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<@Knockwood> OK, who's actually read the Scene rules?
<@Lazarus> (ah, so T is a zombie!)
<@Verithe> I've been sick all week. I forgot.
<@Theresa> I completely forgot! And, I'm lazy.
<@Lazarus> I forgot, too, honestly. Still kinda bleargh, and work's been draining me. So!
<@Angelo> I read them ... but ... there are so many!
<@Knockwood> I've read...part of them
<@Random_Nerd> I read them months ago!
<@Knockwood> It looks like they require the players to actually know what the hell they're doing. HUGE problem. :D
<@Theresa> Yes, but you're the GM.
<@Random_Nerd> Did you look at Rand's quick guide to them?
<@Knockwood> oops, missed that
<@Verithe> I did!
<@Lazarus> there's a quick guide?
<@Angelo> yep RN send us a mail with them day 3 Feb
<@Random_Nerd> It's quite helpful.
<@Lazarus> so ... oops. Actually, I may have read it, thinking on it. Just ... don't remember.
<@Angelo> subject: Fwd: Chuubo Indexes
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, everyone want to take a few minutes to go over that?

  • Theresa is now known as Lili
  • Lazarus is now known as Luthien
  • Knockwood is now known as deMontreal
  • Angelo is now known as Shounen

<@deMontreal> can't find it.
<@Random_Nerd> I can resend it.
<@Random_Nerd> Which email address?
<@deMontreal> [redacted]
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Random_Nerd> Sent.

  • Verithe is now known as Mrs_Senko

<@Lili> Hmm, would Lili deciding to give the Nightmare Engine her number and such be a defiance scene?
<@Random_Nerd> Could be.
<@Random_Nerd> Depends how you did it.
<@Shounen> or decisive
<@Shounen> or methamorphosis
<@Random_Nerd> Faith, Sorcery, or Science, even.
<@deMontreal> wonder if Rand is going to wind up a co-author
<@deMontreal> so, let me see if I have this right...
<@deMontreal> Scenes start when either we consciously start one or realize "Hey, this looks like a (X) scene".
<@deMontreal> If we play through the 'rules' for that kind of scene, we get Destiny at the end.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Random_Nerd> And how much destiny depends on how many people were involved, and the extent to which the scene was interesting and completed.
<@deMontreal> How much depending on how much we contribute/go along and how much happens.
<@deMontreal> Well, let's see what we can do right off the bat
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@deMontreal> Are we starting where we stopped last time?
<@Random_Nerd> Now, I've been trying to implement the system unilaterally, but it would be so much smoother if we had everyone on board...
<@Random_Nerd> Now, last time we'd stopped at Casa deMontreal for supplies, right?
<@Shounen> yep
<@deMontreal> "Supplies". Right.
<@Shounen> deM showed us how the nightmare engine work
<@Shounen> Lili have a chush for it
<@deMontreal> the others are going ooh and aah at it.
<@Shounen> crush*
<@deMontreal> Luthien is risking being thrown into it
<@Luthien> I think I was hiding :) Again :)
<@Shounen> (it = de engine not the heartless deM)
<@Mrs_Senko> Hiding is what I recall
<@Mrs_Senko> Also, Mrs. Senko was bored and impatient to get on with things.
<@Shounen> Luthi is under her invisibility mantle ... somewhere in the palace
<@Lili> Lili is struck in the heart by Cupid's arrow (with gears on it) for the Nightmare Engine!
<@Shounen> uhm! Ops sorry!
<@deMontreal> should be easy, considering Luthien is the catgirl. :)
<@Luthien> I wouldn't have thought that Lili would fall for her opposite. Maybe she's just attracted to bad boys? :p
<@Lili> (Now, if deMontreal would just leave her and the Engine alone for a little bit, some getting to know time, some exchange
<@Lili> But he's all....shiny!
<@Luthien> you know he's no good for you ;)
<@deMontreal> Quick reminder: who knows what about who?
<@Lili> Obviously she has to be told this. It will be a great tragic tale, as deMontreal will try to keep us apart, like Romeo and Juliet but with more lube and gears.
<@Shounen> me nothing about anyone! I nap all time! :-P
<@deMontreal> or possibly tie her to some railroad tracks somewhere
<@Lili> Luthi knows I'm the Engine. I think deMontreal has figured it out. Chuubo's confused about it. I think that's it.
<@deMontreal> would I, though? Based on what?
<@Luthien> I'm almost certain no one pays any real attention to Luthien. (It's on her character sheet, even! :D)
<@Lili> You are the great deMontreal! Of course you would know!
<@Lili> Lili does!
<@Random_Nerd> DeMontreal knows it because he's Chuubo's stalker.
<@deMontreal> ah yeah.
<@Shounen> brb -> cheese hunting....
<@deMontreal> so what's the template Scene type for 'PCs snark at each other'?
<@Lili> Can we expect yaoi-ness between deMontreal and Chuubo?
<@Random_Nerd> Eh, neither of them seems actually interested in sex.
<@deMontreal> And be careful, Angelo, who knows how many people wind up in the hospital from cheese maulings.
<@Lili> But if you fry their legs, the cheeses become docile.
<@Shounen> back! with a new kind of cheese never tried before!
<@Mrs_Senko> What kind?
<@Shounen> is called "total 0%" fell like yogurt with less water... :-/
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Mrs_Senko> Interesting
<@Random_Nerd> So, has everyone had a chance to review the quick guide to the scene rules?
<@Lili> Snarking seems to be walking your path...slice of life...shared reactions?
<@deMontreal> RN, it's 122 pages!
<@Shounen> all 122 pgs not but the quick lookup pages in the quick guide yep
<@Shounen> (pgs 4,5,6)
<@Lili> Quick lookup stuff, yes.
<@Random_Nerd> At least look at the early stuff at the beginning with how they work, the thumbnail guide, and so on?
<@Random_Nerd> (Plus, I mean, you did have two weeks.)
<@Lili> I apologize, RN. I completely forgot to look at this stuff.
<@deMontreal> OK, so, if they're still gawking...
<@Luthien> I remember how they work now.
<@deMontreal> alternatively, we could hook up the stuff it made to the DxM.
<@deMontreal> Either way, it counts as a 'Walking My Path' scene?
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Random_Nerd> It could.
<@deMontreal> ... or Foreshadowing?
<@Random_Nerd> Sounds better.
<@Random_Nerd> Hooking up nightmare guns to your war zeppelin doesn't strike me as obviously fitting into "doing simple, honest things..."
<@deMontreal> and basically if we help each other we could get +10 Destiny?
<@deMontreal> well, maybe the engines. :)
<@Random_Nerd> If you guys do the foreshadowing together, and it lasts a while, and it's a fun scene, then yeah.
<@deMontreal> what time is it IC?
<@Random_Nerd> Nonspecific time in the evening.
<@Random_Nerd> The sun hasn't fully set, but it will soonish.
<@Mrs_Senko> "Club time is over. Everyone go home!"
<@deMontreal> (Occurs to me I'm not sure how everyone else will get home...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Shall we start?)
<@Mrs_Senko> Walk?
<@Shounen> (me too)


