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Session Start: Thu Dec 01 20:28:29 2011

<Lazarus> I've read very little, unfortunately, but it is different.
<Lazarus> hey RN
<Etheric> If you only read one thing, read the Fortitude section's Example of Play.
* BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<BethE> Hi all! *HUGS*
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Etheric> It's really interesting and shows how the system works and it's a system that's, well, not really all that much like standard Nobilis or anything I've ever seen, really.
<Random_Nerd> Well, and the character descriptions.
<Knockwood> currently reading the Child of the Sun
<Lazarus> hi Beth!
<Random_Nerd> Well, it kind of has two sets of rules.
<Etheric> That too, but I figured he could skim those and not lose too much.
<Random_Nerd> The mundane/miraculous/imperial action rules are pretty much stock Nobilis.
<Random_Nerd> But the stuff on scenes and destiny and quests are different.
<Knockwood> Is it intended for troupe play?
<Lazarus> can you try explaining, and see how well this game goes with the "GM teaches how to play" that it sounds like Jenna was after?
<Random_Nerd> In a rotating-character Ars Magica sense?
<Knockwood> yep
<Random_Nerd> I think that, if someone learned to GM from this game, they would end up as a pretty weird GM.
<Random_Nerd> But, hey. I learned to GM from Rolemaster, and look how I turned out.
<Etheric> What interests me is how the standard rules seem to fade into the background. They're only relevant for determining characters' powers and action conflicts. And a good number of the powers are Imperial anyway, and make up the rules as they go...
<BethE> *cough*
<Lazarus> there's worse games to learn to GM for than RM
<Random_Nerd> Well, the Imperial powers are about as well-defined as the Miraculous ones.
<Etheric> True, but they're not cut from a cloth of "Domain works like this," or, "You can do this with Treasure." Each one is unique,
<Lazarus> I like one of the characters is John Wick.
<Random_Nerd> Kind of...
* Angelo has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> But they all have a sort of common pattern.
<Knockwood> Hi Angelo
<Random_Nerd> They take a lot of time.
<Angelo> Hi guys!
<Lazarus> hey Angelo
<Etheric> Hey Angelo.
<Random_Nerd> They tie in with your Wish Map/Nightmare Map/Whatever The Sun Has That I Forget.
<BethE> HI Angelo! *HUG*
<Random_Nerd> And making new ones or sustaining ones will tend to tie up a wound level.
<Etheric> Proclamation Map. The Principal doesn't hgave a map though.
<BethE> Angelo, when did Ftisk get his biological self on a shirt?
<Etheric> And, for some reason I'm drawing a blank now, but weren't there one or two more Imperators?
<Angelo> Wow! I want one!!!!
<Random_Nerd> Other than those three?
<Random_Nerd> Let me think.
<Random_Nerd> Oh.
<Random_Nerd> Entropy.
<Etheric> Well, four, counting Entropy.
<Etheric> But I'd mentioned him just before.
<Random_Nerd> I can't think of any other than those four.
<Etheric> Alright, I probably just imagined it.
<Random_Nerd> Um... the Girl Detective can occasionally do Imperial miracles through Treasure.
<Random_Nerd> And Lillimund is sort of a manifestation of Chuubo's imperial power...
<Etheric> I recall being a bit floored that you actually gety to play an Imperator and that, by default, one is the main character.
<Random_Nerd> But I can't think of another that's a full-on Imperator.
<Random_Nerd> Well, bear in mind, these are Nobilis 3 Imperators, not Nobilis 1/2 Imperators.
<Etheric> Oh, I think I was thinking of Apocynum, actually. She gets Imperial miracles as a sorta-kinda Deceiver. Unless I'm still running them together in my memory which is quite possible.
<Random_Nerd> Oh, her.
<Random_Nerd> She gets Imperial miracles?
<Etheric> But right, not a full Imperator.
<Random_Nerd> I thought she just had the Second Skin stuff and some general-purpose Deceiver mojo.
<Etheric> Like I said, I'm probably misremembering.
<Random_Nerd> So... two things we should work out today if possible.
<Random_Nerd> First, who's going to run this?
<Random_Nerd> If nobody else particularly wants to, I'll do it.
<Random_Nerd> But I wanted to open it up if someone else wanted to.
<Knockwood> deafening silence?
<Random_Nerd> Okay, looks like it's me.
<Random_Nerd> Second... characters.
<Lazarus> In theory I'm willing. In practice, I suspect I'm likely to be overly frazzled and under-read
<Angelo> well, not me
<Random_Nerd> How many of you have preferences on which of the main characters you'd like to play?
<Random_Nerd> If you don't, yet, we can talk about them.
<Angelo> I have read to the bishounen only :-(
<Lazarus> First question about that is "is there character creation in this game?" which looks like a big ol' no.
<Etheric> I have a preference.
<Random_Nerd> Okay. Which character?
<@Etheric> The Prodigy is my first choice.
<@Angelo> Jenna said on sdime 3ad that there are only presets for beta test
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, Laz. In Chuubo, you play as one of several stock characters, or variants on them.
<@Etheric> There are a ton of variants, though...
<@Verithe> They all look pretty fun.
<@Angelo> I like the bishounen and the best friend most (of all the one I read)
<@Verithe> I thought you wanted to play an Excrucian, Angelo!
