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My Liege, third of my life, i answer your call for recognition.

Submission? No. I quarrel with your terminology.

Let us say that i serve, but i do not serve on my knees.  I am no slave.  When Oberon told me that i would go to Thelusia I went.  When he said I would go to Diega and lay down sea-lanes, i went.  When he demanded i go to Dreana and kill King Ricardo of Brolic, i declined and took off into shadow for a while.  There is no line for Amber, but there is a line for my king.  

I served Eric. He was worthy of the throne if Oberon was not going to hold it. But there was a limit with him as well. I told him if he executed Corwin i was going out into shadow. So he imprisoned him.. Blinding him was understandable, though it tested my loyalty.

The Unicorn has chosen you. I must trust her choice. So i shall serve Amber at her request. I serve you, brother.

But do not push my loyalty. If you do, it will not be me that tries to wrest the unicorn's choice from the throne. Nor will I be his defender. Rule with wisdom, rule with patience, rule with justice, and i shall serve.

Between us, thee and I, is a bond, and i have told you, to your face, what things I will not stand for. YOu have told me, to my face, what things you will not ask of me.

I hereby render my fealty.

Prince Gerard of Amber, son of Oberon and Rilga.