<@Mrs_Senko> (Sure)

  • @Lili is captivated by the Engine!
  • @Shounen yawn

<@Random_Nerd> (There's a bus system. Luthien lives within easy walking distance. Senko could probably... I don't know, have parked a car nearby, which she can drive, as adults do.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Where does Lilimund live?)
<@deMontreal> "Alvin, you and the spider squad go ahead and install those on the ship."
<@Lili> (What is this sleep thing you puny mortals talk about? ^^ )

  • @Mrs_Senko secretly writes a letter to father, telling him about her discovery of the uses of green tape, among other things.

<@Shounen> (is one of the sweetest thing you can do Lili :-P )
<@Lili> (But she has her world and I think it has a connection with the Shopping District.)
<@deMontreal> to the others: "Truly, this is an age of miracles."
<@Random_Nerd> Alvin: "Very good, sir."

  • @deMontreal observes Lili...

<@Lili> "Indeed...say, deMontreal, mind if I take a look at your Engine? Sure? Why thank you...."
<@deMontreal> "Look from up here only.
<@deMontreal> "I would hate for you to get caught in the gearwork."
<@deMontreal> You get the distinct impression he's mainly worried about the gearwork.
<@Random_Nerd> Nightmare Engine: *whurring sound*

  • @Lili looks sad. "'s so far away..."

<@deMontreal> "Yes. Far away... from you. Such a shame."

  • @Lili will talk to the Engine in machine-language!

<@Shounen> to deM: "This engine look like a big task.. how much time you invested in it?"
<@deMontreal> (Good question, actually...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Ambiguous! You don't quite recall the details of building the Engine.)
<@Random_Nerd> (But then, a lot of your history around then is... fuzzy.)
<@Random_Nerd> (But it's probably not because you're an amnesiac fallen angel.)
<@deMontreal> "No more than necessary,I assure you."
<@Random_Nerd> (I mean, occam's razor!)
<@Random_Nerd> (...huh. DeMontreal is the opposite of Otherkin. He has the delusion that he isn't secretly a mysthical being of great importance.)
<@Lili> *to the Engine* ~"Hello! My name's Lilimund the Wish-Granting Engine! Pleased to meet you!"~
<@Shounen> "well..."
<@Lili> (Using Title, by the way.)
<@Luthien> (Title?)
<@Random_Nerd> Engine: "Grinding gear sound. Whrr! Tappy-tappy noise! Sound like a giant metal hamster crying!"
<@deMontreal> (I'd say he believes in the Great Importance part, it's the reason for it where he's goofy.)
<@Random_Nerd> (It's like a Skill, but it's about who you are rather than what you can do.)
<@deMontreal> "Hm. Several hypotheses were just confirmed."
<@Lili> ~"That's amazing! And you've done all of this creating yourself?"~

  • @Luthien whispers to Lili "I thought you weren't supposed to say that out loud? The who you are thing?"

<@deMontreal> (Assuming I understand what she's saying)
<@Shounen> (she talked in machine language to the engine)
<@Random_Nerd> (And the machine didn't talk in machine language, it just made machine sounds.)
<@Luthien> (oh! n/m, then)
<@Shounen> (n/m = we all hear her or she don't say nothing?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Leonardo does seem like the sort of guy who'd speak machine language, though. I mean, he is the man who designed the Loathsome Sulk-O-Meter.)
<@Lili> (I probably just sound like gears and mechanical parts moving.  :) )
<@deMontreal> (You hear but don't understand her)
<@deMontreal> (Can I speak machine language?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Let's say you could catch about a third of it.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Enough to get the general gist, but not be certain about your interpretation.)
<@deMontreal> (in that case, amend my last statement:)
<@deMontreal> "Hm. Several hypotheses were just ... supported."
<@Shounen> to deM: "what?"
<@Lili> ~"So, uh, would you like to communicate and swap data sometime? I have a world-portal near the shopping district and I'd love to talk with someone of your... caliber."~
<@deMontreal> "Do. NOT. Contaminate. My. Engine."

  • @Shounen look under the shoes for dirtiness or stuff

<@Random_Nerd> Engine: ~"Grumble! Whine! Nobody understands me!" *to Leo* "You're not my real dad!"~
<@Shounen> (toEngine: LOL!)

  • @deMontreal has his eyes roll into the next town.
  • @Lili giggles.

<@Shounen> (is that slice of life?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Let's see...)

  • @Lili rattles off a string of binary that translates into a phone-code that the Engine can use to talk/call her with.

