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<deMontreal> Let's see, we had just 'volunteered' to fight off the rift in space to save Celestia...
<Random_Nerd> Most of you had, at least.
<@Lili> We were heading home. deMontreal needed to wash his hair.
<Random_Nerd> Senko just did some janitorial work.
<Mrs_Senko> "I've got another bottle of bluing somewhere..."
<Soun> Soun sleeped a lot
<deMontreal> Riiiiiight. And the fact that my lab is there with the stuff I was planning to use to obliterate the school and/or anyone who opposes me is just a perk.
<@Lili> Aren't the Riders opposing you?
<deMontreal> not for long
<Soun> That is optimism!
<Random_Nerd> Ready?
<@Lili> In the reading, deMontreal didn't strike me as the weapons type. More the show how more awesome I am stuff.
<@Lili> Ready!
<Mrs_Senko> Prepared!
<deMontreal> Banzai
<Soun> Ready!


<Random_Nerd> The Deus Ex Machina has returned from Celestia to Town.
<Random_Nerd> All of you have slept, or at least those of you that do that.

  • Soun stretches

<Random_Nerd> Those of you for whom it's appropriate have attended class, and it's time for the SNURC meeting.
<deMontreal> "Alvin! Break out the ... party favors."
<Mrs_Senko> Of course I sleep! I absolutely never stay up all night writing letters to father. That bird is indicative of nothing.

  • @Lili has brought a bag from the Shopping District of some of the stuff that Jasper likes because she obviously hasn't been able to get out and enjoy life.

<deMontreal> Hm. So, this is how you act when you do have enough sleep?
<Random_Nerd> (Okay, just to go over this again. We've established that Leo does not have a gadgeteer-style "stuff I invented earlier" power, nor is his ability set very good at making better-than-mundane weapons, right?)

  • @Lili is smartly dressed in flying gear and goggles.
  • Soun let the seagull familiarize with dog and with the neighborhood

<deMontreal> (Say what?)
<Random_Nerd> (I can find it in the logs if you like.)
<Soun> (I believe yes and slight better and top human made level)
<deMontreal> (OK, what he said I can work with)
<deMontreal> (But, in any case, we're in school...)
<@Lili> "So, how long do you think it will take to rid the sky kingdom of invaders? I was thinking about maybe going on a date..."
<Soun> "Well, we don't have to fight all the time!"
<deMontreal> "Depends on how big an 'invasion' it is"
<Soun> "You can put a date during summer war pause and well holidays"
<deMontreal> "The plan should probably be to close the rift..."
<@Lili> (Did we have a plan for closing the rift?)
<@Lili> "I don't know if I want to get injured in a fight. Do guys like a woman with battle scars?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Needle and thread. Were you paying attention in home economics?"
<deMontreal> (Hm... maybe there should be a Science scene for it)
<Random_Nerd> (What do you want to test?)
<Mrs_Senko> "Of course not, Ms. Cartaign."
<deMontreal> (Oh yeah. Which one's the find-stuff-out scene?)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm...)
<Mrs_Senko> "But that's what make-up is for."
<deMontreal> (Exploration?)
<@Lili> "I never took home ec. I pretty much built my own home, so I didn't see the point in learning how to build another one."
<Random_Nerd> (Exploration, Foreshadowing...)
<Mrs_Senko> "We all have our failings, Ms. Cartaign."
<Random_Nerd> (Possibly others, depending on the dramatic circumstances. Here, I think Exploration.)
<Mrs_Senko> "We, almost all of us."
<Mrs_Senko> "You all have your failings."
<Soun> "Don't look at me for failings" *smile*
<deMontreal> "That says so much about your teaching."
<@Lili> "But they teach your how to close inter-dimensional rifts in it? I shall have to see when it is next offered. I would have thought it would have been much more mystical, unless your needle is made of meteorite and your thread of the hair of the Sun but you wouldn't have those sorts of things for classes..."

  • deMontreal probably has some meteoric iron in his lab...

<Mrs_Senko> "It's the same general principle. If you use the proper needle and thread, a darning stitch should fix any rift."
<@Lili> (But deMontreal probably doesn't darn his own socks.)_
<Random_Nerd> (Or, at least, could manufacture an equivalent from nightmares.)
<Soun> (nihtmare's socks!)
<@Lili> "How well is your stitching, Senko?"
<deMontreal> (Ah, but could we use Nightmare tech to close that rift?)
<Random_Nerd> You hear a knock on the door.
<Mrs_Senko> "Practically perfect in every way."

