Chuubo 2-4

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<Knockwood> So have you picked out a character yet?
<@Random_Nerd> There are a couple new options, and the stock ones are changed a little.
<lazarus> (I wish I could find Wing Commander CCG decks. That was a neat game)
<@Etheric> Ah, so the characters from Chuubo's are still available?
<@Random_Nerd> Most are.
<@Random_Nerd> Of the untaken ones, let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo, Seizhi...
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> And we already have a Leonardo, a Natasha, a Sun.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and Entropy is still available.
<Verithe> The Witch?
<@Random_Nerd> The Witch is new.
<@Random_Nerd> As is Rinley, of which we already have one.
<Knockwood> We accidentally wound up with an all-female party. :)

  • BethE is now known as Rinley

<Rinley> We aren't ponies. *shifty look*
<lazarus> not accidentally :p

  • lazarus is now known as TheSun

<Angelo> we are ponies :-P

  • Verithe is now known as Hisui

<@Etheric> Well, maybe I should be a male character then to balance it out.
<@Random_Nerd> Up to you.

  • Angelo is now known as Natalia

<@Random_Nerd> All the characters have male and female versions.
<TheSun> (... ... ... FUCKICAN'TREMEMBERMYNAMEAGAIN ... ... ... )
<@Random_Nerd> (Jasper Irinka.)
<TheSun> (thank you)
<Hisui> One male =five females. I learned this today.
<TheSun> (that's so embarrassing)
<@Etheric> What does that mean?

  • Knockwood is now known as Dulcinea

<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and the Glass version has a mix-your-own character option as well.
<@Random_Nerd> But they don't have as much storyline support in some respects, and we already have one.
<@Etheric> Looking it over now.
<Rinley> V - how does that math work?
<Hisui> I was just being facetious with the "balancing out" thing.
<Rinley> Ahhh.
<@Random_Nerd> So, if you have an idea of which character you want, we can try to integrate you tonight.
<@Random_Nerd> If not, we can wait until next session.
<Rinley> I have an idea on what do do with the cat prince but it's not very intelligent. I also have another idea of what to do before the prince.
<@Random_Nerd> Intelligent plans are for other people.
<Dulcinea> Granted, eating popcorn while watching you fail spectacularly would probably be my thing...
<@Random_Nerd> Eh. For the Rival, maybe.
<@Random_Nerd> Nightmare's Angel seems a bit less... that.
<Rinley> And plus, I'm not Chuubo.
<Dulcinea> Ah yes, there are subtle differences which I may stumble over
<@Random_Nerd> So, shall we start with our existing cast, and then during the two week hiatus, Etheric will 3e-ize Carrie and pick a Chuubo character?
<@Etheric> I think I'll be the Best Friend, actually.
<@Random_Nerd> That works. Male or female version, and with any variations?
<Natalia> 2week hiatus?
<Dulcinea> You'd pretty much have to be the female version.
<@Random_Nerd> Next week's session is cancelled because Beth and I will be out of town for American Thanksgiving
<@Etheric> I thought about being Seizhi, but I had weird mental images of harem anime, so I'l go with the Suzy Swan version.
<@Random_Nerd> Heh.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> Okay. Let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Main group, where where you going to go?
<Rinley> Well, we had just finished talking to my brother Death of Rats.
<Dulcinea> I think we were prepping for the meeting with the cats
<Rinley> We could go talk to my sister for her advise. The party isn't until 3 days later but Rinley thinks that we don't have that kind of time and that we should board the ship and make fun of the prince for caring about time.
<Dulcinea> At some point I should grab some ... stuff.
<TheSun> Jasper is not going to the party, but that won't keep her from making sure her friend people are all right. Which means I don't know what she'll do.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. And you have Rinley, she can talk with cats. Kinda.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, wait! I had something for this.
<@Random_Nerd> You guys ready to start?
<Hisui> Yes.
<Natalia> yep
<Dulcinea> Sure
<Rinley> Kind of. Mostly to the effect of being able to answer demands for food and scratches.
<Rinley> Ready.
<@Random_Nerd> We'll get to Suzy Schwan in a bit.
<TheSun> sure.


<Rinley> ( *getting in character*)
<@Random_Nerd> You leave the interior of one of the shrine's outbuildings, where Rinley's father and brother are talking about the problem, with her brother irritated and her father confused.

  • Dulcinea listens in...

