiction in their business identify, but not more than 15% mass of a dragon. Full Dragons are reserved for Uncles, two dragons for Grandparents, and three for il Drago.