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A Chuubostuck Resource



The most basic sort of enemy, they are short, ebon-skinned, and have sharp teeth and claws. Imps swarm across the worlds of the Heroes.

Single Prototypings[edit]

  • Sparkle Imp: First found on LOFAD, they are black with glittering skin. They drop Cloud Grist when defeated.
  • Bandit Imp: First found on LOFAD, they are black and wield swords. They drop Rust Grist when defeated.
  • Scrum Imp: First found on LOMAF, they are black and wear leather rugby gear. They drop Shale Grist when defeated.
  • Nostalgimp: First found on LOFAR, they exude an aura of peace and good memories.
  • Haze Imp: Made of burning syrup, they collapse when defeated and set things on fire. They drop Amber Grist when defeated.

Double Prototypings[edit]


Large and vicious, ogres are very tough and difficult to fight.


Cunning lizards, basilisks are usually double-prototyped.

  • Battle Basilisk: (Sword/Rugby)



Ayumu's Denizen. He guards the gates of the Restless Dead, and prevents them from departing from the world.


Matt's Denizen. Not yet known.


Riley's Denizen. Not yet known.


Lily's Denizen. A massive monster with a rooster head, wings, and twin snake tails for legs. Was imprisoned beneath the Titov shrine.


Lilith's Denizen. Not yet known.


Fitzwilliam's Denizen. Not yet known.