<@Random_Nerd> Natalia, you can hear the voices of the two rats you saw earlier, with the two differing accents. They're conversing behind a garden shed, about a hundred meters upwind.
<Rinley> "Three days until the party...that's too long! The Mystery could manifest at any time! We saw the cat-pile do it already!"
<@Random_Nerd> Dulcinea, the clan head remains confused, and drugged-sounding, but this is the Yatskya Shrine, drugged incense and all, and he's been inhaling it his whole life.
<Natalia> (I didn't overhear already last session?)
<Hisui> "So, what did people do the last time this happened?"
<@Random_Nerd> (You heard them when they were inside, before they got scared off.)
<Rinley> (Whee! *breathes deep*)
<@Random_Nerd> (Now, they're planning on what to do after having been shown the door.)
<Dulcinea> I should get some of that stuff...
<Natalia> I concentrate and search a good spot where hear them
<@Random_Nerd> (You're Natalia. You can hear them fine from where you are.)
<Natalia> I hear then from here then :-)
<@Random_Nerd> The one with the Russian accent is arguing that they made a mistake in speaking so forcefully, but the one with the Fortitude accent is arguing that they need to push, because they need results now.
<Dulcinea> What exactly does their incense do?
<Rinley> (It's how they get rid of Outside dust.)
<Hisui> (But it does have effects, ja?)
<Rinley> (Like how Hi's family makes it into candy.)
<@Random_Nerd> It has effects, but they're subtle and low-grade and hard to quantify.
<Rinley> (Makes for weird dreams.)
<@Random_Nerd> It may help them embody Mysteries in some strange and unspecified way. It may not have the same effect on Yatskya family members as it does on other humans.
<@Random_Nerd> And even within the family, the effects aren't always consistent.
<Natalia> OK, nothing worth replying to my friends
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat argues that they need to go to the Angel of Fortitude. Fortitude Rat says that even if they could locate him, which is by no means certain, he probably wouldn't help, because employing force and killing or exiling cats is not the sort of thing that he does.
<Hisui> (*slips a candy to Natalia for calling us friends*)
<Natalia> (munch candy mindlessly)
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and all of a sudden, in the direction that Natalia and possibly others are looking, there's the Prince of Cats, standing by the shed.
<Dulcinea> If you think about it, incense that starts with a soothing scent that changes to a not-so-soothing scent would help my nightmare work
<@Random_Nerd> But something's wrong in his body language. Normally, he walks and even stands like an athletic and poised, but perpetually tipsy, human. Right now, he's standing like he learned how to stand by reading a book that was translated from Japanese to Russian by poorly paid people.
<Rinley> "Oh bathwater."
<Hisui> "Is he feeling well?"
<@Random_Nerd> The Prince of Cats stares curiously at one of his hands, flexing his fingers.

  • Rinley walks over to him. "What are you doing here?"
  • Natalia run to him "Hi, are you ok?"

<@Random_Nerd> On the other side of the shed, the two rats in trenchcoats don't seem to have noticed him.
<@Random_Nerd> As soon as Rinley gets close enough to catch his attention, the Prince of Cats turns in a manner that would make the Dramatic Prarie Dog think it was a bit over the top.
<Dulcinea> To Rinley: "I must get some of your family's incense."
<@Random_Nerd> He snarls and hisses in a feral voice.

  • Hisui whispers, "He probably stalked us the whole way here."
  • Dulcinea checks out the prince...
  • Rinley waves Dulci in a 'yeah, yeah, everyone wants to get the good stuff' way

<@Random_Nerd> At the sound of the hissing, the two rats do something that makes sounds of cloth and metal.
<TheSun> *goes and stares at the Prince of Cats sternly, hands on her hips*
<@Random_Nerd> The Prince of Cats bares his teeth, which are normal human-like teeth, and then falls to pieces. And by pieces, I mean cats, about half a dozen of them.
<Rinley> "You are at the Yataskya Shrine! As...oh crap."
<@Random_Nerd> The cats scatter.

  • Hisui screams!

<TheSun> "that's not normal."

  • Rinley points at the nearest cat that's fleeing. "Stop!"

<Natalia> "uhm...."
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat, probably to a cat: "This firearm I am holding fires .22 long rifle bullets. It is the most powerful firearm that can be practically used by a rat, and is quite sufficient for killing medium-sized predators like you. So you gotta ask yourself..."
<Dulcinea> Did I get a chance to grab stuff from home?
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "What the hell are you talking about?"
<@Random_Nerd> (Sure. What did you get?)
<TheSun> (... I am now picturing a Russian Clint Eastwood.)
<Dulcinea> Several things, but for now I'm thinking a penlight laser.
<@Random_Nerd> A cat, on the same side of the shed as the two rats: "Hisss!" (Or, as audible to Rinley, "I'm big! See my fur be big! Raawr!")
<Rinley> (Unfortunately, when I picture a Russian rat, it's a rat with one of those fuzzy hats...)
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "It's... a human movie. It... never mind."
<@Random_Nerd> *Gunshot*

  • Rinley heads over to that cat. *in cat* "Who Prince?"

