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Criminal Profile: Henry Jameson
Name: Henry Paul Jameson
Known Aliases: "Manic Mechanic", "HenryOneOne", "HP_UBER"
Metatype: Baseline Human
Ethnicity: Unknown/Mixed
Age: 33 years (estimated, see below)
Sex: Male
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 69.2 kg
Skin: Olive
Hair: Black, straight, short cut
Eyes: Brown
Genetic Profile Code: ff6626c69507a6f511cc398998905670
Threat Category: Moderate, Deceased.
(Lone Star perspective, write-up)
Journal, Entry 776
Priorities: Skills (A), Attributes (B), Technomancer (C), Metatype/Human (D), Resources (E)
(CC's perspective, post-'death')
Body: 1 Agility: 4 Reaction: 2 Strength: 1
Willpower: 2 Logic: 6 Intuition: 6 Charisma: 2
Edge: 8 Essence: 6 Resonance: 6