After the Cataclysm - COMBAT TRACKER

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After the Cataclysm B/X Campaign - Main Page

   Character:                 Total Current Armor  Init.  Move  Melee  Primary    Secondary  Ranged   Primary   Secondary         
                                HP    HP    Class  Bonus  Rate  Bonus  Melee     Melee     Bonus    Ranged      Ranged     
   Toroth the Godsthief         10    10      2     +0      9"    +0   Mace 1d6 Axe 2d8+4   +2   Hammer 3d6+5  Crossbow 1d6  
   Exoth the Unexpected          7     7      7     +0      9"    +1   2H Sword1d10+1   HAxe 1d6+1  +0   Axe 1d6+1     Shortbow 1d6              
   Aelred of the Emerald Order   3     3      9     +0     12"    +0   Dagger 1d4  Dagger1d4+1 +3   Sbow1d6(+0/1/2)  Dagger 1d4+1  
    Ogóul:      - 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5   
    Hold Portal  Magic Missile  Shield  Levitate  Mirror Image  Invisibility  Fireball  Haste  Invisibility 10' radius 
    Confusion  Dimension Door  Polymorph Others  Animate Dead  Hold Monster 
    Willard:    1 1 2 2