Race: 1/2 Wood Elf
Class: Druid
Str 11
Int 13
Wis 19
Dex 11
Con 12
Cha 15
Com 14
HP: 43
GP: 400
Age: 46
Alignment: TN
Magical Items[edit]
Staff of Striking
Ring of Protection +3
Potions of Climbing, Flying, Extra-Healing, Polymorph (Self)
Ring of Mammal Control
Leather armor
Brown wollen robes and hooded cloak, rough.
Soft leather boots
Large leather shoulder sack with some bread, cheese, spell components, and a skin of good wine. Also a small sewing kit, good for clothes or people. Sling and 12 bullets. Flint and Steel.
Old female wolf, "Maggie"
Two functional camp knives
Weapon Proficencies[edit]
Staff, knife, sling
+3 1st, +2 2nd, +1 3rd, +1 4th
1st 7
Animal Friendship
Entangle (x2)
Farie Fire (x2)
Locate Animal
Speak with animals
2nd 6
Cure Light Wounds (x3)
Fire Trap
Warp Wood
3rd 4
Call Lightening
Cure Disease
Neutralize Poison
Stone Shape
4th 3
Cure Serious Wounds (x2)
Speak with Plants
Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Friends, Hypnotism
Charm spells cast by any creature associated with woodlands. Dryads, nypmhs, sylphs, etc.
30% resist sleep and charm
Change for 3x day (reptile, bird, mammal) Size from bullfrog to black bear (2x size of druid). Each change removed 10-60% of any hit point damage druid has taken.
Druidic, TN, Common, Elvish, Gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll Treeent, Dryad, Green Dragon, Hill Giant, Manticore, Lizardman
Special Abilities[edit]
ID Plant, animal, pure water
Pass through overgrown areas
60' Infravision
Secret doors 1 in 6 pass by, 2 in 6 search. 3 in 6 concealed door.