??? 1
Half-human, half-saurian
Look: Eyes: Fierce, Face: Eager, Clothing: Exotic, Body: Fine scales that blend into skin
A character in Licensed Adventuring Company, a Dungeon World game.
- Str 8 (-1)
- Dex 16 (+2)
- Con 15 (+1)
- Int 12 (0)
- Wis 9 (0)
- Cha 13 (+1)
21/21 HP, d8 Damage, Load 16
Alignment: Neutral. Goal: Defeat a personally important foe
- (Human) I've Got A Bad Feeling About This.
- (Saurian) Prehensile Tail
- I've Got A Gun! (The Snakegun! Upgrades: Repeater, Bayonet. Look: Organic. )
- Animal Companion (Snake! Ferocity +2, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +1. Fast, Intimidating. Trained to Fight Humanoids and Hunt. Weakness: Frightening)
- Command (Add Snake! stats to rolls it's trained on, including Ferocity to Damage.)
- Called Shot (Surprised or Unaware enemies may target head, arms or legs)
- THE SNAKEGUN (Weight 3, Close/Reach/Near, Piercing 2, Precise)
- 3 Ammo
- Saba the Scary, Bad-Tempered Snake
- Dungeon Rations (W1)
- Leather Armor (Armor 1, W1)
- Adventuring Gear (W1)
- Dagger (Hand, W1)
- 1 Healing Potions (0W)
- Antitoxin (0W)
Load = 7/16
- Dawn and I have shared our blood and sworn kinship.
- Lith seems fascinated with me. I'm not entirely comfortable with that.
- My assorted snakes seem to be very fond of Gnish. Surely he realizes that it's a compliment when he finds them in his bed when he wakes up.