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This mid-sized cargo liner is an older model that’s distinguished by its slower speed and thickened hull. Though it’s small for its class, the Polaris is a heavier ship that was once manufactured by the Trans-U shipping company. Because it’s not widely used and is no longer in production, pilots who recognize this ship will find it odd no matter who’s at the helm...

  1. Plot point when taking d4 instead of d8
  2. Misunderestimated: Step Up or Double any Attribute Die. Spend a plot point to do both. Afterwards the ship is Taken Out until repaired.
  3. Spacious : When using a location-based Asset or other Trait in your pool, spend a plot point to step up or double that Asset or Trait for that roll.


Your boat has been in service a long while. It’s probably had a few different owners and crew in its time, but it’s also got a fair amount of charm.

  1. 'Plot point when taking d4 instead of d8
  2. Well-Loved: Crewmembers on board may share Plot Points with another Crewmember who’s operatin’ the ship.
  3. They Don’t Make ’Em Like This Anymore: Step back the difficulty die when making a Fix roll to repair the ship. Step up any Complications that result.:


This ship was customized with bigger, fuel guzzling engines. On full throttle there are not many ships in the 'Verse that can outrun it. But it can't keep going that fast for long. It is fast but not designed to maneuver particularly well.

  1. Plot point when taking d4 instead of d8
  2. Moves like a fish, steers like a cow : When pouring on the speed. Step up or Double Engine Die, or use a Plot Point to do both. When used for maneuvering any complication is stepped up.
  3. Full Burn: Spend 1 Plot Point to reroll a pool containing the engines dice. On your subsequent roll, both 1s and 2s count for Complications.

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