Chuubo 2-5

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<@Random_Nerd> So, before we've started, are people up on the rules concepts from the Fortitude PDF?
<@Etheric> I believe so? Haven't read every section though.
<@lazarus> was there a new one? I may have missed it.

  • Knockwood has joined #Nobilis

<Knockwood> Hi guys
<@BethE> Hi Knock!
<@Etheric> It's from two weeks ago I think.
<@Etheric> Title of the PDF is Fortitude - Deep Under
<@Etheric> And hey Knockwood.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, that.
<@Random_Nerd> Particularly, the scenes and quests part.
<@lazarus> I can't seem to figure out how to search in the new GMail app.
<@lazarus> >_>
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, start at page 264.
<@Knockwood> Themes?
<@Etheric> Ah, wow, concrete rules for Imperial Miracles.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, hmm. I may be working from a different version of the PDF.
<@Etheric> Well, more concrete at least.  :)
<@lazarus> *sigh*
<@Random_Nerd> I'm looking at the November 25 one.
<@lazarus> I found "search". On the other hand, it does not appear to be able to open PDFs.
<@Random_Nerd> Do you guys need copies of that version?
<@lazarus> I believe we do.
<@Knockwood> I've got Deep Under, Setting--Nov 20, and Example of Play--28th
<@Random_Nerd> Ah, okay.
<@Random_Nerd> There.
<@Random_Nerd> The short version is... scenes are no longer a separate thing that gives destiny which gives XP which you spend on quests.
<@Etheric> Received. That was quick.
<@Random_Nerd> Rather, each quest has types of scene that you can do in certain ways, that will give XP for the quest.
<@Random_Nerd> There's also bonus XP>
<@lazarus> ah, that is MUCH simpler
<@Random_Nerd> You get this with people emoting in response to your character, and two per week doing three specific Fortitude types of scene with people.
<@Random_Nerd> Yes, I like this version much better.
<@Knockwood> We still get the usual points for whacking orcs?
<@Random_Nerd> Yes. But Principal Entropy stole all the orcs.
<@Random_Nerd> So first you must complete the Sneak Into Entropy's Orc Garden quest.

  • angelo has joined #Nobilis

<@Random_Nerd> Huh. We have an Angelo!
<@BethE> Hi Angelo! *HUG*
<angelo> Hi all guys!
<@lazarus> Hey Angelo
<@Random_Nerd> Change your mind on whether to participate in the playtest?
<@Etheric> Hey there Angelo
<angelo> nope, don't remember if is a Chuubo or Nobilis day.
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo.
<@Etheric> So regarding the new bonus XP rule, I know that emoting is its own specific, strictly defined thing now, so does that mean that to give someone bonus XP, we have to work within all of those conditions?
<angelo> then good game guys :-)
<@Knockwood> Actually we've all switched to Spawn of Fashan.
<@lazarus> RN: my first instinct is that now the quests guide play as opposed to being just kind of there. They were kind of character goals, but didn't quite feel to me as though they were a thing to actually pursue, more that happened. (make sense? Sorta?)
<@lazarus> (Nobilis: FATE!)

