Coup-De-Grace: Melee Weapons
Below are three lists, to allow you to determine what special traits the weapons your mini is carrying have.
The first list is for "empty hands", which don't contain a weapon at all.
The second list is for weapons carried and wielded in a single hand. The game doesn't make a distinction between whether this is the left or right hand.
The third list is for weapons carried and wielded in both hands.
Note that the game assumes standard minis with two hands.
Some "weapons" are noted to have the keywords "NO ATTACK" in capitals. This means that they cannot be used to make a melee attack.
Note that a weapon attack's special rules only apply to attacks made with that weapon itself. For example, if you attack with a spear and an axe, only the spear benefits from the spear's rules, and only the axe benefits from the axe's rules.
If you can't find a weapon, then either find one that is close to it, or make up a new rule and add it to this page!
Empty Hands
Note that the below are used if the mini is clearly that of a fighting-type. If a mini looks more like a scholar or a mage, then instead refer to the empty hand rules on the Mage Foci page.
- Claw - Rending Attacks: On an odd numbered attack roll that hits, resolve damage, then immediately attack again with this weapon.
- Fist - Martial Artist: Unarmoured opponents are at -1 Defence against attack.
- Open Hand - Duellist: +1 Agility. If a mini has two open hands, treat one as "Fist", as above.