<@Random_Nerd> Cat bolts away.
<@Random_Nerd> Do you chase the cat?
<Hisui> (It's a fuzzy hat made of cat fur!)

  • Dulcinea tries to distract some cats with the laser...
  • Rinley chases after cat that got shot at!

<@Random_Nerd> One Cat, as audible to Rinley: "Shiny thing!" Another, also only audible to Rinley: "Legends true!"

  • Hisui doesn't feel that chasing cats is a worthwhile pursuit.

<@Random_Nerd> The two cats stare mesmerized at the shiny laser dot.

  • Dulcinea draws them into the open

<@Random_Nerd> Cat Being Chased By Rinley: "Bad noise! Rat bad! Noise!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Do you use any character abilities to catch the cat?)
<Rinley> *in Cat* "Come back! Talk to me!"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat Being Chased: "Bad rat! Bad noi...say what?"
<Rinley> (Superior Cat Talker also makes me kinda good at doing cat-like stuff.)
<@Random_Nerd> (True! That would let you keep up long enough to be heard.)
<@Random_Nerd> Two Cats: *stare intently at the Legendary Shiny Thing*
<Rinley> "Talk with me! I'll give scratches!"
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: *reloads revolver that in a rat's hand looks comically large*
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: *looks incredibly confused*

  • Dulcinea is trying to get as many cats under control with the laser as she can

<@Random_Nerd> Most of the cats had bolted either when the Prince fell into cats, or at the gunshot. But you have two cats, and Rinley has one.
<@Random_Nerd> Cat That Got Shot At: "What?"
<Dulcinea> Meanwhile, my plushie spider is weaving a strong cotton web. :p
<@Random_Nerd> Mesmerized cats: *stare at the Abhorrent Cat-fascinating Laser Dot*
<Rinley> *wiggles fingers* "Scratches! Tell me about Prince!"
<@Random_Nerd> They don't even chase it, just watch it.
<@Random_Nerd> That Cat: "Prince. Prince prince."
<Dulcinea> They're not pawing at it?
<@Random_Nerd> Nope. Just moving slowly closer, and exchanging looks with each other.
<TheSun> "why aren't these cats acting like cats?"
<@Random_Nerd> They seem worried that if they move quickly, it will run, and escape.

  • Dulcinea draws the cats closer with the laser...

<@Random_Nerd> Cat Rinley Is Talking To: "Prince?"
<Rinley> "Where from?"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "...prince?"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Big place! Cats! Prince!"
<Rinley> *frustrated sigh* *holds out hands* "Scritches?"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Scritches!"
<@Random_Nerd> The cat rubs its head against Rinley's hand.
<Hisui> ("But only for exactly ten seconds and then I scratch.")
<Rinley> *scritches* *mutters to self in human: Why couldn't I get the smart animal that can talk plain Fortitudian...*
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, mind if we switch to a different scene for a moment? At this same time, something else is happening.)
<TheSun> (ok!)
<Dulcinea> (uh oh)
<Rinley> (The Yataskya clan learns how to anticipate such changes in mood.)
<Rinley> (Sure.)
<Natalia> (yeah)
<@Random_Nerd> Suzy Schwan, who everyone knows is Chuubo's best friend and once beat him in that legendary soapbox derby, is walking down a path not too far away in the Waking Fields, when she hears a whispered voice from a bush.
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Hey! You! You're that human, right!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Etheric?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay... we'll switch back to the other scene for a bit!)
<@Random_Nerd> Cat That Rinley Was Petting: "Bored now!" *starts to scamper away*
<@Suzy> ((Ah, I'm here.))
<@Random_Nerd> (Then back!)
<@Suzy> ((Sorry, was reading the new PDF.))
<@Random_Nerd> (No problem.)
<@Suzy> "Yes! Human, definitely human. Whyever do you ask...?"
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Taller than a rat, voice sounds similar... you're the one the Prince keeps bothering, right?"
<@Random_Nerd> (You totally aren't. You have no idea what the voice is talking about.)
<@Random_Nerd> (The only one who's been bothering you at all lately is Billy Sovereign, and if he was a prince, you're sure he would have mentioned it, possibly when throwing dirt clods at you and Chuubo.)
<@Suzy> "I don't... think so? You might be thinking of someone else."
<Rinley> (The Prince keeps bothering Jasper. He has some sort of crush on her. Or else she has cooties.)
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "But you seem like her." It seems to be trying to unfold a piece of paper, in a bush.
<Dulcinea> (so, Billy exists in this game? What did he do to me?)
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Jasper Irinka. That's you, right?"
<@Random_Nerd> (Probably stabbed you where your heart used to be. He does things like that.)
<@Suzy> "Oh, Jasper? No, I'm Suzy Swan."
<@Random_Nerd> (And he's surprisingly hard to productively get rid of.)
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Oh. Well, this is awkward, then. Do... you know her?"
<Dulcinea> (He beats up girls?)
<Dulcinea> (OK. HE'S GOING DOWN.)
<@Random_Nerd> (And boys! And absorbs them into his gang!)
<@Suzy> "Yes, I do! Well, kind of. She's in the class next door to mine, at School."
<Hisui> (Oh mai!)
<@Random_Nerd> A scrap of paper is pushed out from under the bush by a small arm that almost certainly had fur on it. On it are the words "Jasper Irinka" as if written by a person wearing mittens, and a drawing that looks like you insomuch as it has a head, and arms, and things like that.
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Her."
<@Suzy> ((LOL))
<@Suzy> "So you... want me to bring this to her?"
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Oh. Would you do that?"
<Rinley> (Or maybe you need to bring the... person to Jasper?)
<@Suzy> "I suppose I might as well."
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Could you bring me to her?"
<Dulcinea> (bit tough considering you don't know where we are)
<@Suzy> "Okay?"
<@Suzy> (That's what Domain is for.)
<@Random_Nerd> Voice: "Now, don't freak out, okay, human-who-isn't-Jasper."
<@Random_Nerd> (Doesn't Glass-Seizhi have Persona instead?)
<@Random_Nerd> A shin-height form extricates itself from the bush.
<@Random_Nerd> It's... presumably, a cat. It looks more like a cat than it does like anything else. But it also looks like a very old cat, with one eye and a lot of scars, and one with somewhat unusual paws.
<@Random_Nerd> Also, its eyes look like human eyes.
<@Suzy> (Ah, maybe it's Persona, but I can see wishes, right?)
<@Random_Nerd> Weird Cat: "I'm Old Tom, and I need to find Jasper Irinka."
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and cats can't talk. Rats can, of course. But not cats.)
<Rinley> (Rinley really really really wants to meet this cat! Pleeeeease, Suzy! You're obviously a Special Person, so of course you know Rinley and thus a strange cat would be right up her alley! ^^ )
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay. This Seizhi can see the wishes of humans, and also of... one other category of being.)