<@Random_Nerd> (Sure. I'll buy that.)
<@Random_Nerd> (It was mostly Lilimund, so I'm calling it a Player Driven Scene. 5 destiny into the pool.)
<@deMontreal> (Hey, I did a little.)
<@Shounen> (he said mostly)
<@Random_Nerd> (Note, player-driven, not player-pushed.)
<@Random_Nerd> (So, 5 rather than 3.)
<@Random_Nerd> (But not the whole "a fun and meaningful scene happens thanks to the machinations of the HG, or because a player took action on somebody else's suggestion,")
<@Lili> *to deMontreal* "Really, deMontreal, you really shouldn't be such a nanny. And I'll have you know that I am completely virus-free!"
<@Shounen> "Who is nanny-ing deMontreal?"
<@deMontreal> "Free of viri, maybe. You carry memesets that are pernicious in their own right.
<@Shounen> "Alvin?"
<@deMontreal> to Shounen: "Lili here can speak to my Engine in its own language."
<@Random_Nerd> Engine: ~"No one understands me! I am a dark and tormented soul! Way more dark and tormented than Leonardo, who's just a big poser!"~

  • @Lili 's eyes sparkle.

<@deMontreal> to the Engine: "I built you!"
<@Shounen> "oh! Cool! And .... they talk about? Weather? And Tea?"
<@Random_Nerd> (I have decided that the engine relates to Leo like a whiny teenaged kid. This is why whenever he gets it to do something big, it goes into a huge useless sulk for a while.)
<@Lili> (It's your own fault; his sulk-o-meter is still high.)
<@deMontreal> (It's less than 5 minutes!)
<@Lili> "Well, we've just introduced ourselves."
<@Luthien> (hee!)
<@Lili> (Have you seen how much sulk a teenager can put out in 5 minutes?)
<@Random_Nerd> Engine: ~"I didn't ask to be built! Make your own nightmare zeppelin guns, if you care about them so much!"~
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, I'm upgrading this to Cooperative Scene.)
<@Shounen> ( :-D )
<@Shounen> (are around some spiders or other minions?)
<@deMontreal> to the others: "aHEM. Anyway. Let's add those parts to the ship.
<@Luthien> (I wish I could talk Machine. 'cause Luthi and the Engine could sulk together!)
<@Random_Nerd> Alvin, from the zeppelin riggings: "Already at work, sir."
<@Lili> "But really, deMontreal, I'd love to talk to the Engine some more, maybe a bit more privately, but if you have to chaperone, I'm sure you have some knitting or something to do while we talk."
<@deMontreal> (Ariadne is right beside me)

  • @Shounen approach a spiderbot and sparkle

<@Random_Nerd> Alvin: "If I may ask, will sir be attempting to conquer Town beneath his iron bootheel? Because, if so, I believe you have requested that I review with you whether or not this will in fact Show a sufficient percentage of Them All."
<@deMontreal> "The ship should go faster whenever I need ... we. We need to go anywhere."
<@Random_Nerd> Spiderbot: ~"ooooh"~
<@deMontreal> to intercom: "Not quite yet, Alvin. Still assessing the ship's potential.
<@Mrs_Senko> "Mr. de Montreal. There will be no conquering Town beneath your iron bootheel on club time."

  • @Shounen wisper "Dear bot#1, is there a place where I can nap comfly?"

<@deMontreal> "But set up a target range."
<@Lili> "What is considered 'sufficient'?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alvin: "Also, the boots with the iron heels have not yet had the rust fully removed from last time, so you would have to use the steel ones."
<@deMontreal> "Always necessary to do preparation."
<@Random_Nerd> Spiderbot: *grabs Shounen's pantsleg in one spiderclaw and tries to tug him in a particular direction*

  • @Shounen follow botMinion#1

<@Lili> "I mean, 51% might be asking for too much, but if you can't even Show a quarter of the people..."
<@deMontreal> "Let's look over the ship...."
<@Random_Nerd> It leads Shounen to a side-room, and pulls the cord to turn on a lightbulb. In the room is a piece of furniture covred in red and black fabric, with the label "Ineffably Magnificent Nightmare Couch Prototype #7"
<@Random_Nerd> It looks comfortable, but also somewhat creepy.
<@Lili> (But there's no skulls on it.)
<@Random_Nerd> Alvin: "Current projections favor a plan that will Show at least 95% of the population."
<@deMontreal> (Skulls are gauche.)

  • @Shounen pat the spiderbot "thank you dear! Is there also a blanket?"

<@Lili> "Oh, that's quite a lot of Showing. Do you have a total outfit planned, deMontreal? Because I know this fantastic boutique in the Shopping District..."
<@deMontreal> "That percentage is pro-rated should a portion of the population... disappear, of course."
<@Random_Nerd> The spiderbot scurries out, and then returns with the Quilt of Doom.

  • @Shounen tentatively sit on the couch

<@Lili> (Don't ask a spiderbot for a blanket. *spins*)
<@Luthien> "It is a fantastic boutique! I got my hat there!"
<@Lili> (Does deMontreal get a discount on all of the capital letters?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Fedora, hard-boiled decective style?)
<@Random_Nerd> (He manufactures his own Ominous Capital Letters, so he can get them at cost.)
<@Shounen> "how cool! But is ther esomething withput Doom in his name?"
<@deMontreal> (I get 'em in bulk with a membership in Megalomaniacs Anonymous.)
<@deMontreal> so how's the ship look?
<@Lili> (I hear the latest crop that they were going to harvest from the Internet ended up with a Caps Lock turning-off tragedy.)
<@deMontreal> (Also, where did Luthien come from?)

  • @Lili waves at the Engine. ~"I have to go now, but I hope to talk again with you soon! It's been a pleasure to meet you!" *bright and shining happy smile!*

<@Random_Nerd> (Great, what's Shounen's Issue that relates to getting enough sleep?)
<@Lili> (She did not get eaten by your hounds.)
<@Luthien> (Luthien's been lurking :))
<@Luthien> (oh yeah, that's where I was hiding!)
<@Random_Nerd> Engine: ~"You are slightly less intolerable than the other things I have experienced today, tiny creature."~
<@Shounen> (issue? don't remember that there is an issue on shounen sleep)
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, yes, it's the one that relates to things interfering with him getting his sleep...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Speaking of which...)