<@Etheric> You can actually do that, kind of.
<@Random_Nerd> There are several, one of each type.
<@Angelo> I read not all chars :-( so no excrucian yet
<@Angelo> (I really read too little of the game to make an informed choice :-( )
<@Lazarus> Entropy is on the list O.o
<@Etheric> The Deceiver is Haruhi Suzimiya. Well, more or less.
<@Verithe> If I were to play an Excrucian, my first choice would be the Practical Teacher...but I think I'd like to be the Magical Detective more.
<@Knockwood> How would you characterize ... the Rival?
<@Etheric> With more identity issues and a habit of turning people into Sailor Moon-esque monsters, so I guess not a straight copy but...
<@Random_Nerd> Well, let's look over the character types.
<@Random_Nerd> There's a Noble for each of the attributes.
<@Verithe> Rival is a mimic.
<@Lazarus> I have a second question: do we know what the other groups are playing?
<@Random_Nerd> The bishonen Idol is Persona, the Best Friend is Domain, the Girl Detective is Treasure, and the Prodigy is Aspect.
<@Etheric> You know, I missed that. I was just thinking of him as a fallen angel.
<@Random_Nerd> There are four Imperators, one of whom is also a Mimic.
<@Verithe> He's also a fallen angel.
<@Random_Nerd> A True God, a Serpent, a Fallen Angel (yes, also a Mimic) and a Whatever Entropy Is.
<@Random_Nerd> Although Principal Entropy is not the original Lord Entropy.
<@Random_Nerd> He's Entropy the Second.
<@Lazarus> (secretly a girl)
<@Random_Nerd> And, yes. He is a playable character.
<@Etheric> The flavor text more or less confirms my pet theory about Entropy!
<@BethE> Which pet theory?
<@Etheric> The one I put in Carrie's mouth a few sessions ago about hi being a Magister of the Light
<@Random_Nerd> There's also four Excrucians, one Ogre, and... I forget, what was the Class President?
<@Random_Nerd> "Magister" appears to be a generic Imperator title.
<@Random_Nerd> It's been applied to Light, Dark, and Wild.
<@Verithe> The Empty Child was an Excrucian, right?
<@Etheric> It says he looks straight at the light and won't look at people's faces. That's close to word from word the way Lightlords are described in the 3e core.
<@Lazarus> (The Wish Granting Engine is Agatha Heterodyne?)
<@Etheric> Oh, that's the one I forgot.
<@Random_Nerd> There's a few others, too.
<@Etheric> Right, a Strategist.
<@Random_Nerd> The wish granting engine is kinda a Noble.
<@BethE> Laz - no, she's Agatha Poppins.
<@Verithe> The Practical Teacher is a warmain.
<@Random_Nerd> And there's an ogre who's also kind of a Noble but mostly an Ogre.
<@BethE> I am willing to play the Wish Granting Engine or Zoe Rosewood, the Ogre Sensei.
<@Random_Nerd> But it's worth noting that this isn't really a world that has Nobles and Imperators and so on, as such.
<@Random_Nerd> In-setting, the Idol doesn't do what he do because he has Persona 3, but because that's what he can do.
<@Random_Nerd> And so forth.
<@Etheric> How dark a game do we want here?
<@Random_Nerd> Not particularly. I mean, this is basically Nobilis as a cross between high school anime and magical realism short story.
<@Random_Nerd> And neither of those is an incredibly dark genre.
<@Random_Nerd> But both can dabble in it.
<@Random_Nerd> And, I mean, this is a setting with some horrible things having happened in backstory at least.
<@Angelo> I more for a silly/light hart vibe
<@Etheric> Sure, okay.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. Hoow dark would you describe my normal Nobils game as?
<@Lazarus> our regular game is ... not so much dark as heavy.
<@Etheric> Not dark, but containing darkness?
<@Lazarus> so less ... um ... intense? would be great for this one
<@Angelo> pretty not dark
<@Etheric> Yeah.
<@Random_Nerd> But there is the occasional evil cult or vivisection or something.
<@Random_Nerd> So, that stuff's there, but it's usually not on the foreground.
<@Random_Nerd> I'd aim for about the same for Chuubo.
<@Random_Nerd> That sound good?
<@Etheric> Fine by me.
<@Verithe> That's fine with me.
<@Knockwood> hm...
<@Lazarus> I nodded. You couldn't see it.
<@Random_Nerd> So, let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Beth wanted the Engine.
<@Random_Nerd> Who else wanted a character?
<@Etheric> Prodigy here.
<@Random_Nerd> Okay. Etheric has the Prodigy.
<@Lazarus> the Engine looked best to me, too, but I can let Beth have her. I'm thinking, if I can find it, I'd probably like to give the Girl Detective a spin
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and before any of you go, make sure you give me your name/address/etc to send to Jenna, as per rule 1 of the playtest rules.)
<@Verithe> I'll go for the Practical Teacher.
<@Random_Nerd> The evil Anti-Poppins!
<@Verithe> I already sent my info to Jenna.
<@Verithe> Yes!
<@Etheric> Ah, right. Did you get my email with that?
<@Lazarus> (oh, right, there's a second set of characters. Oops. Pro'lly there)
<@Knockwood> ah yeah, where do I send mine?
<@Random_Nerd> (REDACTED)
<@Knockwood> tentatively considering the Rival.