  • @Suzy looks at the cat with a mildly surprised expression, then, several seconds later, jumps! Which is of course a reflex and not on purpose because a normal person which she is would be surprised.

<@Random_Nerd> (Options include "animals", "the dead", "machines", and so forth.)
<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom: "I'm not too quick on my feet. Would you mind carrying me, curiously helpful human?"
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and he smells like old carpet.
<@Suzy> "You're a talking cat."
<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom: "And you like to state the obvious. I see we're going to be great friends."
<TheSun> (not sure if snark or not)
<Rinley> ( it possible for cats not to snark?)
<TheSun> (... meow?)

  • @Suzy giggles. "I suppose." She thinks it over for a few moments.

<Rinley> (How dare you say that about my mother!)
<@Suzy> (I was leaning toward the "wind and weather" option anyway, but it probgably only helps if I know she's the Sun, now that I think of it. And I might not know that.)
<@Random_Nerd> One final comment: now that he's talking out loud, not just whispering, his voice sounds vaguely like that of Tom Waits. This sounds like the voice of a cat who's a smoker, and drinks too much whiskey.
<@Random_Nerd> (You probably don't, although you know there's something odd up with her.)
<TheSun> (Jasper does tend to use oddly sun-like appendages)

  • @Suzy thinks, At least he doesn't smell like tobacco smoke. That would be a deal-breaker.

<@Suzy> "Okay, I'll take you along. Up you go."
<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom grunts as you pick him up.
<@Random_Nerd> (Now, we shall cut back to the other scene!)

  • @Suzy carefully scoops the cat up, supporting it with her left arm.

<@Suzy> (Works for me.)

  • Dulcinea has mesmerized cats and a net handy.

