Forgotten Freedom:Savor
Sa'vor Half-fiend,Half deep dragon, Valenar elf. Classification: UBER, Heir of Sibryes, Warlock
Some Random Facts
- Sa'vor's the last heir of Vol, the last living/unliving bearer of the mark of death.
- Sa'vor's familiy escaped from the massacre of their house.
- Sa'vors mother (a deep dragon) was banished from argonesson and forced to gaurd the Imprisoned Arch-Deamon Naz'roth.
- Sa'vors half fiend nature is from exposure to fiendish energyies most of his life.
- Sa'vors warlock powers are derived from this fiendish energy.
- Was tourtured and looked down apon by society as a child.
- In a fit of bloody murderous rage he slew his Cousin and devoured his heart, then hid in his mother's lair.
- Sa'vors mother was slain by adventurers. In this fight Sa'vor was knocked uncosious and awoke in a pool of his mothers draconic blood.
- Sa'vor then accepted Naz'roth's promise of vengance and was joined with him body and soul.
- Sa'vor faught in the last war as an Assassin and warrior, cutting bloody swarves of the enemies of Cyre.
- Lying nearly dead after the day of mourning, Sa'vor was driven into psycosis. Rescued he slew his rescuer and found his love of fire and elemental powers.
- Sa'vor joined the Forgotten Freedom for a chance to spread some serious evil. Created a plot to gain the Gauntlet of Undying legions during a bank raid, this would restore Naz'roth to his full power. Jarlot and the crew defeated them and Sa'vor discovered the Sarlonans had the guantlet.
- Some time later he was caputred by Xull one of Naz'roths fellow arch Deamons.
- A large battle ensued with Xull's minions. Eventualy they and Sa'vor where destroyed.
- Sa'vor then appeared in the planes and spent almost three years on each plane being tortured, experimented on or chased down by shadowy powers.
- Sa'vors time on mabar gave him his Living/undead status.
- Sa'vor is the "Guide" to create the Illithid empire with Kithle as leader.
- Sa'vor does not seem to have feelings for any of the crew members though seems to spend a lot of time with Slip. [that has changed]
- Sa'vors mind was once shattered and split into multiple personalities. These where then gathered together to form the Sa'vor known today.
- Naz'roth no longer dwells within Sa'vors mind.
- Sa'vor despises Pholly, though the reasons for this are unknown.