<@Etheric> Luthien is in the first set, actually.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, I liked the Rival.
<@Knockwood> Just need to determine just how 'evil' to play him
<@Random_Nerd> Eh, the Rival isn't evil.
<@Random_Nerd> He could be, but he's chosen not to.
<@Etheric> Right after the Bishou- I mean the Idol.
<@Random_Nerd> He's just kind of a dick.
<@Verithe> The Rival has art in 3E already!
<@Random_Nerd> Oh?
<@Verithe> He's the red-winged guy in the Excrucian chapter page.
<@Etheric> There's kind of a werid parallel with the first Entropy, in that the Rival decided that being the villain wouldn't fulfill him so he'd be the hero and save them with nightmare science...
<@Knockwood> I do notice that the examples of play seem to be more concerned with mundane stuff
<@Random_Nerd> To show them! Show them all!
<@Knockwood> which, admittedly, our other game tends to do...
<@Etheric> ..and Entropy I wanted to rule the world but in one theory that's mentioned, he found out he had to save the world or there would be nothing left to rule.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, there's a limit to how mundane it can be.
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, most of the characters' main issues are kinda... out there.
<@Random_Nerd> Even if you're just sitting and talking, if you're talking about the fact that one of you has no heart because it's off powering the machine that keeps the sun from being destroyed...
<@Knockwood> (Remind me, what should I send Jenna?)
<@Lazarus> (ok, being Suzy Swan might be fun)
<@Knockwood> and the Rival builds things out of Nightmare stuff to screw over Chuubo, right?
<@Random_Nerd> Email, full name, name as you want it in the credits, snail-mail address.
<@Random_Nerd> Not to screw him over.
<@Random_Nerd> Often, in fact, to help him, but in a snide way.
<@Random_Nerd> To show him up.
<@Random_Nerd> To show that Nightmare Technology is way better than Wish-Granting Engines.
<@Knockwood> ah yes. Subtle difference.
<@Random_Nerd> After all, he has to Show Them, and chief among Them is Chuubo.
<@Etheric> So the email to you wasn't enough, and I should send Jenna too?
<@Verithe> I think Angelo might enjoy the Ideologue, but I could be off.
<@Angelo> unknown
<@Verithe> hehe
<@Random_Nerd> Because she's a weird hyperactive shapeshifter Excrucian?
<@Verithe> Perhaps...
<@Angelo> .. cool!
<@Verithe> She also turns people into monsters!
<@Random_Nerd> Sure, send it to her too.
<@Angelo> oh?
<@Verithe> Yes!
<@Random_Nerd> Otherwise I'll just be doing the same ting.
<@Etheric> Alright.
<@Etheric> I just figured it would be easiest with one email instead of seven different ones.
<@Etheric> but if there will be seven anyhow I wouldn't want to be forgotten
<@Knockwood> well, I just emailed Jenna, so...
<@Knockwood> we're in the 3E credits anyway, so we should be on file.
<@Etheric> That's true.
<@Random_Nerd> Since most of you have emailed her already, makes sense to all do so that way.
<@BethE> I don't think I want to know the files Jenna has on us...  :)
<@Angelo> most of us also puchase 3ef so a snail mail addres she must have
<@Knockwood> consider the files we ould compile on her. >:>
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and for the Ideologue, see page 162 of the October file.
<@Lazarus> (ok, either wish-created Hermione Granger, or catgirl. Tough choice.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Heh.)
<@Knockwood> How would you characterize the Rival, de Montreal?
<@Random_Nerd> Grandiose?
<@Random_Nerd> Scenery-chewing?
<@Knockwood> Shatner! Got it. :)
<@Etheric> He's the mad scientist who decided he was too good for run-of-the-mill mad scientist-ing and decided to show them all by saving the world enough times that they'd be forced to acknowledge him.
<@Knockwood> or more BRIAN BLESSED?
<@Etheric> I don't know who that is.
<@Random_Nerd> No, Brian Blessed isn't the Rival, quite.
<@Knockwood> Eth: you following MLP?
<@Random_Nerd> I can't think of a better example offhand, though.
<@Angelo> turn people in giant robot!!!
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, yes, that's the other genre-equivalent I thought of. Chuubo is kind of Nobilis as My Little Pony, isn't it?)
<@Verithe> I...what does Brian Blessed have to do with MLP?
<@BethE> Wishing is Friendship?
<@Etheric> I don't know enough about My Little Pony to comment.
<@BethE> One of the ponies speaks in a Blessed manner during an episode.
<@Knockwood> Verithe: imagine a guy who acts in the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE. :P
<@Knockwood> and, RN, how do you figure that?
<@Verithe> I...uh...ah.
<@Lazarus> I appear to be taking the magical catgirl detective.
<@Random_Nerd> How so? Well, it's a basically lighthearted setting that focuses on a small group of friends and/or rivals having adventures in a relatively small and self-contained area that is surrounded by creepy and dangerous places...
<@Random_Nerd> Interpersonal issues, but weird ones, are key in both...
<@Etheric> This will be an interesting game.
<@Random_Nerd> ...great. New explanation of The Rival.
<@Random_Nerd> He's a cross between Rainbow Dash and the Great And Powerful Trixie.
<@Knockwood> (Actually, should we try out Variants or stick to the originals?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Either.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Up to you.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Both are part of what we're playtesting.)
