ELS Elixir
Affiliations: Solo d6 , Buddy d10 , Team d8
Biokinesis: Superhuman Stamina d10 Biomanipulation d10 Healing d12
SFX: Genetic Reset- When Elixir is either physically stressed out or takes physical trauma he enters a coma and when he wakes up (after a transition scene) all physical stress and trauma is gone SFX: Support- Spend a PP to borrow the highest die from the Doom Pool as an asset for your next action. Step back the die and return to the Doom Pool SFX: Healer: Able to treat physical Trauma as stress for the purposes of reducing it. SFX: Pushed to the Limit- Step up or double Biokinesis power for an action and then step up physical stress. SFX: Affliction- Add a d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Biomanipulation to inflict a complication on Target. Limit: Mutant Limit: Touch- Biokinesis powers only work when Josh is touching his target. Limit: Turn to Black- When you use Biomanipulation to cause stress or add a complication take or step up emotional stress. Limit: Organics- Powers only work on organic beings (powers will not work on robots or other non-organic forms of life).
Specialties: Medical Master d10 Combat Expert d8 Science Master d10 Menace Expert d8
Distinctions: Omega Class Healer Potential Savior of Mutant Kind Scourge of the Purifiers
Milestones: Black or Gold 1xp when Josh uses his Healing Power. 3xp when Josh uses Biomanipulation to cause harm to another. 10xp when Josh either refuses to use his powers for harm another or kills with them