  • @deMontreal makes sure everyone's out of the Engine room...
  • @Lili blushes. ~"Flatterer."~

<@Random_Nerd> Shounen's cellphone rings. Yes, he has one. No doubt it is an unearthly emination of his magnificent awesomeness crystalized into the form of consumer electronics.
<@Lili> (I need to remember to send the Engine a picture of the Wish-Granting Engine sometime.)
<@Random_Nerd> The little panel at the front says the call is from "Minion #18."
<@deMontreal> (Still in the same scene or starting a new one?)

  • @Shounen annoyed read the name "Yes number 18? What's up?"

<@Random_Nerd> (New one.)
<@Random_Nerd> "Boss! Boss, I need your help, I'm having a really weird day!"
<@Random_Nerd> "I was talking with that chick, the one with the glasses who used to spend all her time in the library, and then I blacked out!"
<@Shounen> "to18: "How weird?"

  • @Lili will allow herself to be pushed out of the Engine room toward the DEM.

<@Random_Nerd> "And when I came to, I was in the ruins of a collapsed building, and Mrs. Rosewood was standing there. And she said I had detention for a whole week!"
<@Random_Nerd> "I'm freaking out here, Boss!"
<@deMontreal> (And when he woke up, everyone was a pony!)
<@Shounen> (he is the werewolf!)
<@Shounen> to18: "did you recall nothing?"
<@Lili> (Aha, @ Shonen! )
<@Random_Nerd> "I was just telling the weird chick about how I got rejected from the lacrosse team's main lineup... you know, she's a really good listener... and the next thing I knew, I had detention!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and Shounen gets a point of It Never Stops.)
<@Shounen> to18: "hold a sec"
<@Lili> (See, that's what you get for talking to a girl with glasses in the library.)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Next thing you know, you're a Were-thing)

  • @Shounen use "What the heart dream of" (S.Shounen is the end of journey) to go #18
  • @Shounen pat him on shoulder and offer solidarity to #18
  • @deMontreal does a head count...

<@Random_Nerd> For a moment, you pass through emptiness on your way there. But for once, you're not alone there. You feel someone else show up at the same moment.
<@Random_Nerd> It's Mrs. Rosewood.
<@Lili> (Uh-oh.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Who just used "Zoe Rosewood is just around the corner")
<@Mrs_Senko> (!!!)
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "Ah, mister Shounen. I should have known you would have something to do with this."
<@deMontreal> "We're missing someone..."
<@Random_Nerd> A spiderbot scurries in, and does a worried little dance.
<@Mrs_Senko> "We're missing two someones, Mr. de Montreal."
<@Shounen> "Good day teacher and I'm not related to nothing here" *Smile*
<@deMontreal> (Are we?)
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "So you're just appearing out of nowhere for no reason?" *looks at #18, a vaguely athletic guy* "And this is one of your hangers-on, isn't he?"
<@Mrs_Senko> (Luthi's still hiding)
<@Random_Nerd> Spiderbot tries to get Leo's attention.
<@Shounen> "Yes he is my friend, what troubles hit him?"
<@Lili> (What's semaphore for 'I lost the Shiny One, boss! I havge to find him!')
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "Are you aware of the fact that it is against the School Rules for any student to attempt to destroy School with a giant monster, mister Shounen?"

  • @Shounen show disbelief

<@deMontreal> "Ah, the Slacker and the Catgirl are missing."
<@Shounen> to18: "Where you the werewolf thing?"
<@deMontreal> "I could simply release the seethe-hounds to find the latter..."
<@Random_Nerd> 18, looking between Zoe and Shounen: "I... I wasn't any kind of werewolf! Giant or otherwise!"
<@Shounen> toZoe: "See? was not him!"
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "Please. Denials will get you nowhere. You're lying in the crushed building that the giant werewolf got thrown into, and you're covered in dust. I bet you have bits of rubble under your fingernails."
<@deMontreal> (Didn't Luthio already show herself?)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Is it against the rules to attempt to destroy School as a giant monster?)
<@Lili> "Not necessary." *calls* "Come on, Luthi, we need to investigate how the ship is doing with the new attachments! We may need you to improve them!"
<@Lili> (She talked but she didn't show herself.)
<@Random_Nerd> Spiderbot tugs at Leo's pantsleg, trying to get him to come somewhere.
<@Shounen> (science etc or trouble?)
<@deMontreal> "Wait... where's Ariadne?"
<@Luthien> *squeaks in fear of Mrs. Rosewood, delayedly*
<@Mrs_Senko> (Did Luthi go with Shounen?)
<@Lili> (Luthi, you're not there, just Shounen.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Unless you went there somehow.)
<@Lili> (Or I can be mistaken.)
<@Shounen> (nope as RN said)
<@Luthien> (oh! ... I totally misread things!)
<@deMontreal> (Hold on, I'm assuming Shounen did some sort of travel thing and took my spiderbot with him...)
<@Random_Nerd> (No. The spiderbot is right next to you, yanking on your leg and doing a little dance.)
<@deMontreal> (OK, re-do my last statement:
<@deMontreal> "Hm... Ariadne wants something.
<@Random_Nerd> Spider-nod!
<@deMontreal> "Should never have let her watch Lassie reruns..."

  • @deMontreal goes with Ariadne

<@Shounen> (can I use Big Brother to win argument with Zoe?)

  • @Luthien mews in Lili's ear. "Hi! I'm here!"

<@deMontreal> (If you don't mind her using Skill: Origami on your spinal column)
<@Random_Nerd> Ariadne goes to one of the side rooms, where you stored an unsuccessful prototype for the Nightmare Couch.
<@Random_Nerd> This one wouldn't even fill a sleeper's dreams with knives and spiders and death!

  • @Mrs_Senko curiously investigates the Engine controls whilst Leonardo is away.

<@Random_Nerd> A total failure.
<@Mrs_Senko> *poke poke*
<@Random_Nerd> Also, someone seems to have put the Doom Quilt over it.
<@Random_Nerd> Ariadne goes over to the quilt, and points vigorously.