  • Mrs_Senko opens the door.

<Mrs_Senko> "Yes?"
<Random_Nerd> (Probably, if you could get the Riders to not stop you.)
<Random_Nerd> Jasper Irinka, in a school uniform and looking vaguely nervous, is at the door.
<deMontreal> (That, I think, is my part.)
<Mrs_Senko> "Miss Irinka."
<Random_Nerd> J: "So, uh... so this is an official after-school club?"

  • Soun wave *blink*

<Mrs_Senko> "Yes."
<@Lili> "Jasper!" *wave* "I brought some of your favorites! I didn't think you'd get out for a while!"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Because... those usually don't have war-airships. I know that this is true because I asked the librarian, and she knows lots of stuff."
<Mrs_Senko> "We will be getting a photo for the yearbook on photo day."
<Mrs_Senko> "That makes us an official club."
<deMontreal> "Well, we found an airship.
<@Lili> "We found the zepp in the school attic!"

  • Soun nod nod

<deMontreal> "We're improvising the War part."
<Soun> "Leo is improvising the weaponry"

  • Mrs_Senko rolls her eyes.

<@Lili> "Do you need a ride home?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "I can get back home. It takes a while, but it's not like it would take less time in your airship than it would on foot."
<Soun> "You go at home by foot? to Celestia?"
<@Lili> "Oh, okay. The last time was a bit rough but I expect deMontreal has made the improvements to the engines that I laid out."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Yes, why?"
<deMontreal> "Why? I rather liked the time alone."
<Soun> "And add the locks to the rooms .. I hope"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Oh, you won't be able to eliminate the difficulties in getting there, and still get there. It doesn't work that way."
<Random_Nerd> (De Montreal might be able to. When he uses the Nightmare Engine, he can at least bend region properties or find loopholes. She doesn't know this.)
<deMontreal> (the Region being the transition zone?)
<Mrs_Senko> "One must always experience hardships to get what one wants."
<deMontreal> (Tell that to the 1%)

  • @Lili pouts a little. "It just seems..inefficient." *sigh* "Oh well, I'm sure I can find plenty to improve on deMontreal's work."
  • deMontreal glares at Lili

<Random_Nerd> (And yes.)

  • @Lili looks innocent! It's not her engines that were failing at death-height.
  • Soun thumb up to Lili

<Random_Nerd> J: "It's... it's Celestia. One does not simply fly into Celestia."
<@Lili> "You..simply walk into it?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Not simply."
<@Lili> (Is there sashaying involved?)
<Soun> "but you wank in he air?"
<deMontreal> (We still need to come up with a rift-closing plan)
<Mrs_Senko> "Please don't tell me you enter it with parades and pomp every time."
<@Lili> ( ... Angelo, was that a typo?)
<Mrs_Senko> "Because that would be excessive."
<deMontreal> (And don't call Jasper a wanker, Soun. :) )
<Random_Nerd> J: "No. I walk. Usually from Bluebell Park. There's often a mountain to use there, and it seems easier from there somehow."
<Soun> (yep was a typo)
<@Lili> (Whew.  :) )
<Soun> (now I have to lookup what wank mean)
<Mrs_Senko> "Using a mountain seems about right. It is closer."
<deMontreal> "Can you take others with you?"
<@Lili> "Interesting. I should try walking around in the Park sometime. I'm usually at the Shopping District..."
<deMontreal> (...)
<@Lili> ( American slang, it means to masturbate.)
<Soun> (oh! I'm embarassed!)
<deMontreal> (British)
<Random_Nerd> J: "You're supposed to be alone. I really don't know how you all made it together."
<Mrs_Senko> (both)
<@Lili> (Oh, sorry, British.)
<Random_Nerd> (Originally british, but I think most english-speaking places would at least recognize it.)
<@Lili> "We seem to have all been separated from each other, with some sort of crisis."
<deMontreal> (Also Australian, going by the song FIGJAM: (youtube)/watch?v=YyzrKPcLpBw )
<Soun> (ok ok, I apologise to Lili I meant to write walk)
<Random_Nerd> J: "Yeah, that's how it works."
<@Lili> (Oh, I'm not offended.  :) Just surprised.)
<deMontreal> "Hm...
<Random_Nerd> J: "Walking, flying, I don't think it really matters, as long as you're going upwards and you've got the right intent."
<deMontreal> "Maybe we should gather more data so we know what to mount on our shiop."
<Soun> "uhm... we were all alone for some times in the ship... me had a bad bad bad nightmare"
<deMontreal> "the 'right' intent?"
<deMontreal> (Leo never has the right intent... :/ )
<Random_Nerd> J: "Not, like, morally right, but..."
<Mrs_Senko> "Walking would be a good learning experience. I could show you the wildlife."
<Random_Nerd> She gestures vaguely.
<@Lili> (I forget...did Jasper say what the Riders were claiming to be doing or saying about coming into her realm? Like an announced raiding party or just they're there?)
<Random_Nerd> J: "The right intent. Unless it happens on accident. Which it usually doesn't."
<Random_Nerd> (That they're invading and engaging in war against her.)
<@Lili> "Jasper...have you picked a champion yet?"
<deMontreal> (Can we assume I recorded my forays into the rift from last time?)
<Random_Nerd> J: "Not officially."
<Random_Nerd> (Sure.)
<Soun> "you want to propose Leo?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "No."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Maybe you, maybe Luthien, maybe that one Russian girl. But Leonardo's just so... deMontreal."