<@Knockwood> OK, to review, who's playing who?
<@Verithe> Practical Teacher, Mrs. Senko.
<@BethE> Lili Cartaign, bubbly fixer-upper...and Wish Granting Engine.
<@Etheric> I'm Natalia Koutolika, the Prodigy.
<@Lazarus> Luthien, Magical Catgirl Detective
<@Random_Nerd> I like that we have the Engine and the Practical Teacher...
<@Verithe> I'm amused as well.
<@Knockwood> Leonardo de Montreal, GENIUS!
<@Random_Nerd> (Super-Genius!)
<@Angelo> I.. I choose later :-(
<@Verithe> Also, that we have the Magical Detective and the Wish-Granting Engine together.
<@Random_Nerd> And, for that matter, the two characters whose main schick is coming to Town from Outside.
<@Random_Nerd> (And, yes, Russia basically is part of the Far Lands in this setting.)
<@Etheric> Ah, that's true.
<@Knockwood> Also interesting that we have the Engine and the guy who's trying to outdo it
<@Etheric> Oh, and here I thought you meant Mrs. Senko there.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, her, in a different sense.
<@Verithe> Yeah
<@Verithe> I love how this group is looking.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. So, thinking which ones I'll be using a lot as NPCs.
<@Knockwood> You'd think that forcing a list of characters would be limiting, tho.
<@Knockwood> Chuubo, obviously
<@BethE> There's just so many.
<@Random_Nerd> Eh, they're cool characters.
<@Lazarus> (Name, credit name, email address, and snail mail address?)
<@Random_Nerd> Yes, with Leonardo and the Engine, I need Chuubo.
<@Random_Nerd> And with multiple teachers, Entropy.
<@Random_Nerd> (Yes, that's correct.)
<@Verithe> They're cool characters with variants, which is nice.
<@Random_Nerd> Let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, that's most of what I wanted to handle this session.
<@Random_Nerd> Next week will be regular Noblis, and then the week after that we'll start Chuubo, okay?
<@Lazarus> (35 pages for my character sheet?! OMFG!)
<@Random_Nerd> (But most of that's explaining the rules for Treasure and so forth.)
<@Lazarus> how the hell is this going to be sold, btw, if it's pushing 1000 pages?
<@Knockwood> Only thing I wonder about is how you'll allow de Montreal to hang out with you...
<@Random_Nerd> (Think of it less as a character sheet and more like the Luthien Players' Guide.)
<@BethE> Well, there's bunches of empty spaces...
<@Random_Nerd> He doesn't hang out with them! He merely finds himself dragged into their petty problems!
<@Lazarus> (yeah, looks like it would work as a pamphlet in a box set ...)
<@Knockwood> yeah, the actual book will be a lot denser
<@Angelo> is not empty is art ready!
<@Random_Nerd> This must be made clear!
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, I see it as a boxed set.
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, a lot of the pages are /cards/.
<@Lazarus> yeah.
<@Etheric> Well, he doesn't hang out with Chuubo.
<@Angelo> me too! I all for a boxed set split into various books
<@Random_Nerd> He doesn't really have friends, in general.
<@Knockwood> If you think about it, you might be able to squeeze each character into a page or two.
<@Etheric> But he might end up banding together with the Prodigy or Magical Detective in pursuit of a common goal, right?
<@Lazarus> it would be epic to have the character sheets as a pamphlet, with deck boxes and decks for each of the miraculous actions etc.
<@Random_Nerd> If you know the Nobilis rules, you could put the mechanical aspects of the characters on the back of a postage stamp if you wrote small.
<@Random_Nerd> But there'd still be their issues and quests and biography and so on.
<@Etheric> So are we going to try to play this, or is tonight planning?
<@Random_Nerd> Tomorrow I have a final exam, so I need to go to bed sooner than usual.
<@Random_Nerd> So tonight is planning.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. Next week, normal Nobilis, or Chuubo?
<@Lazarus> So, what do we need to know for the start of the game?
<@Etheric> Alright. It makes sense to have a while to think over the game.
<@Knockwood> And next week we screw up the universe as the Amyrans?
<@Random_Nerd> You need to know your character's stuff, and at least some of the setting.
<@Knockwood> oh
<@Etheric> I wouldn't mind starting Chuubo next week, since I've gotten sort of excited about it.
<@Random_Nerd> Any other votes for Chuubo next week?
<@Knockwood> I could do that
<@Lazarus> I've been a bit excited about Chuubo as well
<@Knockwood> Chuubo
<@Angelo> I'm against
<@Lazarus> Not that I'm not about Amyra, but Chuubo is ... fantastic.
<@Angelo> but wil lgo with the majority
<@Lazarus> (as opposed to the run of the mill miraculous setting?)
<@Knockwood> well, we could encourage Angelo to pick a character... :)
<@Angelo> I'm reading the ideologue
<@Etheric> Well, with the characters we have, it'll probably be an at least partway school-focused game.
<@Random_Nerd> Yes.
<@Knockwood> let's see, who's left in the group...
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Random_Nerd> No actual classmates, though...
<@Random_Nerd> Well, possibly the Prodigy and the Sooper-Genius.
<@Etheric> Isn't de Montreal a classmate?