<@Random_Nerd> One trenchcoated rat, carrying a revolver that would look tiny in a baby's hand but looks utterly implasuibly large in hers, walks over to Dulcinea.
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "So what's the plan here, miss?"
<Dulcinea> (do I know IC that Rinley talks to cats?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Yes. You've seen her do it, and apparently get results.)
<Rinley> (She has done it in front of you before.)
<Dulcinea> "You tell me. What's with the gun?"
<@Random_Nerd> (She can stare at a cat, and make meowing noises, and have the cat respond in kind.)
<Rinley> *to cat, in Cat* "Why here?"
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "Dangerous world, out there."
<@Random_Nerd> Cat Rinley Is Scritching: "...ears needed scritching."
<Rinley> (*nod* yep, that's what I thought.)
<Dulcinea> "What do you know about the 'Prince of Cats'?"
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "That he needs to be stopped, and sent away, and now."
<Rinley> *to cat* "Have home?"
<@Random_Nerd> The other trenchcoated rat comes over and stands near her companion.
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Place. Warm."
<Rinley> "lots of other cats?"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "No. Mine!"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Mine! Mine mine!"
<Dulcinea> "Careful, those who are driven off tend to return in force."
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "I'm pretty sure you can put the shooting iron away, Alexandra."
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat, Apparently Named Alexandra: "Not as long as those cats stay here."
<Dulcinea> "If he is to leave, he needs to be either negotiated with or scared off."
<Rinley> *sigh* *scritch*
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Bored now!"
<@Random_Nerd> It tries to squirm away.
<Rinley> "Show me your home?"
<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "Or set on fire. I have matches."
<@Random_Nerd> Cat, to Rinley: "No! Mine!"
<Rinley> "okay. Go now?"
<@Random_Nerd> She twirls her revolver. The other rat rolls her eyes.
<@Random_Nerd> Cat: "Yep!"
<@Random_Nerd> It scampers off.
<Dulcinea> "Don't go starting anything. We will lead."

  • Rinley walks back to the others... "Why can't I get the smart ones to talk to?" *sees the rats* "Oh, hello! You were talking to Father and Big Brother!"

<@Random_Nerd> (Suzy, you can now show up at any time you want. You've got a couple abilities that could help you find Jasper, so it's plausible that you did so off-screen.)
<Dulcinea> "Well, we have two more cats to talk with... once they're less mesmerized."
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "You're the young one. Rinley."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra The Russian-Accented Rat: "The one who talks to cats."

  • Dulcinea kills the laser.

<@Random_Nerd> Cat #1, audible to Rinley: "Bummer."
<@Random_Nerd> Cat #2: "Dude."
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "Can you help us drive him away, or make the Town authorities do it?"
<@Suzy> (Okay, I'll go with that then.)

  • Natalia lean against a wall

<Rinley> "We all talk to cats. It's just that I'm the one that... is in service to a rat as well." *drops down to better position to talk in a more equal fashion with the rats* "I don't want the... Mystery to appear any more than you do. I have already pledged to help."
<@Random_Nerd> (In particular, when you have some time, go over Is This My Destiny a bit. That's a flexible one. Page 406.)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra The Russian-Accented Rat: "How, then? Do you have a plan? Will anyone important listen to you?"
<Rinley> "But I don't think that I can convince the Town authorities to do so. We have been invited to a party on his ship and we shall have to drive him off then. But it's three whole days away! And the Mystery is already showing itself!"

  • @Suzy walks around a street corner, taking slow steps, carefully holding a cat that has seen better days.

<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "How do you feel about wearing a concealed bomb?"
<@Random_Nerd> A: "Hypothetically."
<Dulcinea> ("I can call spirits from the vastly deep!" "Why, so can I, and so can any man, but will they come when you do summon them?")
<Rinley> "I am but the daughter of a Shrine. And my plan go there to the ship, early and drive the Prince off. However..I've never done that before, so I'm not sure how well i will do, especially against a Rider."
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "This is the sister of Old King Death."
<Hisui> "A bomb?!"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "How... do your helpful and possibly expendible friends feel about it?"
<Rinley> ("Then obviously she'd be okay with it!")
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra looks at Hisui as if expecting that she might be particularly expendible.

  • @Suzy stops in place at the mention of bombs, and King Death. She isn't quite sure what else to do, so she stares.

<Rinley> "Uh....depends on who gets to trigger the bomb and no blowing up my friends!"
<Hisui> "No! Are you crazy?"
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, to Jasper: "You! Girl! Are you Jasper Irinka?" It is audible to all.
<Dulcinea> Cold: "None of us are 'expendable'."
<TheSun> "Um... yes..."

  • Rinley's Important People Sense goes off. "Suzy! And... that is the most interesting cat I've ever seen!"

<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra pulls back the hammer on her revolver and points it at the talking cat. The other rat sighs.

  • Natalia nod at Suzy "Hey..."
  • Hisui turns

<Rinley> "It talks! By the Shrine, it talks ENGLISH!"

  • @Suzy walks over to Jasper. "Um, Tom here.. wanted to speak with you." She sets him down in front of Jasper.
  • Dulcinea calmly takes the gun.