  • Soun nod understandingly

<@Lili> (Which of us is the you?)

  • Mrs_Senko nods

<Soun> (anyone but Leo?)
<Random_Nerd> (Lilimund.)
<deMontreal> "Yes. It does make more sense to send back a defeated champion rather than a pile of ash."
<@Lili> (Ah, thank you, just wanted to clarify. ^^ )

  • @Lili preens a little.

<Random_Nerd> J: "It's a magical kingdom. We have standards."
<Random_Nerd> J: "And I have it on good authority that you have cooties."
<@Lili> "Well, I'm just letting you know that if you have to have someone fight one of their Riders, I would be okay with it and I wouldn't pull some sort of out of honorable bounds stuff. Unless that was allowed, which would mean that they were in bounds, but still."
<deMontreal> "You're expecting honor from Riders?
<Random_Nerd> J: "Oh, we have people fight the Riders all the time. We have a whole navy for that. It's just that Riders, the real ones, not the ones here in Town? Turns out they're really good at fighting."
<deMontreal> "Now that is naivete."
<Random_Nerd> J: "Some of them do. It's confusing."
<@Lili> "I'm expecting Rules from Riders. Because if there aren't rules, then they can't rub it in my face that they have won."
<Mrs_Senko> "You don't even know what honor is, Mr. de Montreal."
<@Lili> (Obviously he needs to create an honor-condensing unit.)
<deMontreal> "It's what combatants claim to have kept when they lose everything else."
<Random_Nerd> (Weird: Watching a Mimic and a Warmain argue about how absurd it is to think Excrucians would have honor.)
<@Lili> (And when nothing condenses, he can tell someone that they have no honor.)
<@Lili> "If they're still alive, they haven't lost everything."
<Soun> "point to Lili"
<deMontreal> "Easily fixed."

  • Mrs_Senko takes notes

<@Lili> "Pfft. Like dying stops everyone."
<deMontreal> (... OK, she has a point.)
<deMontreal> "Anyway. Here's what I recorded when I sent probes into the rift..."
<Soun> "tell to River ..."
<Random_Nerd> (Didn't only one actually make it in?)

  • deMontreal plays back the probe telemetry

<deMontreal> (Yes, but even so, the others should have something
<deMontreal> )
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you at least got a closer look with them.)
<Random_Nerd> J: "Yeah, that's a lot of Riders. Father's really pushing this one. Still, I guess we're easier prey than Town."
<@Lili> "True. Not only more people but School."
<@Lili> "We saw Mrs. Rosewood scold a Rider and drag her off to detention the other day."
<deMontreal> (Now we need to figure out how to close the rift.)
<Random_Nerd> Jasper shudders.
<Random_Nerd> J: "She's scary."
<Mrs_Senko> "You could just move to Town. The commute is easier."
<Random_Nerd> J: "I do live in Town! At least, during the schoolday, during the week. I have classes, Sister."
<Mrs_Senko> "That's taking classes in Town."
<Random_Nerd> J: "But I can't bring all of Celestia here. You can't have the sky live on the ground. It would be very confusing."