<@Knockwood> he's 1 year older than Chuubo
<@Random_Nerd> But Luthien's significantly younger, by default.
<@Knockwood> Left: Chuubo, who has the Engine. His best friend, who isn't actually real.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, define "real."
<@Verithe> Sometimes de Montreal helps teach.
<@Etheric> That's true. Maybe they associate in a school club, then? Something that would justify the involvement of two teachers as well as aq cast of varied ages..
<@Random_Nerd> Although, really, I see him as one of the "bad grades but good test scores" type of student.
<@Random_Nerd> Really smart, but thinks he's too good to actually apply himself much.
<@Random_Nerd> I'm inclined to have class-related stuff be by topic rather than by age.
<@Knockwood> The sun. The class rep. You're looking at the Ideologue. The Empty Child, who destroys stuff to feel better.
<@Verithe> That's fine. Actual classes aren't supposed to be experienced anyway.
<@Verithe> Well, the middle of them.
<@Knockwood> (Damn, I've been that guy. Minus the nightmare stuff. :) )
<@Etheric> I guess we'll be waiving the Location Property that says that only three things can happen between classes then...
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Angelo> O.o
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, no.
<@Random_Nerd> Only three things between classes.
<@BethE> (I'm not a teacher.)
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Etheric> So we will experience classes.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, she can't be a teacher.
<@Random_Nerd> She's neither crazy nor evil.
<@Random_Nerd> And there are rules.
<@Etheric> Isn't she crazy? She just channels it into a useful endeavor like SCIENCE!
<@BethE> Eth has a point, dear.
<@Random_Nerd> She's like the fourth most Science-focused among the PCs!
<@Verithe> And teachers can be experienced outside of school in this game, yes?
<@Etheric> She's still the only one with a Steampunk skill!
<@Random_Nerd> We'd have to do it that way, with the Practical Teacher as a PC.
<@Knockwood> (Where's the write-up for Billy Sovereign?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Is there one?)
<@Etheric> Not all the characters mentioned in the intro actually got writeups.
<@Random_Nerd> He's not a PC.
<@Knockwood> (Oops)
<@Etheric> I think he and Sphinx were left out.
<@Etheric> but Zoe Rosewood, who's mentioned as unlikely, is included
<@Random_Nerd> But she's a sympathetic character.
<@Random_Nerd> Billy's main trait appears to be that he isn't.
<@Etheric> Yeah, and I kind of have a hard time wrapping my head around how playing a bully could become fulfilling.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, he can... live indefinitely while on fire?
<@Random_Nerd> It has been proved. With Science.
<@Knockwood> You realize the Rival is a sort of intellectual bully, ne?
<@Random_Nerd> Kind of...
<@Random_Nerd> But it's more complicated for him.
<@Random_Nerd> And he doesn't actually push people around.
<@Etheric> The Ogre Teacher and the Rival each have class. That doesn't appear to be the case with Billy.
<@Random_Nerd> He helps them, but in a sneering way.
<@Etheric> Well, I don't actually know anything except from the one mention in the intro, so...
<@Random_Nerd> So I'd put him in the deeply snarky but not actually a bully category.
<@BethE> I like Zoe. Especially with the "Oh Hugh..he's soooo dreeeeeeamy."
<@Random_Nerd> Do you want to switch characters?
<@Knockwood> There should be a sidebar or something with Who Knows What
<@Verithe> Hehe
<@Etheric> Well, it's easy with Natalia.
<@BethE> Nah, I'm okay with Lili. It's just neat to think about female ogres after so long with Hugh in my head from Nobilis.
<@Etheric> I don't know any of the magical stuff and I disbelieve what I do know.
<@Knockwood> with things like Who Knows About The Engine?
<@Etheric> I admit I was quite surprised with how sympathetic she comes across. "Ogres are better." And reading it from her POV, you can believe it.
<@Random_Nerd> Let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Just about all of the PCs would know about the engine.
<@Knockwood> including Entropy?
<@Random_Nerd> I mean /these/ PCs.
<@Random_Nerd> Leonardo because he's obsessed with Chuubo and his works, Luthien because they have an existing relationship...
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. Maybe not the Practical Teacher.
<@Random_Nerd> And the Prodigy wouldn't.
<@Random_Nerd> Not yet.
<@Verithe> The Practical Teacher doesn't know much, it seems.
<@Random_Nerd> About almost everything!
<@Random_Nerd> But to be fair, she's, like, two.
<@Knockwood> wonderful trait for a teacher. :P
<@Verithe> Yes.
<@Etheric> By default Natalia doesn't know she was brought in by a wish, so do you think I could meet Lilimund in play?
<@Verithe> Her Practicality makes up for it! :)
<@Random_Nerd> Well, you'd probably know who Lilimund is. Just not what she is.
<@Etheric> Fair enough.
<@Random_Nerd> But, sure, you could meet her in play.
<@Random_Nerd> Depends on how long you see the Prodigy as having been in Town.
<@Etheric> I was thinking I'd start as a fairly novice immigrant, the better to build connections from there.
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Random_Nerd> Long enough to have realized that Town is really weird?
<@Verithe> The suggested backstory for the Magical Detective has that Lilimund masqueraded as Luthien's mother to get her into school, so maybe Mrs. Senko and Lilimund are...acquainted.