<Natalia> "Do you mean russian"
<@Random_Nerd> She's holding it pretty tightly, and you're not physically superhuman. Trying to take it away may end badly.
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, in english: "No, I can talk this, too."
<TheSun> "Hullo cat"
<@Random_Nerd> Oddly, Rinley understands this, even though she doesn't speak much English. Probably because a cat said it.
<Rinley> (I don't think we're all talking Russian. What are we talking? Oh, make it speaks HUMAN then?)
<@Random_Nerd> (The main languages of Town are Russian and Japanese.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Most of the humans there came from one of those two places.)
<Rinley> (Ah, I had forgotten that. Then Japanese is the one that Rinley understands better. Make it JAPANESE but HUMAN sounds funnier.)
<Dulcinea> Can we have my plush spider rappel down to the rat's face and go 'boo'? :)
<@Random_Nerd> You can.
<Rinley> (Do notscare the rat with the Clint Eastwood fetish!)
<@Random_Nerd> The plush spider does that thing. And gets shot.
<@Random_Nerd> It scurries off and hides behind one of Dulcinea's legs.
<Dulcinea> Not while I've got a hold of the rat's gun

  • Rinley looks sad. "Dulci! Now you've got gunpowder in the stuffing!"

<@Random_Nerd> Fortunately, the bullet doesnt hit anyone else.
<Natalia> "aw poor plushie!"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Do you want to make this a fight, tall girl?"

  • Rinley goes over to Jasper and Old Tom. "Hello!"

<@Random_Nerd> (Natalia could take the gun away without much trouble. Dulcinea, less so.)

  • Dulcinea bends down and stares the rat in the eyes. "Exxxxxcellent idea."

<Natalia> (yep but Natali don't bother to take it :- P )
<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom: "So, you're that girl that talks to cats." Echo, audible only to Rinley: "You. Girl. Talk cat."
<@Random_Nerd> The fortitude rat tries to step in between the two of you: "Can we do this later? Or never?"

  • Natalia take a look at the plushie, how is damaged?

<Rinley> "One of them at least. Pleased to meet you, sir. You have fought well."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I've fought taller."
<@Random_Nerd> The plushy spider is only slightly damaged, as the bullet went cleanly through. A bit of darning, and it'd be as good as new.
<Hisui> "And I'm sure Dulcinea's fought smaller. Can we not do this, please?"
<Natalia> can I fix it?
<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "But you haven't when we had a job to do and it wasn't helping. So, how about you two calm down a bit and you put the gun away."
<@Random_Nerd> (Yeah, you can.)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra curses under her breath, uncocks her revolver, and puts inside in her coat.

  • Natalia fix the plushie and then hug him and then give back to Dulcinea

<Dulcinea> "I would bet the tall people you fought were dumb enough to fight fair. Now put the gun away."

  • Dulcinea checks out the plushie.

<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom: "So, what strange conversation have we come into, Helpful Human Who States The Obvious?" Rinley-Echo: "What this? Huh?"
<Rinley> *absentmindedly* "Dulci, please don't belittle the rat officers. They are trying to do their job."

  • Dulcinea puts Ariadne back on her shoulder
  • Natalia smile to Ariadne

<@Random_Nerd> Fortitude Rat: "Uh, we aren't techically in any of the chivalric orders. We were just hired to try to find humans who could help and were willing to."

  • Rinley mutters, "Maaaaan, I gotta get better at my cat talking. Talking in human speech is so much easier...and concepts!"

<@Random_Nerd> Russian Rat: "Talking with humans is a big part of our job. Especially me."
<Rinley> *to rats* "Oh, I thought that you were rat police officers. Detectives, then?"
<@Random_Nerd> Old Tom: "I can't help but notice that my human langauges are much better than your cat. So, let's stick to Russian." Echo: "You talk cat bad, I talk human good. Talk human."
<Rinley> (*grumble stupid cat talking bah grumble*)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Yep. Prokofiev and Glenn Investigations."
<Rinley> *to rats* "Pleased to meet you and I'm sorry we had to meet under such circumstances."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I'm Alexandra Prokofiev, and this is my associate, Melanie Glenn."
<Hisui> " are Prokofiev and Glenn?"
<@Random_Nerd> Melanie the Fortitude Rat: "Partner. Your name may come first, but I'm an equal partner."
<Hisui> "Ah"
<Dulcinea> (Any language barriers, or do we have the same understand everything power as in Nobilis?)
<@Random_Nerd> (You do not, but everyone is speaking Russian. Alexandra speaks it exactly like a human from the Russian community, and Melanie has a distinct rat accent.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Tom's Russian is comprehensible, but he has an accent from some anglophone country.)
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "Jasper, I have an important message for you, that you must hear."
<TheSun> "Oh?"
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, in a self-important voice like the bearer of monumentous news: "The Prince of Cats... means you no good!"
<@Random_Nerd> Both rats roll their eyes.
<Hisui> "Thank you, Tom."
<TheSun> "He's a weird stalker guy. Of course."
<@Random_Nerd> Cat #1: "Huh?"
<@Random_Nerd> (In Cat, of course.)
<@Random_Nerd> #2: "Dunno."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "I have it on the best of authority that he and your mother are scheming against you to force you into a political marriage, Jasper."
<Dulcinea> "How much 'incense' have you two been snorting?"
<TheSun> "That can't be true."
<TheSun> "Also, it's stupid"
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "'re stupid."
<Rinley> "Uh...isn't Jasper kinda young to get political married?"