  • @Lili hulks her shoulders a bit. "Yeah, but I wonder what it's like to see life through her eyes? Is it all how we see it or different colors? Does she see in other colors that humans..I mean, we, can't see?"

<Mrs_Senko> "Just bring the people."
<deMontreal> (Does Senko's 'idea' about darning the rift have any merit?)
<deMontreal> "No."
<Mrs_Senko> (Mrs. Senko's ideas always have merit.)
<Random_Nerd> (Eh, it could work.)
<Mrs_Senko> (So long as she gives them some miraculous oomf)
<deMontreal> "Moving the population here, giving them a beachhead, abandoning the city... no."
<Random_Nerd> (Of course, she'd be working against her father if she were to work on doing so.)
<Mrs_Senko> (Doesn't have to work, though.)
<Mrs_Senko> (Right)
<Soun> "they can make an embassy. A piece of Celestia on Town"

  • @Lili agrees with Montreal. "You can't abandon your vassals. You have to fight for them, keep them safe. That's what ruling is part of."

<deMontreal> (Hm. OK, spears of meteoric iron as needles?)
<Mrs_Senko> "Why guard a land if nobody lives there?"
<@Lili> "Because it's theirs. It's their place! Would you let someone force you out of your living room just because you don't use it a lot?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Then they can sell it when they move to Town."
<Soun> "Leo, would you move your batpeople to another place? I believe not, the moon is their place"
<@Lili> (But it's Senko who's arguing the exodus, not Leo. Leo wants to fight."
<@Lili> )
<deMontreal> "Only if it were necessary."
<Soun> (ops!)
<Soun> (change Leo with Teacher Senko then, pls)
<Mrs_Senko> "I don't have batpeople. That's ridiculous."
<@Lili> "Okay, how about Mr. Senko?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Also, I don't want to know what would happen if the Riders overran Celestia. They might mess up the orbits of the planets, or put out the, uh, me."
<Soun> "Was an explample teacher!"
<Mrs_Senko> "What about Mr. Senko?"
<@Lili> (I love that 'put out' ^^ )
<Mrs_Senko> "He doesn't live on a moon."
<Mrs_Senko> "Nor does he live in the Sky."
<@Lili> "What if someone tried to make you get rid of him?"
<Random_Nerd> (Like he's too good for living on a moon? Anti bat-person racist!)
<Mrs_Senko> "This example is childish."
<Mrs_Senko> (Ha!)
<@Lili> "How so? Because of the physical age of Soun?"
<Soun> "me?"

  • Mrs_Senko ponders

<Random_Nerd> (oh, and I've decided that this is currently a Shared Reactions scene.)
<Mrs_Senko> "Yes, let's go with that."
<deMontreal> "Being as that may.
<deMontreal> "I'm going to be a 'proper scientist' and entertain a hypothesis on how to close this rift.
<deMontreal> "Despite its source.
<Random_Nerd> J: "Would the rats know how?"
<@Lili> (Well, it's Senko. :) She says something is childish. This could simply be because the person suggesting it is a child/teen. Or she might have a real reason. )
<deMontreal> "If we are 'darning' this rift, we may be able to use spears of meteoric iron as needles.
<deMontreal> "Now, what do we use for thread?"
<@Lili> "Do they get invaded by Riders too? Tiny little rats with stars in their eyes and pale cats that they ride?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Well, it has to be something cool. Like the footfall of a cat or the roots of mountains or something."
<Random_Nerd> J: "I don't know. I just know that the rats tend to know about weird stuff. If the librarian doesn't know, asking a rat sometimes works."
<deMontreal> (Who was that to?)

  • @Lili looks sheepish. "Well, before you came in, I suggested the hair of the Sun. I didn't realize you were at school, though."