  • @deMontreal examines the quilt...

<@Lili> (We weren't allowed in poking range, Senko. :( )
<@Random_Nerd> From the way it's arranged, it looks like a human shape was there, and suddenly vanished.
<@Lili> "Hey Luthi! We're going to go to the zepplin soon. Want to join in?"
<@Mrs_Senko> (the controls?)
<@deMontreal> (You can assume LdM has read the Evil Overlord list. :P )
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "So you claim you had nothing to do with this? You and Miss Apocynum aren't in some sort of secret School-Destroying Club?"
<@Luthien> "Yep! Zeppelins are fun :)"

  • @deMontreal dramatically pulls away the quilt...

<@Mrs_Senko> (she'll... poke whatever's pokeable, then)
<@Lili> (The controls were down by the Engine. Alvin used the controls while deMontreal was up by us.)
<@Random_Nerd> And you find... a cellphone!
<@deMontreal> (Hel-looooo nurse!)
<@Lili> (Like Shonen has enough time for more clubs!)
<@Random_Nerd> 18: "I don't even know what..."

  • @deMontreal checks out the phone...

<@Shounen> "Miss Apocynum? Nope never been in league with her!"
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe glares at him, and he shuts up.
<@Mrs_Senko> (perhaps, just the zeppelin to see if it's ready yet)
<@Random_Nerd> It's gotta be Shounen's. I mean, it's so shiny.

  • @Mrs_Senko pokes at the zeppelin.
  • @deMontreal checks his security system to locate Shounen.

<@Shounen> to18: "You are enduring well, be cool 18" *Use bestow cool on 18*
<@Random_Nerd> 18 relaxes, and while he's still lying on the ground covered in dust, he suddenly looks like he's just doing so because it's part of a photoshoot or something.
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe turns the glare to Shounen.
<@Shounen> toZoe: "see how innocently he look? He cannot have done these foul things!"

  • @deMontreal rejoins the others...

<@deMontreal> "We seem to have lost Shounen."
<@Lili> "Did your house eat him, deMontreal?"
<@deMontreal> "No, there would be a more ... happy atmosphere if he did."
<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "Even so... I'm writing him up for Unauthorized Lycanthropy."
<@deMontreal> "Besides, the house would be more interested in his phone."
<@Random_Nerd> Turns to 18: "And that will go in your permanent record, young man!"

  • @Shounen sweatly smile to teacher Zoe

<@Random_Nerd> Zoe: "And as for you... I can't prove anything, but watch youself, or you'll end up in a bad way. Not, mind, being eaten by an ogre, because I don't do that. Some other, nonspecific, bad fate."

  • @Luthien does her best Senko impression: "There will be no houses eating club members on club time!"

<@Random_Nerd> She stomps off, walking through a Zoe-Rosewood-Shaped hole that was already there in the wall.
<@Shounen> to18: tone: joke "well, well, now you are a serious, dangerous delinquent!"
<@Lili> (Can we see you, Luthi, or just hear you?)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Don't be absurd. Houses don't eat people."
<@Mrs_Senko> "They eat cats."
<@deMontreal> "Unless they are set up to do so."
<@Luthien> (um. I guess she'd have to take off her cloak to do The Pose)

  • @Luthien squeaks and runs off

<@deMontreal> "Which is actually a good idea..."
<@Random_Nerd> #18: "Thanks, boss."
<@Shounen> to18: "Now to celebrate why not do a party at your place with all the others?!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "No, Mr. de Montreal. It is not."
<@Lili> "Luthi, deMontreal won't let his house eat you!"
<@Random_Nerd> #18: "Sure, boss! I'll call the other guys!"

  • @Shounen smile warmly to 18 as he is tanked

<@Shounen> *h
<@Luthien> "I don't want to be eaten!"
<@Random_Nerd> When he says that, you notice that you don't seem to have your cellphone on you. Such a bother.
<@deMontreal> (Shounen's tanked? That would explain so much... :P )
<@Shounen> (lol)
<@Random_Nerd> (And for standing up for his minion, I'm giving Shounen a point of the Hero issue.)
<@Shounen> "humpf, lost phone"
<@Shounen> (yay!)

  • @Lili makes an annoyed gesture. "deMontreal! Tell Luthi that your house will not eat her! Senko's not going to be any use in convincing her."

<@Mrs_Senko> "I think you're people enough to not be eaten by a house, Miss Cartaign."
<@deMontreal> "That is ridiculous.
<@deMontreal> "There are many things inside the house that can do the job by themselves."
<@Random_Nerd> Seethe Hounds, in background: *Seethe*
<@Mrs_Senko> "After all, we don't have edible cats in the student body."
<@Shounen> to18 "ok this night at your place, I'll came with some friend" :-

  • @Luthien puts her cloak back on and hides in a box off to the side
  • @Shounen walk away

<@deMontreal> "But in any case, we should locate the missing members of our 'club' before they get fed to the Engine.
<@Lili> "Very true, Senko. Luthi should not be considered edible because she is too awesome for someone to eat her."
<@Shounen> (was that with Zoe a trouble scene?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmmm...)
<@Lili> "Well, if that's Shonen's cell phone, who called him last and when?"

  • @Lili worries about Luthi. She's been scared too much lately, really.
  • @deMontreal checks.

<@Random_Nerd> (...a bit of a low-end one, but Zoe's scary enough that it probably counts.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Being faced with an angry ogre is scary, even if the angry ogre is just going to give you detention.)
<@Shounen> ( :-D )
<@deMontreal> "Minion number 18. Catchy."
<@Mrs_Senko> "We found Luthien....temporarily.

  • @deMontreal redials, on speaker
  • @Mrs_Senko invokes All-Seeing Eye to find Shounen.