  • @Suzy wishes that Shokyou were here since she always is able to make the crazy stuff feel normal.

<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "Well, you know. Betrothal and stuff. Besides, from what I heard, she's from a Rider family, and they see that stuff differently."
<@Suzy> (Or, if this campaign has a Chuubo and not a Shokyou, that Chuubo were here.)
<@Random_Nerd> He looks at Jasper, making eye-contact for long enough for him to tell that she has no stars in her eyes, and for her to tell that his eyes look human, not feline.
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "You are Jasper Irinka, daughter of Jade Irinka, aren't you? I don't have the wrong human again?"
<Dulcinea> To Tom: "Tell us more about this plan involving her mother."
<TheSun> "I am yes."
<Rinley> "...but...Jasper's never been a Rider! And you have to be born one to be one, right?"
<Rinley> (Rinley isn't right, but she doesn't know as much.)
<Natalia> "Can your father then be a rider?"
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "I had infiltrated his airship, searching for evidence that this sky-ship filled with foreigners intended harm, that it was an effort to make Town cast us out. And I heard him and her mother scheming. Well, she said she was your mother, at least."
<TheSun> "My mom wasn't a Rider."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "And they said that her father was from some very important Rider family, and that the Prince was going to marry her and thus gain political connections."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "And then the mother wrote some letter, and gave it to the Prince to give to her."
<TheSun> "And we've determined already that wasn't from my Real Mom."
<TheSun> "So I don't have to listen to her. Nyeah!"
<Hisui> "Yeah."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "The... handwriting... wasn't right?"

  • @Suzy sits herself down on the flat concrete top of a nearby two-foot-high brick wall, and listens to the conversation.

<@Random_Nerd> He looks at one of his paws.
<@Suzy> (I don't know what else to call it but it's a common part of city scenery around here at least.)
<Rinley> (I forget. Did Jasper even read the letter or just tear it up?)
<@Random_Nerd> He has that polydactyl mutation, like some Maine Coon Cats, with what looks like a tiny second paw coming out where the thumb would be.
<TheSun> (um. Rinley read it, IIRC.)
<TheSun> (but it was really the "I'm your real mom, honest!" bit that did it)
<@Random_Nerd> (The text was...)
<@Random_Nerd> (The letter reads: "Dearest daughter. You can fully trust the bearer of this letter, who is definitely the actual Prince of Cats, in all things. I look forward to being reunited with you. Signed, Jade Irinka. PS, this letter is not a fake.")
<Rinley> "The handwriting looked right but it was weird."
<Natalia> (eh)
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "Lot of weird things happen. All the time. Doesn't mean they aren't true."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "I mean, I'm a cat."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Don't think I've forgotten>"
<@Random_Nerd> (Tom's Echo: "Weird thing, thing thing. Thing. Thing. Cat.")

  • Dulcinea starts up with the laser again...

<@Random_Nerd> Cat #1 and Cat #2 stare at it with drugged-looking interest.
<@Random_Nerd> Tom looks disgusted.
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, in Cat, as audible to Rinley: "Shiny thing not thing. Not thing thing. No."
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, as audible to everyone else: "Rrrawwrl!"
<@Random_Nerd> Cat #1: "Thing! Prove!"
<@Random_Nerd> #1 tries to pounce the shiny dot.
<Rinley> "It was a different weird thing. That it didn't sound like Jasper's mom."
<@Random_Nerd> #1, as with all cats, fails to catch the laser.
<@Random_Nerd> #1: "Thing fast."
<Dulcinea> "Well, the fact that it said something other than 'Braaaaains...'"
<@Random_Nerd> Tom, in Russian: "Morons."

  • Rinley rubs her eyes. "Okay, let's say, for the sake of arguing, that Jasper's mom came back from the dead as a Rider. And her dad is a Rider. And now Jasper's mom wants to set her up with some other Rider dude who wants to kill all of us with a Mystery."

<TheSun> (I am gonna have to call it a night here. night!)
<Rinley> "How do we get rid of the Rider dude who wants to marry Jasper, with a minimum loss of rat, human and cat lives?"
<Natalia> (nn)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "You've heard my plan."
<@Random_Nerd> Melanie: "He's a Rider, and he looks to be a purebred one. A bomb probably wouldn't even work."