<@Etheric> Long enough to know something's up and be in denial about it.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, at least for school purposes, Lilimund is pretending to be Luthien's mother. That could get her involved in School-related stuff.
<@Knockwood> got some Recommended Viewing anywhere? :)
<@BethE> Urg. Being a single mom is hard...
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, it's more of a bond between two eccentric wandering do-gooders.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> Angelo, had time to read the Ideologue yet?
<@Angelo> I'm reading it, I'm up to "Scene & Issues"
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Angelo> also I want to read all other possible chars before committing to one
<@Knockwood> Of course.
<@Etheric> It's fair. At least get an idea of what your options are.
<@Angelo> yep eth
<@Random_Nerd> Sure.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> Thinking of the relationships between these PCs.
<@Random_Nerd> We have the Poppins Rivalry between the Teacher and the Engine. Lilimund is one of Luthien's bonds. The Prodigy has only recently met any of them.
<@Knockwood> think the Rival would want to, ah, impress the Prodigy?
<@Random_Nerd> Probably to some degree.
<@Random_Nerd> But not in a romantic sense. He's way too screwed up for that right now.
<@Etheric> I imagine that the Magical Detective is a bit of a kindred spirit. We're both trying to figure out what's up with Town, even if our styles and motivations are different.
<@Random_Nerd> Still, in a "show them all" sense, sure.
<@Knockwood> damn, there go the "Come with me and we can rule Town as master and hot babe!" scenes...
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah. Lilimund, Luthien, and Natalia have that in common.
<@Etheric> I was thinking they'd be more rivals, yeah...
<@Random_Nerd> And, in his own distinctive way, the Rival goes around solving problems too.
<@Random_Nerd> With much grumbling and theatrics.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. But how to bring the Practical Teacher in?
<@Knockwood> "These are the ... special students. Can you supervise?"
<@Random_Nerd> Well... we could give her a role as, like, Assistant Principal or something. That would lead to her trying to monitor... hijinks.
<@Etheric> I had the thought of some sort of school club that all the PCs happen to be involved in. She could be the club advisor.
<@Random_Nerd> Hey, that's an idea.
<@Random_Nerd> What sort of subject?
<@Knockwood> even better. The principal might assign her to them as a trial by fire.
<@Etheric> Verithe, what sort of subject do you imagine Mrs. Senko teaches?
<@Knockwood> (!) Student government!
<@Random_Nerd> Ideally, something that could lead to PC activities that are techically, in a letter-of-the-law sense, within the club's remit.
<@Verithe> Hrmmm...
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, I just thought of another connection. Luthien and the Rival are neighbors.
<@Etheric> Ah, right! Old Molder.
<@Etheric> And Mrs. Senko is fairly close by, in Horizon.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Verithe> Perhaps the students do school-sponsored volunteer public works around town and Mrs. Senko is just their supervisor?
<@Random_Nerd> That could work.
<@Knockwood> Either that or Detention
<@Random_Nerd> It could be both!
<@Verithe> Haha! Public works detention!
<@Knockwood> oh... some kind of Improve-Town club. They just have very different approaches/
<@Lazarus> The Breakfast Club, Nobilis style?
<@Etheric> That's a little bland for me. Volunteering doesn't really give much of a chance for interesting plotlines by itself.
<@Verithe> Every adventure is a punishment.
<@Random_Nerd> But what about them as being on the Student Civic Works Committee as a semi-punishment?
<@Etheric> Maybe something to do with technology?
<@Knockwood> the Anime Club?
<@Etheric> Well, hmm. It might work, if it were something that my character could bristle against.
<@Verithe> Mrs. Senko does not approve of the Anime Club.
<@Knockwood> hell, Haruhi's club. (Haven't actually seen that, just heard about it)
<@Etheric> Haruhi doesn't have a teacher in charge though.
<@Random_Nerd> So, the main theories are something civic-beautification-related, detention, and something engineering-related.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Random_Nerd> If it's something detention-related, we'd need the Idol as an NPC.
<@Knockwood> some kind of Civic club gives them an excuse to explore the town, maybe even during school hours.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Etheric> Oh, what if it's nominally civic beautification, but they have to deal with zombies and vampires and probably, with these PCs, a frequent mystery or two?
<@Random_Nerd> Well, this is Town.
<@Angelo> (Buffy?)
<@Knockwood> Forget it Eth, this is Town.
<@Random_Nerd> That gives the Prodigy a reason to want in. Gives her an excuse to poke around at Town weirdness.
<@Etheric> Yeah, that was my thought.
<@Verithe> Field trips!
<@Random_Nerd> Why's the Rival there, though?
<@Lazarus> Because He Can Show Them All.
<@Lazarus> of course.
<@Random_Nerd> To give him a plausible excuse to use Nightmare Science to accomplish things in a way that clearly doesn't relate to him having friends?
<@Knockwood> Exactly.
<@Etheric> Good thoughts here.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> How do you see the Rival as relating to the Practical Teacher?
<@Knockwood> or a belief that the best way to improve Town is to put him in charge
<@Knockwood> badly.
<@Random_Nerd> Because she hates Chuubo for all the wrong reasons?
<@Random_Nerd> And anyway the Bleak Academy is overrated?
<@Etheric> Hmm. How open is she about representing the Academy?
<@Verithe> Mrs. Senko loves all her students! Except for the ones with crushed souls.