<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and hey, people were worried about Luthien. XP for her.)
<@Shounen> (so zoe scene 3xp?)
<@Lili> "Well, then call Shonen's Minion. He might know where Shonen is or where he is going to be."
<@Random_Nerd> (Yeah.)
<@Random_Nerd> (The destiny pool is now at 15.)
<@deMontreal> (I just did)
<@Random_Nerd> (Err, 13.)
<@Luthien> ( ^_^ . I'm also trying to provoke Some Scene Or Other. I have no idea which, but there seem to be names for pretty much everything)
<@Random_Nerd> (I can type!)
<@Lili> (Oh, my mistake. Sorry, Knock.)
<@Random_Nerd> #18: "Boss? What's up? Something about the party?"
<@Random_Nerd> Then he turns to look at Shounen.
<@deMontreal> "It's not your boss. We're trying to find him."
<@Random_Nerd> 18, to Shounen: "Uh, how did you do that?"
<@deMontreal> (He's ... just that cool? :) )
<@Random_Nerd> 18: "Oooh. You aren't the boss calling me on an invisible phone, then?"
<@Shounen> "Who have my phone?"
<@Random_Nerd> 18: "The boss wants to know who has his phone."
<@deMontreal> "You left it on my couch."
<@Mrs_Senko> (That's an odd name)
<@Lili> (The nice soft comfy couch...)
<@Lili> (Senko - *laugh*)

  • @Shounen take the phone "hello? who you are? Where did you find my phone?"

<@deMontreal> "It's me. How did you get there from here?"
<@Random_Nerd> ("I'm just that cool")
<@Shounen> "oh! Hi, one of my minion need help so I HAD to go"
<@Random_Nerd> 18 nods.
<@deMontreal> "You have minions?"
<@Random_Nerd> 18, in background: "Duh."
<@Mrs_Senko> ("Me" is obviously the name of Minion #12)

  • @Shounen use "What the heart dream of" (S.Shounen is the end of journey) to go to the nightmare negine room

<@Random_Nerd> ("No, no, 'who' is Minion #23!")
<@Shounen> into the phone "Naturally I'm that cool"
<@Random_Nerd> 18, as Shounen vanishes: "So. Cool."
<@deMontreal> (That's what he's askin' ya!)
<@Mrs_Senko> (hehe)
<@Lili> (Did you give your minion back his phone, Shonen?)
<@Random_Nerd> (He can return it at the party!)
<@Shounen> (right rn)
<@Random_Nerd> So, Shounen's standing there, in the room.
<@Shounen> into the phone "You are not in the engine room ... uhm deM. what that gear do exacty?"

  • @Shounen pounces at random gears

<@deMontreal> "Shounen? Where are you?"
<@Random_Nerd> Obviously, he's doing so after taking a long walk to get there.
<@Random_Nerd> Obviously.

  • @deMontreal dashes back to the Engine room...

<@Shounen> (arent the others in the zeppeling room?)
<@Lili> (Yep. Senko's been poking at it.)
<@Random_Nerd> Leo, you see Shounen standing there, poking at the Engine.

  • @Mrs_Senko begins preparations to return the zeppelin to School.

<@Random_Nerd> Insert "obviously" bit here.
<@Shounen> (lili, I poke/touch the engine and you not! :-P )

  • @deMontreal goes to grab him with an equipment grabber.

<@Lili> (The Engine is obviously a bit of a tease.)
<@Luthien> (:D)
<@Lili> (But Shonen is that pretty.)
<@Shounen> "carefull deM!"
<@deMontreal> (I'm picturing one of those big claws on tracks, they'd have to be here.)
<@Shounen> "you must install a ladder from down there to the passageway"
<@deMontreal> (Does it grab him?)
<@Shounen> (sure I let it grab me)
<@Random_Nerd> (It totally grabs him.)

  • @deMontreal pulls Shounen up to balcony level.

<@Shounen> "thank you" *smile*
<@deMontreal> "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't throw you into the hopper!"
<@Lili> (Because he is Shonen!)
<@Shounen> (well I aimed a slight more left and missed the balcony...)
<@Lili> (And you won't get invited to his party.)
<@Shounen> aimed even
<@deMontreal> (Do I look like he social type?)
<@Shounen> "and you wanna come to my party this night? for a majestic win against Zoe!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "It is against School rules to harm fellow club members on club time."
<@Shounen> (yes zoe not teacher zoe)
<@Lili> (But it's a Shonen party! It is the social event! Do you know how much sin you can get from a Shonen party?)
<@Random_Nerd> (...senko XP.)
<@Shounen> (lili is absolutely right!)
<@deMontreal> (... True.)
<@Random_Nerd> (They say that once Shounen invited a statue to come to a party, and not only did it show up, it did so ten minutes early, and brought all the refreshments.)
<@deMontreal> "Hm. It is past time to take everyone home, I think."
<@Random_Nerd> (He is... the most interesting student in the School.)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Everyone, hop in!"
<@Shounen> (soeaking of xp .. my condiction is someony angry at me)

  • @Mrs_Senko revs up the zeppelin.

<@Shounen> speaking even
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, hey, this counts.)
<@Shounen> ( :-) )

  • @Luthien is still hiding in her box.

<@Luthien> (hoping no one will remember her, especially the Evil House)
<@Luthien> (... she's a little unclear on the concept)

  • @deMontreal drops Shounen on the balcony and rushes him to th ship

<@Shounen> "Ok everyboy you all must come to my party this night! (add address and time info)"
<@Random_Nerd> (But this means that you don't know where the rest of them are going now.)
<@Random_Nerd> (And if you don't know it, that makes it a Mystery.)
<@Luthien> (that too!)
<@Lili> (Would it be feasible that Luthi's tail is sticking out of the box and Lili can bring 'the box' along on the ship?)
<@Lili> (She can still not know where we are going.)
<@Shounen> (would be cool if Lili and the nightmare engine show at the party...)
<@Mrs_Senko> "If I go to this party, I will have to call my husband and tell him that I will be home late."
<@Luthien> (she's not trying particularly hard at hiding, and you do get her Cool factor for finding her)
<@Random_Nerd> (...only if she moves the box with her by tiptoeing onto the ship while the cartoon tiptoe noise plays.)
<@Shounen> "came with your husband.. no problem!"
<@Lili> (Okay, I'll let Luthi tiptoe on without Lili carrying the box in.)