<@Lili> (First line for thread. Second line to Lili about rats.)
<deMontreal> (I mean Jasper's lines...)
<Mrs_Senko> (That's what she was referring to.)
<Random_Nerd> (The "something cool" was to Leo. The "rats" was to Lilli.)
<deMontreal> (How wacky can we get?
<@Lili> "Hmm, which has more knowledge, the School librarian or the Town librarian? Or do they have secret duels each month to decide who is greater?"
<Soun> "i like the duels idea"
<deMontreal> (Because it occurs to me that cool + big = the blue lines representing cold fronts on weather maps.)
<Mrs_Senko> "Don't be silly. They take aptitude tests."
<Random_Nerd> J: "You know, being princess of a magical kingdom is kinda cool, but when I grow up I really want to be a librarian."
<@Lili> "Oh? Why?"
<deMontreal> (Far too much MLP?)
<@Lili> (She's going to tell...going to tell...)
<Random_Nerd> J: "They're just so cool. They know stuff, and they get to hang out with all the books, and fight Library Snakes..."
<Mrs_Senko> (That's two weeks in a row we've had that Holy Grail reference. :D))
<Random_Nerd> J: "I've never even seen a Library Snake."
<Soun> "would be a cute friend?"
<deMontreal> (RN, you never did answer as to whether using nightmare tech to close the hole would be counterproductive)
<@Lili> (Great, now we go and talk to the Librarian and Soun get s a Library Snake as a minion. It also has cat ears.)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm...)
<Random_Nerd> (Let me check.)
<Soun> (eh, maybe he will have not cat ears but wrinkles)
<Random_Nerd> (I'm going to say no, but it's not obvious how you'd use it to accomplish that either.)
<deMontreal> (Never underestimate a mad genius...)
<deMontreal> "Be right back.
<deMontreal> "If I recall correctly, there are one or two security guys who like late afternoon naps..."
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah, it's flexible enough that I'm sure you could come up with something. I'm just not sure what, exactly.)
<@Lili> "Well, while we're hear at School, we can ask the Librarian. And if need be, we can go ask Town's Librarian. And we shall use KNOWLEDGE!"
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "The Hall Monitors never sleep."
<Random_Nerd> J: "They just... watch. Usually."
<@Lili> "They are quite strict! Even with non-students!"
<deMontreal> "Sure, when you're sneaking out."
<deMontreal> "During class."
<Mrs_Senko> "A visit to the library is always productive. Let's go."
<Random_Nerd> J: "My magical kingdom was being attacked by evil invaders from outside reality! It is a valid excuse!"
<deMontreal> "Right now, the only students here are fine upstanding citizens like myself."

  • Mrs_Senko gives Leo an incredulous look.

<deMontreal> (XP? :) )
<Random_Nerd> (Heh. Not... quite the right kind of incredulity.)
<@Lili> (More of a Senko boggling than a Leo cursing.)
<@Lili> "Sounds fabulous!" *shoulders bags* "Take me to your library, Jasper! So, what do Library snakes eat?"
<Soun> "book dust?"
<Soun> "book rat?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Sleeping students."
<Random_Nerd> J: "I don't have a library of my own. Well, a little one, but it's just like three shelves..."
<@Lili> "Do they think sleeping tenderizes them or something? Because Soun is probably a delicacy by now.."
<deMontreal> "Well, coloring books aren't that heavy."
<@Lili> "Ah, my mistake. Take me to the School library, Jasper!" *smile*

  • deMontreal goes looking for sleepers...

<Soun> "I'm awake!"
<Random_Nerd> She leads you out into the hall, flinching at the accusatory glare of the Monitor.
<Mrs_Senko> "They're just easy prey."
<Random_Nerd> She leads you down the halls to the Library.

  • @Lili whispers. "Is one allowed to dance through the halls?"

<Mrs_Senko> "Slowly."
<Mrs_Senko> "Don't make it look like running."
<Random_Nerd> For School, it is surprisingly non-creepy. Granted, a few of the lamp-shades are skulls from creatures similiar but not identical to humans. And there are like six vampires reading books at a table, but that's because the Night Classes begin soon and they're doing some last-minute studying.
<Mrs_Senko> "And make it look dignified."
<Random_Nerd> But no snakes, for instance, are evident.

  • @Lili breathes in that scent of old books. It smells like knowledge.
  • Soun look around nervosly and stay awake

<Random_Nerd> When she sees Jasper walk into sight, the librarian flinches. "No, Miss Irinka, I don't know what sorts of people habitually use airships for..." Then she sees the rest of you.
<@Lili> (As opposed to smelling the Internet, which smells like burning.)
<Random_Nerd> Librarian, in a stage whisper: "Ah, hello?"

  • Mrs_Senko in a library whisper "Hello, [Ms. Librarian]."
  • @Lili waves. "Hello! We are looking for information on interdimensional rifts."