<@Random_Nerd> Entirely so!
<@Etheric> I'd gotten the impression that she was sort of in a stealth deployment.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Knockwood> (looking over the
<@Random_Nerd> Well, you can play her that way if you prefer. I thought she was semi-open about it.
<@Knockwood> PT desc)
<@Random_Nerd> Let me see.
<@Etheric> It's up to Verithe, then, I suppose.
<@Random_Nerd> After all, doesn't she have propaganda about how boring and dull, and yet adult, it is?
<@Random_Nerd> To scare off the undeserving?
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Verithe> She's pretty open about the Bleak Academy, yeah. She really wants her students to excel so that she can send them there.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> What do you think she thinks of the PCs?
<@Verithe> I think she feels the need to test them.
<@Random_Nerd> The Prodigy has potential, definitely.
<@Verithe> Of course!
<@Knockwood> ah-HAH.
<@Etheric> It's interesting how Natalia is kind of the textbook example of someone who would be "worth sending," because according to Mrs. Senko's writeup it's the people who will fight even when they know it's impossible.
<@Knockwood> The PT is telling people that the Academy is a place to become a cog in a great machine.
<@Verithe> The Magical Detective, perhaps also.
<@Knockwood> The Rival wants to be the machine.
<@Knockwood> with his own cogs.
<@Etheric> That's epic, Knock.
<@Random_Nerd> But he's the least conformist of any of the PCs, in many ways.
<@Knockwood> Right. "I am superior, so I shall lead!"
<@Random_Nerd> And if his Nightmare Science never withstands peer review, how much less the eye of the Practical Teacher and her views?
<@Random_Nerd> The fact that it works must infuriate her.
<@Etheric> Hmm, I wonder if she can tell the Rival's connection to the BA? Does he give off a similar vibe?
<@Random_Nerd> For the love of god, Montreal!
<@Verithe> It must! Unless she can give a practical explanation....which might infuriate her more.
<@Random_Nerd> I imagine that coming out in play.
<@Random_Nerd> Now, how to integrate the Engine...
<@Random_Nerd> I see this as being the sort of thing she would be involved in, but by what means?
<@Knockwood> "My machines confuse you? I am so sorry. Perhaps if you learned as much as I did."
<@BethE> Community service? ^^
<@Random_Nerd> What do you think she presents as her "day job"?
<@Random_Nerd> For some reason, I'm imagining her running a vaguely-defined charity.
<@Random_Nerd> And that could work.
<@Knockwood> If she runs some organization that's dedicated to improving Town
<@Angelo> ok, nailed down to idol vs Ideologue
<@Etheric> The Grant A Wish Foundation?
<@Random_Nerd> Oh?
<@Knockwood> she could 'sponsor' the Club
<@Random_Nerd> What are your thoughts on the two, Angelo?
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, or be a Town liason...
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, great.
<@Random_Nerd> I just imagined the Engine as Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreations.
<@Random_Nerd> So wrong, yet so right.
<@Knockwood> or be the reason for the Club's existence. :)
<@Angelo> well, Ideologue jump to me for the giant robotization fix issues thing, is genius!
<@Knockwood> Got it! Chuubo wished for something to do with his friends, and the Engine created the Club. :)
<@Etheric> Is Chuubo a club member though?
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, of course.
<@Knockwood> Ayep
<@Angelo> also the idol lazy nature is cool
<@BethE> I like Knock's idea.
<@Verithe> Works for me.
<@Knockwood> which is why it's vaguely defined yet important, and has this particular group
<@Lazarus> works for me.
<@Random_Nerd> So, that gives us Chuubo, the Best Friend, and the Idol if Angelo doesn't play him as the NPC members?
<@Etheric> Ah, right, because to Chuubo, Leonardo's still a friend, even if he got all weird.
<@Random_Nerd> And, yes.
<@Lazarus> perhaps not even have the Best Friend, and have the Club be a replacement for?
<@Random_Nerd> Most terrifying of all, it means that Chuubo sees Leonardo as one of his friends.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, if I'm going to use the Best Friend at all, he should be in the club.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Knockwood> well, Leonardo might have joined on his own
<@Random_Nerd> But I don't want it NPC-heavy.
<@Random_Nerd> Sure, he thinks that.
<@Knockwood> as a way to screw with Chuubo
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, of course.
<@Random_Nerd> And for no other reason.
<@Knockwood> the Best Friend might want to stay out because of the risk of exposure
<@Random_Nerd> Assuredly.
<@Verithe> Technically, Mrs. Senko could also be considered a friend if that's the case.
<@Knockwood> Ver: Or, the club requires a teacher.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Verithe> Well, yeah...but why THAT teacher?
<@Random_Nerd> Well, he didn't specify the details.
<@Random_Nerd> That's not how the wishes work.
<@Verithe> True
<@Random_Nerd> Blame Beth!
<@Knockwood> Ver: Because she's new, gets all the bad jobs. :)
<@Etheric> We can blame some unspecified machinations of the Administrative Complex.
<@BethE> ...dear, will the theme of this game be "Blame Beth!"? And if so, do I get XP every time you say it?
<@Angelo> I second that theme! :-P
<@Etheric> You'd have to be Soun Shoujo.
<@Angelo> you Beth or me?