  • @Lili gets on the ship!
  • @deMontreal returns Shounen's phone...

<@Mrs_Senko> "He has to wake up early for his job in the morning, so he shouldn't come.
<@Shounen> "Oh, thank you!"
<@Lili> (Lili will be there, but unfortunately, deMontreal has cruely grounded the Engine by..not making it mobile.)

  • @deMontreal does a head count

<@Random_Nerd> (And Mister Senko... isn't really the party type. He makes Senko look like Shounen, or at least Lilli.)
<@Shounen> to Mrs Senko: "How sad..."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Indeed."
<@Shounen> (but but the statue example was also not mobile)
<@Lili> (That is a good point. But Shonen did not invite the Engine.)
<@Shounen> (well the fate = RN will see)
<@Lili> (Luthi needs to sneak aboard!)
<@Shounen> (I invited everyone while in deM house so Alvin, spiderbots and engine are included)
<@deMontreal> (Well, it's got an array of spiderbots doing maintenance...)
<@Lili> (Well, then deMontreal will be able to get lots of sin-energy!)

  • @Luthien will, after cowering for a bit and everyone else has boarded the DxM, peek out, make sure no one is about to eat her, put on her cloak, and sneak as hard as she can! onto the zeppelin

<@Shounen> (also prisoner in deM secret prison and better not speack of failed experiment :-P )
<@Random_Nerd> (So, do you head out in the zeppelin to #18's house?)

  • @Mrs_Senko takes off!

<@Mrs_Senko> (Yes.)
<@Shounen> (yes!)
<@deMontreal> Luthien will need to slip by spiderbots with specialized sensors...
<@deMontreal> "Where is that goofy catgirl?"
<@Luthien> (she doesn't know that. And Sneaking will work just as well on them!)

  • @Luthien goes down to the cargo deck and puts a cardboard box over her head and hides!

<@Random_Nerd> (Luthien is exactly the sort of person who is most at home when slipping past spiderbots with specialized sensors.)
<@deMontreal> communicator: "Alvin, open the hangar."
<@Random_Nerd> Alvin: "Very good, sir."
<@Mrs_Senko> "The Party is this way, right?"

  • @Shounen nod

<@Mrs_Senko> "FULL SPEED AHEAD!"
<@Shounen> "is at 18's house, <18 addres here>"
<@Random_Nerd> As it happens, there is an unoccupied parking lot just by #18's house, with just enough room for a midsized zeppelin.
<@deMontreal> "Is Luthien here, or are we leaving without her?"

  • @Mrs_Senko lands the zeppelin practically.

<@Luthien> (which is not the same as practically landing it?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Everyone knows that zeppelin parking is the sort of skill a mature adult would have.)
<@deMontreal> So, she practically lands the zeppelin on 18's place?
<@Random_Nerd> Half a block's worth of walking.
<@Lili> "I feel that she is with us."
<@Shounen> (in a parking slot near 18 palce)
<@Random_Nerd> One of the minions, looking out the window: "Wooo! Zeppelin!"
<@Mrs_Senko> (if "practically landing" implies "landing in a practical manner", then yes.)
<@Lili> "Because otherwise, you just left a curious catgirl detective in your house."
<@deMontreal> "You do know they let my seethe-hounds loose from their cages when there's no one there, right?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "So if she is still there, they won't. There's nothing to worry about, Mr. de Montreal."
<@deMontreal> "Clarification... if they think no one's there."
<@Luthien> (that would be an XP to Senko, from me, if you're recharged :))
<@Random_Nerd> Minion #9, a vampire girl who always dresses in day-glow green for whatever reason: "Hey, come on! The gang's all here!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Yeah, that's long enough.)
<@Lili> (I am beaming over that one, Senko, so it wasn't baffled. ^^ )
<@Mrs_Senko> "Then make them think otherwise. You're a scientist with telecommunications devices. Figure something out."
<@Random_Nerd> (That's logic.)

  • @Shounen wave to 9

<@Random_Nerd> (One of these days, Shounen really should learn his minions' names. One of these days.)
<@deMontreal> "You realize situations like that are why they let them loose."

  • @Lili calls out. "Luthi, if you're here, we're going to Shonen's party. There should be food!"
  • @Shounen lead the other to the party
  • @Lili has, since meeting Luthi and her cloak, started talking to thin air, just in case, out of habit.

<@deMontreal> (Luthien, are you with us or hound chow?)
<@Luthien> (I'm in the cargo hold)
<@Mrs_Senko> "You get detective catgirl infestations often, Mr. de Montreal?"
<@Luthien> (I don't know if I can hear from there, though)
<@Shounen> (then free yoursellf from the hold of the cargo and join us Luthi)
<@deMontreal> "They work on infestations in general, really."
<@Random_Nerd> At the party, there is not booze or strippers. It is, after all, a high school party thrown together at short notice. But there is music and pizza and soft drinks and cute vampire girls.
<@deMontreal> (and did we ever clean the hold out after we got the ship?)
<@Luthien> (I think that Luthi will hear everyone leaving, and then go out and Investigate)
<@Lili> (So, there is making out and orgies?)
<@Random_Nerd> (You mean the attic, or the cargo part of the DEM?)
<@Lili> (And there could be booze. *shifty look* I heard stories in high school.)
<@deMontreal> (the ship's cargo hold)
<@deMontreal> (Mystery mini-scene: It's entirely possible we didn't, ne?)
<@Shounen> (yeah totally booze full)
<@Random_Nerd> Lillimund, your Vaguely Cool Person Who's Over The Drinking Age Senses are tingling, indicating that some of the underaged students are trying to figure out whether it would be a good idea to send you out for beer.

  • @Mrs_Senko stands next to Lillimund.