<Random_Nerd> (Ms. Eccata.)
<deMontreal> (Is she a Pastafarian?)
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "Books on black holes are in the Physics section, under Science. The bookshelf is... the one under the stuffed jackal head."
<@Lili> "What about ones caused by Riders?"
<Soun> "are there any library snake we must be aware of?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Books on black holes written by Riders?"
<Random_Nerd> She looks affronted.
<Random_Nerd> "I'm sure I don't know what the ethnic background of our authors are, Mrs. Senko!"
<deMontreal> "Indeed. Blatant ... something-ism.
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "And Riders don't cause rifts in reality. Not here, not any more. You musn't listen to those old slanders."
<Mrs_Senko> "Very good."
<deMontreal> "Hardly becoming a teacher."
<Random_Nerd> She looks at Senko curiously, pondering if she's some sort of weird Excrucian-Supremacist or something.
<@Lili> "At what point does slander become 'fact'? Is it three occurances?"
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "Miss Irinka! I do not approve of the company you are keeping! Are these the ones that filled your head with all those nasty rumors about Riders you keep asking me about?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Did you know, Mr. de Montreal, that there are thirty ways to remove a student's teeth and shove them through his neck?"
<@Lili> (Bra-vo, Senko.)

  • @Lili looks offended. "Now, see here!"

<deMontreal> "Do you know there about a hundred ways to render that knowledge utterly irrelevant?"
<Mrs_Senko> "I assure you that this is all just a miscommunication, Ms. Eccata."
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: *sniff* "Knowledge is never irrelevant, Mister deMontreal."
<Soun> "But can be outdated"

  • Mrs_Senko looks smug.

<deMontreal> "Fair enough. So, where do the lesser lights nap in here?"
<@Lili> "Jasper keeps fine company! She even wants to be a librarian when she gets older but if you are the personality that she would be heading for, I think that it would not be a good enough profession for her!"

  • Soun nod firmly to Lili

<Mrs_Senko> "There is nothing wrong with Ms. Eccata."
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "Jasper, I think your friends need to leave. Because of, uh, the snakes. The Library Snakes."

  • Soun look around

<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "Okay! Thanks for your help, Missus Librarian!"

  • @Lili points dramatically at the librarian. "The knowledge will judge you, Msssss. Eccata! They will look at your words and your actions and file them away and at the time you least expect it, they will judge you!"

<@Lili> (Ooo, Mrs. Burn.)

  • Mrs_Senko whispers to Soun: "They're probably in the biology section. Dewey Decimal code [CODE]."

<deMontreal> "Plus... if there actually are snakes here, wouldn't that mean no student is safe?
<Random_Nerd> Miss Eccata, to Lillimund: "It is strictly forbodden to place dramatic curses on people on School property, ma'am."

  • Soun whisper back "thank you"

<Random_Nerd> (Forbidden, even.)
<deMontreal> "Shouldn't we be evacuating the place, then?"
<@Lili> "I have no ability to curse. I even try to avoid profanity-sounding words."

  • Soun use delinquent ability to sneak back and look for the book

<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "No. The snakes just want you guys to leave. Or at least stop bothering me. They are very insistent on this point."
<deMontreal> "Ah. Can we hear it from them, then?
<@Lili> "But I shall leave. I just don't think you should be mean to Jasper. She hasn't done anything wrong."
<deMontreal> "Always best to get the information straight from the source."
<Random_Nerd> She gives Leo a "Just work with me, kid, you know what she's like" look and then glances at Jasper for a moment.
<deMontreal> "Also, I'm rather interested in how you're able to talk to snakes."
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "She's never mean! She is the best and nicest and smartest person here in School!"
<Mrs_Senko> "But we came here for books and information. Is it not your duty as a librarian to dispense both, Miss Eccata?"
<@Lili> (She obviously doesn't know deMontreal when snark is on the line.)
<Random_Nerd> Librarian: "Remember what I said about being quiet in the library, Miss Irinka?"

  • @Lili is chastened. "I'm sorry, Jasper. I just didn't think that it was right of her to think that you would hang out with bad people."

<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "That you're supposed to! Because of the snakes. Which is why people make Ssssssshhh noises when they want you to be quiet! To remind you of the snakes!"
<Random_Nerd> She then quiets down.
<Random_Nerd> J, whispered: "Oh. Right."