<@Verithe> I think, maybe, she volunteered. The club sounded a practical way, of course.
<@Random_Nerd> I could see the Ideologue in such a group too.
<@Random_Nerd> She's kind of a rabble rouser too, in a different way from the Idol.
<@Knockwood> So, Chuubo wished for a way to hang out with his friends more, and the Engine created the Club-To-Improve-Town-In-A-Vaguely-Defined-Way.
<@Etheric> I meant that blame is the Idol's xp condition.
<@Angelo> and I see this group as totally manga styled.. is only me?
<@Etheric> not just you
<@Random_Nerd> Indeed.
<@Random_Nerd> Ah!
<@Knockwood> The PCs and Chuubo joined, de Montreal as another way to show up Chuubo.
<@Random_Nerd> And the Engine is part of it, as the president and sole member of the Society For The Improvement of Town in a Vague Way.
<@Lazarus> I think I've gotta go. G'night! And Chuubo or Amyra next week? (I ... don't think it matters to me, actually ... I'll show up ready to play something!)
<@Knockwood> g'night Laz
<@Etheric> Night!
<@Angelo> night Laz!
* @Lazarus Quit (Disintegrated: On the other hand, you have different fingers.)
<@Random_Nerd> I should probably head out too.
<@Random_Nerd> I need to study or sleep.
<@Etheric> Good luck on the exam.
<@Random_Nerd> Ideally, both, but alas, RN may not direct the laws of the world.
<@Knockwood> good luck RN
<@Angelo> good luck RN!!!!!!!!!
<@BethE> (El Presidente' for Life of the Society!)
<@Etheric> If you were a sun-kingdom bird spirit you really could do both at once
<@BethE> But our bed would burn out.
<@Etheric> there are always sacrifices
<@Angelo> lol!
<@BethE> But it's a really comfy bed...
<@Angelo> and let only HIS half burn?
<@Etheric> You can't make an omelette without burning a few beds.
<@Random_Nerd> Before I head out... I'm inclined to make the Teacher live near the Rival and the Detective.
<@Random_Nerd> Any objection?
<@Random_Nerd> That way, more chance for them to encounter Mr.-Senko-related weirdness.
<@Angelo> nope
<@Knockwood> How close?
<@Etheric> Sounds good to me.
<@Random_Nerd> Either within close walking distance, on the route to School, or both.
<@Knockwood> OK by me.
<@Random_Nerd> Any questions before I go?
<@Knockwood> What is the connection between this and the standard Nob setting?
<@Verithe> Nope! Take care!
<@Angelo> nope
<@Angelo> Chuubo is a weird, one of a kind chancel?
<@Random_Nerd> None.
<@Random_Nerd> Although I'm inclined to say that Natalia has a cousin in Amyra, just 'cos.
<@Etheric> Knock, check page 4 of the first playtest PDF
<@Random_Nerd> But, really, I'd say it's a separate but similar setting.
<@Etheric> Works for me.  :)
<@Verithe> It's...not quite a Chancel.
<@Random_Nerd> And not in continuity with my other game, even when there are characters like Entropy with some connection.
<@Angelo> me too
<@Random_Nerd> Too many Imperators, for one thing.
<@Random_Nerd> And outside it isn't the Earth, but the Outside.
<@Knockwood> ah yeah, forgot about that
<@Random_Nerd> Which isn't quite the same as the normal Outside.
<@Etheric> Yes.
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway, I'm out.
<@Random_Nerd> See you guys next week.
<@Knockwood> g'night RN
<@Etheric> So are we all decided on being a volunteer cleanup club that ends up cleaning up vampires with a club advisor who at least pretends not to believe in such silly things?
<@Etheric> Ah, night RN.
<@Angelo> nigh RN and good study
<@Knockwood> what vampires?
<@Random_Nerd> The vampires.
<@Random_Nerd> In Town.
<@Etheric> The ones that are in Horizon but kind of glossed over in the text
<@Random_Nerd> Nobody but the Prodigy thinks it is unusual that there are vampires.
<@Angelo> town is moster and vampire full
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, it's Town.
<@Knockwood> OK
<@BethE> Night, guys! *HUGS*
<@Etheric> All right, maybe I misunderstood it then...
<@Angelo> night Beth!
<@Random_Nerd> Well, the Practical Teacher doesn't believe in vampires.
<@Random_Nerd> But that's because she's mental.
<@Etheric> It says Mrs. Senko's XP condition is exasperation at her explaining away all the supernatural stuff.
<@Etheric> Ah, all right! That's what I thought.
<@Random_Nerd> And she doesn't think it's unusual.
<@Random_Nerd> Because unusual things don't exist.
<@Random_Nerd> No sireee.
* @BethE Quit (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<@Random_Nerd> Just the ordinary run-of-the-mill mundane things.
<@Etheric> This has the weirdest anime vibe... Part Haruhi and part S.E.E.S.
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway, g'night.
<@Random_Nerd> S.E.E.S?
<@Angelo> SEES?
<@Etheric> Persona 3 extracurricular club that ends up fighting Shadows
<@Random_Nerd> Ah.
<@Etheric> and the Haruhi connection is how the person nominally in charge doesn't believe in all the weirdness going on
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway, let's do Chuubo next week.
<@Random_Nerd> See you then.
Session Close: Thu Dec 01 22:41:21 2011