Forgotten Freedom:Terra

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Revision as of 07:09, 17 June 2006 by Kaizer Ryu (talk | contribs)
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Full Name: Terra Branford (yes, based on the main character of Final Fantasy VI)

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Age: ~250 years

Current Class/Level: Druid 11/Sorceress 16/Psion 8/Soulknife 2

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Terra is leader of one of the major factions of Eberron's black market. Based in Sharn, she funds her operation through the trafficing of drugs (many of which she created herself) and the smuggling of rare items. She rules her organization with a combination of benevolence for those that abide by her orders and iron-fisted cruelty for those who do not. As a means of protection from assassins, she has had several grafts. These include Incendiary Skin and permenant Acid Resistance. More recently, she has added Regeneration and several vine tentacles that she can call upon when neccessary.

For a drug smuggler and crime lord, she is actually not that bad a person so long as you don't cross her. She has a strong sense of honor and will defend those she holds dear to the death if she must. Though the cost of failure during her mindgames with the Redshirts is often rather lethal, she does not revel in needless slaughter and hopes her 'lessons' help the survivors become stronger.

She initially came aboard for new ideas for her trade. She obtained permission of the Captain to use the crew as guinea pigs to test her creations in exchange for supplying the crew with said products at far below market price. She also works with the Cooky, Norbaz, in testing the effects of her creations in less subjective conditions (i.e. she spikes the food). There was a contract involved, but most of the crew didn't read it and signed it because they were told to.

As part of her Druidic heritage and chosen profession, she runs a rather complex network of animal spies running throughout Eberron and even into some of the Planes. Complimenting this is the intelligence gathered by her operatives in the field. It has only recently become clear that she can also hear the Material Plane itself and gathers much this way as well.

Originally from the Plane of Shadow, as a child she narrowly avoided being sacrificed to a Demon Lord by her father. In a freak accident, she ended up on the Material Plane with no knowledge of her past. She was eventually taken in by a Druidess and inducted into that society. Her adoptive mother taught her most of what she knows about plants, chemicals, and their effects on sentient lifeforms. In a recent series of events, she relearned of her past and was eventually recaptured. Her latent genetic power to control shadows was released, and she was set against the crew under the effects of a Dominate Person spell. Eventually breaking free, she defeated both her father and the Demon Lord with the help of the crew.

A member of the Wardens of the Woods in the Eldeen Reaches, Terra is a bit of a black sheep among their ranks. Due to her semi-demonic nature (no true demonic blood, but has many of the effects of it), she is facinated by "unnatural" things. The twisted forms left over from the Daelkyr invasion thousands of years ago found in the deep woods intrigue her rather than repulse her. This goes toward explaining why, despite being a Druidess who reveres the natural world, she travels with Volrath and keeps an abberation as her animal companion.

Terra is one of the few Ubers who rose to such status while on board. During a trip to Dal Quor, she fused with an imprisoned spirit from her companion abberation, Not-Walter, gaining his powers, abilities, and memories. Her original personality remains dominant and little change is apparent. The two of them were so close that they had already taken on many of each others personality traits.

One of the more interesting facets of her personality (and apparently more popular) is that she is unabashedly lesbian. Soon after coming aboard, she begain expressing an interest in Lisa Hopeforge, the ship's Paladin. Surprisingly enough, they have actually entered into a rather intimate relationship (in every sense of the word). They are currently engaged, though no date is set for the wedding yet.

She knows Volrath and Muradin well, having traveled with them in the past. She is also seldom bothered by Volrath's antics, having seen most of them before. Their relationship is more brother and sister, with the potential for both friendly and antagonistic exchanges.

She currently works with Kithle towards the creation of the Illithid Empire as his spymaster.

-Links and such will be added as the pages fills out


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