  • Soun look around again when snakes are cited

<Random_Nerd> J, whispered: "Let's get out of here before we make the snakes angry."
<Random_Nerd> You still see no snakes.
<deMontreal> (How far should we push this?)
<Random_Nerd> (I think this scene is about done unless you have some ideas.)
<Soun> (Soun still feel nervous snakes eating sleeping peoples ... brrrr)
<@Lili> (Shall we go to the Town library then?  :) )
<deMontreal> (Well, if there are snakes present we need to evacuate the place.
<Mrs_Senko> (Why?)
<deMontreal> (Then again, if people hear about that they may take care of it themselves...)
<Random_Nerd> (The snakes are entirely fictitious.)
<deMontreal> (Then why did she mention them?)
<Random_Nerd> (But if you tell Jasper that, Miss Eccata will attack you with a stapler.)
<Soun> (but concretely real as menace for Soun)
<Random_Nerd> (Because they serve to get Jasper to quiet down.)
<deMontreal> (Indeed, I think the people here should hear about the possibility of snakes being present and decide what to do based on that.)
<@Lili> (Because it's a way that the librarian gets... what he said. It makes her quiet and then leave.)
<Random_Nerd> (Social customs regarding libraries are a strange and difficult thing for her to understand. Snakes that don't like loud noises are simple.)
<deMontreal> (What the heck are we doing again?)
<Mrs_Senko> (Getting information.)
<@Lili> (Going to the other library for rift thread info.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, cut to the Town library?)
<@Lili> (Sounds good to me!)
<Mrs_Senko> (sounds good)
<deMontreal> (Is the info more likely to be here than there?)
<Random_Nerd> The Town Librarian, Mister Jacobs, smiles when Jasper and the rest of you come in.
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "I'm here to look up a book!"
<Random_Nerd> Librarian #2: "That is, indeed, what the place is for."

  • Soun wave (and shine)

<Random_Nerd> (Using the Shine on who, Jasper or the librarian?)
<Soun> (librarian)
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "I need a book with something about... magic thread. Really durable."
<Random_Nerd> He thinks for a moment.
<Random_Nerd> He takes a piece of scratch paper, and scribbles some stuff on it.
<Random_Nerd> He hands it to Jasper.
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "Thanks!" *switches to whisper* "Uh, I mean, thank you, Mister Librarian."

  • @Lili smiles at this librarian. This, this one Jasper can keep.

<Random_Nerd> Jasper trots over to the Folklore and Mythology section.
<Soun> (brb)

  • @Lili will follow.

<Random_Nerd> She pulls a book open, flips through it a bit, and stops at the section about the chaining of the Fenris Wolf.

  • deMontreal looks around to see who else is here

<Random_Nerd> J, whispered: "Ah, yeah, this is the recipe. Sound of a cat's footfall, beard of a woman, roots of a mountain, sinews of a bear, breath of a fish, spit of a bird."
<deMontreal> (Any chance I have any of those in my lab?)

  • @Lili tries to surrepticiously look at Senko for facial hair.
  • Mrs_Senko fails to have facial hair.

<Mrs_Senko> (aside from the normal eyebrows and such)
<Random_Nerd> (These are a bit... mythological for Leo's lab. Not his style.)
<deMontreal> (Does the ogre teacher count?)
<Random_Nerd> J: "But if it worked on that one wolf, it'd probably work on the rift, if we could work out how to make it."
<@Lili> "Could you get roots from your mountain that you climb home from school, Jasper?"
<Random_Nerd> J: "Well, I know that normal mountains don't have roots. But that mountain's in Bluebell Park, at least sometimes, so maybe it would."
<deMontreal> "Hm... we may be able to get the animal parts from the zoo..."
<@Lili> (Would Soun's catgull count for footsteps?)
<Random_Nerd> (Maybe!)

  • @Lili looks horrified. At least for the bear part.