<@Random_Nerd> The mere presence of Senko causes all such thoughts in said minions to wither away and die.
<@Luthien> (oh, woo, midnight. I should really be going - have to be up at 0620 still!)
<@Shounen> (booo party spoiler!)
<@Random_Nerd> Minion #11, to Shounen: "Boss, why'd you bring Mrs. Buzzkill? She's a total downer!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "So, this is what one of Mr. Soun's rumored parties looks like."
<@Mrs_Senko> (Haha!)
<@Lili> (How cool does Shonen have to be to be able to invite a teacher to his party, she shows up and the entire party doesn't implode?)
<@Lili> (I type too slow.)
<@Shounen> "Because she was with us"
<@Lili> "No, she's Mrs. Senko."
<@Random_Nerd> #11: "Well, your call, boss."
<@Lili> "I've never even met Mrs. Buzzkill..."
<@Luthien> (goodnight! See Y'lalls next week! And I am moving in a month-n-a-bit to a place that's 8 mins walk from work, so later nights are more bettergood.)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Neither have I."
<@deMontreal> "Mrs. Buzzkill? I'll have to remember that."
<@Shounen> (good night!)
<@Random_Nerd> (Actually, should we call it a night here, and pick up at this point next week?)
<@deMontreal> (Cya Luthien)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Take care, Laz!)
<@deMontreal> (That might work...)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Works for me)
<@deMontreal> (or do you mean in 2 weeks?)
<@Shounen> (yep will work)
<@Lili> (Stopping is good.)

  • @Luthien Quit

<@Random_Nerd> (Either, depending which you guys prefer)


<@Random_Nerd> Okay, who got the last bonus XP?
<@deMontreal> OK, so we're slowly learning the Scene rules?

  • Shounen is now known as Angelo
  • deMontreal is now known as Knockwood

<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Angelo> scenes are a bit awkward
<@Angelo> and near the end we were not using them

  • Mrs_Senko is now known as Verithe

<@Random_Nerd> I figure if we use them for a few more sessions, they'll get more comfortable.
<@Knockwood> Well, like I said,

  • Lili is now known as BethE

<@Random_Nerd> But if they don't, hey, that's why we're playtesting.
<@Knockwood> I was thinking you could make a Mystery scene in the hold
<@Knockwood> assumine we didn't clean it out and Luthien bumped into it.
<@Knockwood> Now, how would that work?
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Angelo> maybe we have to be more explicit when we see a potential sceene?
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, let's use this as an example of how we'd go about doing that.
<@Angelo> I too see some potential scenes for other
<@Random_Nerd> Do you mean an Exploration scene?
<@Knockwood> Could go either way
<@Verithe> So....the party
<@Random_Nerd> Is there a Mystery scene type, though, as well as the Mystery issue?
<@Random_Nerd> If there is, I don't see it here.
<@Knockwood> Ah, you're right,
<@Angelo> nope no mystery scene
<@Knockwood> it's an Exploration scene
<@Knockwood> and I'm mixing things up
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Random_Nerd> So, let's say you guys wanted to make it into a cooperative exporation scene.
<@Random_Nerd> There are certain requirements, some relating to the circumstances, and some to how it plays out.
<@Random_Nerd> First, it has to have a fair bit of the initiative taken by someone who didn't start the scene.
<@Random_Nerd> And it has to be fun for everyone, and last for a while.
<@Random_Nerd> These are the requirements of a cooperative scene.
<@Random_Nerd> And then, the exploration-specific part.
<@Random_Nerd> (page 93 of Rand's file)
<@Random_Nerd> Has to start out somewhere unfamiliar. The hold would qualify, since we haven't seen it yet.
<@Random_Nerd> You need to find something neat, scary, or mysterious.
<@Random_Nerd> This part, the ball's theoretically in my court, but no GM who has players who are exploring a place and looking for something cool or scary will have them not find anything.
<@Random_Nerd> And at least one of you has to have a significant emotional response in-character to it.
<@Knockwood> probably Luthien
<@Angelo> the party can be a na exploration scene
<@Knockwood> or LdM, if it messes with HIS ship
<@Knockwood> Only thing is, with this setup, there could be an Exploration scene only involving Luthien, since she's alone in the hold.
<@Random_Nerd> True, there could.
<@Random_Nerd> Wouldn't be a cooperative scene, but that doesn't mean it's nothing.
<@Knockwood> well, wait...
<@Knockwood> what if we helpfully suggest what she encounters?
<@Verithe> I don't think that would count...
<@Knockwood> ah, but we are adding to the scene
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm...
<@Knockwood> just OOC rather than IC
<@Verithe> ...
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, it is about the involvement of multiple players rather than multiple characters...
<@Random_Nerd> So I'd allow it, if it seemed to work in the scene.
<@Verithe> Well, if it's fun for everyone, it isn't a problem.
<@Knockwood> if we can keep on this side of the line between playing with Luthien and screwing with her
<@Angelo> uhm.... but I feel like characters must be involved in some way
<@Random_Nerd> Well, it's a lot easier to contribute to a scene that way.
<@BethE> I need to get to bed, all. Good night! *HUGS*
<@Random_Nerd> Although there's always the "hand an NPC to a player" routine.
<@Knockwood> g'night Beth
<@Angelo> night Beth! *HUG*
<@Verithe> Take care, Beth
<@Angelo> totally pro that routine

  • @BethE Quit (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<@Random_Nerd> You know, kinda reminds me of Senko for some reason.
<@Verithe> Haha
<@Verithe> Maybe that's the "Businessman Mr. Senko" option.
<@Random_Nerd> Indeed.
<@Angelo> well I fly to my bed, night all! :-)
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, I gotta go too.
<@Knockwood> g'night Angelo
<@Random_Nerd> Good session, guys.
<@Knockwood> Guess I'll call it a night as well
<@Verithe> Take care!

  • @Knockwood Quit
  • @Verithe Quit
  • @Angelo has left #Nobilis

Session Close: Thu Mar 22 23:41:18 2012