  • TheSun Quit

<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "It'd work on his airship. It'd work on the cats."
<Dulcinea> "We believe violence should be the last resort.
<@Random_Nerd> Tom: "Hey, now. Nobody is blowing up any cats here."
<Hisui> (He already got her! We're too late!)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Actually, it is getting late. Any last comments, before we stop?)
<Rinley> (Quick, let's pull out Dulci's heart and bring her back!)
<Natalia> (none)
<Dulcinea> (quick break until the Sun returns?)
<Rinley> "We'll have to send the extra cats off somewhere else but...argh."
<Dulcinea> (and I don't have my heart here, remember?)
<Rinley> (Laz signed off, Knock. Oh, forgot you don't have a heart in this one. Do you think you still set Billy Sovereign on fire?)
<@Random_Nerd> (I checked, and yes, Dulcinea did.)
<Hisui> (Nothing from me.)
<Dulcinea> (Good question. He does exist here...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Isn't much use, though.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Page 416.)


<Dulcinea> (checked what?)

  • Natalia is now known as Angelo

<Dulcinea> Heh.

  • Suzy is now known as Etheric
  • Dulcinea is now known as Knockwood

<Hisui> I'm going to head off now. My brain is melting.
<Hisui> Take care. See you in two weeks!
<Angelo> nightly night
<Rinley> Night, V!
<Knockwood> G'night

  • Rinley is now known as BethE

<@Random_Nerd> See you then.
<BethE> Sorry there wasn't more, Eth.

  • Hisui Quit

<Angelo> well he got introduced :-9
<Knockwood> Well, there can be a slow intro to the setting
<@Etheric> Oh, it's fine. This was fun, starting out this way.
<Angelo> I hear a 2 week hiatus? when that start?
<BethE> Well, we won't meet next Thursday but we will the Thursday after that.
<@Etheric> Toward the end, I was reluctant to get a word in, so it's just as well that we ended here. I imagine it'll be smoother at the start of next session to get in the thick of things.
<Knockwood> Next week is Thanksgiving, Angelo
<Angelo> oh! We don't have that here
<Knockwood> Basically a harvest festival in which people visit their families and overeat
<Angelo> like all festivities then
<@Random_Nerd> Yep.
<Angelo> *holidays
<Angelo> and the week after ther will be no game too?
<@Etheric> I figure that Suzy becomes involved because it's something happening and it doesn't involve Chuubo, so, here's a chance to prove to the universe that she's not just his imaginary friend. (Or substitute Shokyou if appropriate. I figure it's quantum indeterminate right now as to the Wishing Child's gender.)
<@Etheric> Two weeks from today to next game, I think it means.
<@Etheric> So, week after, there is game.
<Angelo> ah, ok
<@Random_Nerd> Yes, that.
<@Etheric> Are we still keeping track of Scenes in Glass Dragon, or is that not part of the streamlined rules?
<@Random_Nerd> We are, except that I need to go over how those work now.
<@Etheric> I wanted to ask if the first scene with Tom the Cat would count as a Slice of Life. Although that might be a moot question if it's all that much different.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<@Random_Nerd> For your character, it actually might.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and I figure that, being the Best Friend, that you're somewhat more easy to mistake for other people than some folks are.
<@Random_Nerd> Hence the confusion.
<@Etheric> That makes sense.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. It could be Foreshadowing, too.
<Knockwood> She's got that may-not-be-real plot, right?
<@Random_Nerd> Yep.
<@Random_Nerd> Or, really, Walking Your Path. You found a cat with a problem, so you helped out.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, I'd say Walking Your Path.
<@Etheric> Ah, alright, I can go with that.
<@Etheric> So, Quick Scene, 3 xp?
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, I'd say.
<@Random_Nerd> Except some of the rules on XP are different now, I believe.
<@Random_Nerd> And I plan to go over the new ones on the drive, and we can go over then next session.
<@Etheric> Ah, okay. Well, if it's easiest, we can forget about XP for now.
<@Random_Nerd> The new rules update just got sent out recently.
<@Etheric> I'm trying to get in the habit of counting Scene types since I never really got the hang of it before.
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@Etheric> So, starting fresh, I want to learn it.
<Angelo> eh, me neighter
<Knockwood> There should be a repository for these files that we can check...
<@Etheric> Which files?
<@Etheric> Oh, the playtest files? You mean to read the new ones?
<Knockwood> Yep. I think I've got the latest rules, but not entirely sure...
<@Etheric> It's pretty normal to use email for this sort of thing I think. If they had a central archive that's a single point of failure.
<@Random_Nerd> Should be in the Fortitude file I sent you recently.
<Knockwood> One sec...
<@Etheric> Is that the Deep Under file or something else?
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, that.
<@Random_Nerd> It has setting stuff, but also some rules stuff.
<BethE> Night, guys! *HUGS*
<@Etheric> I see. From the name I'd assumed it was pretty specialized setting stuff, but paging through, it's really quite broad.
<@Etheric> *HUGS Beth* Good night!
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*