<Mrs_Senko> "Those sound like the names of flowers."
<deMontreal> (Very Nobilis, actually)
<Random_Nerd> Leonardo, something about the methodology here reminds you of Nightmare Technology. Just... a kinda twee version of it.
<@Lili> "Nah, bird spit's a real thing. One of the soup shops in the Shopping District has bird nest soup with bird spit in it."
<Random_Nerd> (But then, compared with Nightmare Technology, most things seem twee.)
<Random_Nerd> J: "The bear thing just seems mean."
<Random_Nerd> J: "I bet they need those."
<deMontreal> "Is there another recipe with... let's say darker ingredients?"
<@Lili> (We are not going to go out and get the hair gel from an emo teenager, Leo...)
<Soun> (lol!)
<Random_Nerd> J: "There... was the one in the fairy-tale book, but that was for knitting, and none of my brothers have been turned into swans. Because I only have one brother, and he's not a swan. Although he's only my half-brother. But he's still not a half-swan."
<deMontreal> (OK, can I get this chain from my Engine, and what effects would it have?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, you could probably use this recipe to do Nightmare Technology with. I mean, it's no more crazy than the one for the Seethe-Hounds, and that worked. But what it'd do would depend largely on what you wanted it to do, and how it fit into what you can do with the Engine.)
<@Lili> (And also, we need twice as much length of stuff as we think we need because it's always good to have extra thread for a project. You never know when you're going to have to tie up a bunch of Riders with it and spin them like yo-yos while you try to get your stitches even.)
<deMontreal> (Hm...

  • Mrs_Senko hands Jasper a book on spider silk.

<deMontreal> (Maybe instead of stitching we can basically do big-ass staples
<deMontreal> (Those we could theoretically shoot from a distance, like with a staple gun)
<Random_Nerd> Jasper, to Senko: "Is this the thing that that one guy told me about, with the goats?"
<Mrs_Senko> "No. It's the thing with the bullets."
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "Spiders have guns?"
<deMontreal> "Mine do."
<@Lili> (Oh great. We're going to have an arachnophobic Sun, aren't we, thanks to you all..)
<Mrs_Senko> "No. Spiders are anti-gun. Unless Mr. de Montreal owns them."
<Random_Nerd> Jasper: "So, wait, if a spider and a gun touch, do they explode?"
<deMontreal> "You talk to spiders?"
<Mrs_Senko> "Only if guns are also anti-spider."
<Random_Nerd> (Mind if we call it a night here?)
<Random_Nerd> (We seem to be running low on steam.)
<Soun> (is ok)
<Mrs_Senko> "I hardly think someone who has been seen giving spiders commands can judge talking to spiders."
<Mrs_Senko> (that's fine)
<deMontreal> (Well, how many XP do we get for our Relentless Grousing scene? :) )
<deMontreal> "My spiders are custom-built."
<deMontreal> (OK)
<@Lili> (Night is good. Otherwise I'd have to go find that one interview about the giant mechanical spider with the guns...)
<Random_Nerd> (I'm going to say that you had enough scenes for two XP, which go to de Montreal and Senko)
<Mrs_Senko> Yey!
<Random_Nerd> (*XP reference marker* next XP to Soun.)


  • Lili is now known as BethE

<Soun> (yay!)
<Random_Nerd> So, the whole library snake thing wasn't as obvious as I'd meant it to be, I guess.

  • Soun is now known as Angelo
  • deMontreal is now known as Knockwood
  • Mrs_Senko is now known as Verithe

<Random_Nerd> Still, in Town, it's hard to tell the difference between truth and BS.
<Knockwood> No, LdM knew.
<Angelo> (ohhh! I have 40 min of sleep :-D )
<Knockwood> He was about to make her regret trying to mess with him...
<@BethE> It seemed pretty obvious to me once we got to talking more to the librarian. But yeah, that and your GMing, we believe about anything you put before us.  :)
<Verithe> It was obvious to me, but Mrs. Senko went with it, for the most part.
<Angelo> (Soun know not and was scared that he will sleep and then bited/eated by one snake
<@BethE> (Which was also why Lili was thinking that she was being mean to Jasper.)
<Knockwood> Imagine what would have happened if he went "What? THERE'S SNAKES IN THE LIBRARY?!?"
<Verithe> Also, Mrs. Senko thought it would be a useful thing to keep Soun awake.
<@BethE> (*patpat* I'm sure that any snake that tried to eat Soun would swallow him whole and keep him warm and comfy until the snake realized the error of his ways.)
<Random_Nerd> The School Librarian doesn't dislike Jasper, but she gets really sick some days of having her come in every day and ask "How does sneezing work? Why do people not wear fish on their heads? If a penguin and a unicorn got in a fight, and the penguin had a knife, who would win?"
<Angelo> cool interpretation Beth but .. why risk?
<Knockwood> Unicorns have TK. :)
<Random_Nerd> But that penguin's got the crazy eyes. I wouldn't bet against it.