  • angelo has left #Nobilis

<@Random_Nerd> Yeah, quests are big now. They're kinda like Projects, if a little more structured.
<@Random_Nerd> It always says "Okay, you can do this to advance to the next stage."
<@Random_Nerd> Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.
<@Random_Nerd> So, it would be useful if you all would review your PC's quests.
<@Knockwood> can't help but think there may be a problem if you're prevented from doing X somehow
<@Random_Nerd> Since they're kinda a big deal under the system.
<@Random_Nerd> There's usually a couple kinds of X.
<@Random_Nerd> Either three big things that are supposed to be difficult, or else a bunch of little things that give less bonus XP.
<@lazarus> From the point of view of a Nobilis game that you can sit down at a con and get going, having the quests actually generate points is a great thing - you read your character sheet and you know who you are and what you're after. I mean, the quests themselves haven't changed, just what they mean, but still.
<@Random_Nerd> And the destiny-XP double currency thing drove me nuts.
<@Knockwood> is there specific character data in the new doc?
<@Random_Nerd> When you say "specific character data", what do you mean?
<@Knockwood> and changes to Leo, f'rex?
<@Random_Nerd> Nah.
<@Random_Nerd> This is the other file.
<@BethE> Okay, so Rinley's quests are to tell and listen to stories (especially tall tales), get to know all of you and help you face any troubles you have and grow up to be a cool hero.
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@Knockwood> Here we go, 9 Chars Update
<@lazarus> hunting for chars pdf
<@Knockwood> Let's see, bonus XP if I propose a theory about the world...
<@Random_Nerd> Which quest is that?
<@Random_Nerd> (And which page?)
<@Random_Nerd> The naturalist one?
<@Knockwood> 9 Chars, p. 421
<@Knockwood> page before the actual quests
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@Knockwood> other 2 here are "Hidden Library" and "Death Found in the Water"
<@Random_Nerd> Laz, your quests start on page 566.
<@lazarus> For Jasper: 1) Be the light of hope, and shine in the darkness of people's lives. 2) Figure out what you are and what you're supposeed to do from here. Figure out what it means that the old sun is gone. 3) * Find a place - a home, a purpose, and a lifestyle - in Fortitude * Participate in the holidays and ceremonies in honour of the su. * Work through your feelings about your Mom.
<@Knockwood> of course as Dulc d'Av, my stuff would be more about spirits and mystic forces
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@lazarus> ! I forgot all about the consciousness power!
<@lazarus> (... err, consciousness-projection, rather)
<@lazarus> (in theory, all our PCs are conscious ...)
<@Random_Nerd> Except Shounen, who isn't a PC in this!
<@Knockwood> (are we really?)
<@BethE> Hmm, I get XP by telling stories or commenting on how someone is growing up or coming out of their shell.
<@lazarus> ... "Favourite foods: Evildoers (edible)" ... wtf?
<@BethE> You are the sun.
<@Random_Nerd> I bet you have a Mouth To Devour Evil power or something.
<@Random_Nerd> Ha! You totally do. Page 598.
<@lazarus> I don't have a very good way of skipping to pages. Or even knowing what page I'm on.
<@lazarus> I don't blame the pdf. I blame the built in viewer in Chrome, on the laptop that's just in reach, because it's not built for a 1000 page reference pdf with no page numbers on it. Sigh.
<@Random_Nerd> Have you tried Goodreader?
<@Random_Nerd> (You're on an ipad, right?)
<@Knockwood> (I am. I'm able to open it in iBooks.)
<@lazarus> I'm normally on my iPad, but since the GMail app was fighting with me, and I didn't feel like fighting with Safari, I reached over to a laptop. And so the Chrome browser.
<@Etheric> As for Suzy's quests, last time I said I'd want to swap the "wishes for animals" power out for seeing wishes of the consciousness of the weather, but after reading the full quest writeup over, I think I'll keep the standard power and associated quest.
<@lazarus> (Success - the right section!)
<@Random_Nerd> Standard is which one?
<@BethE> Darn with Natalia gone, there went a large portion of encouraging people out of their shells..oh well, *glomps Suzy*
<@Etheric> Helping animals get their wishes.
<@Random_Nerd> That works.
<@lazarus> Hey, Beth - yours works well with my "figure out who the hell I am and what it means" thing :)
<@Random_Nerd> And Dulcinea is in her shell like whoa.
<@Knockwood> would that include my plushie-spider minions?>
<@Random_Nerd> Well, are they alive?
<@Knockwood> for certain values of 'alive'
<@BethE> Ehh, Dulc is going to be a tough one. Going to need a crowbar, a feather and some drawn butter for that one.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and one other thing. Due to the way I started this, we are technically on a hybrid of Step 0 and Step 1 of Jasper's arc, because it seemed the best way to get things moving when we started.
<@Etheric> Question, do Fortitude rats count as animals for purposes of this specific quest? The writeup does not appear to say.
<@Random_Nerd> No.
<@Random_Nerd> They're people.
<@BethE> (Huh, I get 5Xp when i get to know all of the PCS better.)
<@Etheric> Alright, reasonable.
<@lazarus> heh. I get to have bonus XP by going "Ding!" ... when I've been a good Sun.
<@Random_Nerd> But your thing already covers people.
<@Random_Nerd> Right?
<@Etheric> The power does. The quest doesn't.
<@Random_Nerd> Ah.
<@BethE> Laz - do you have to smile?
<@Random_Nerd> Immature rats, before their brains change, might count.
<@Random_Nerd> Cats, of course, do.
<@Etheric> To rationalize it in-character, well, the people are able to work toward their wishes themselves, usually. And animals often can't.
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@BethE> Question for everyone - do I cause amused distain already okay? Or do I need to ramp it up a lot?
<@lazarus> I don't know, Beth.
<@Random_Nerd> So, is everyone familiar with their quests, and with the basics of how quests work?
<@lazarus> (I have read this before! I just didn't remember doing it!)
<@Etheric> I haven't been playing this round long enough to really say.
<@BethE> I think I am now.
<@lazarus> vaaaguely familiar at this point. Which is a shame, but I think I'm funcitonally there.

  • BethE is now known as Rinley

<@Rinley> So what is your arc, Jasper?
<@Knockwood> eh, maybe. But that's part of what we're supposed to test anyway.
<@Random_Nerd> Familiar enough that we can start using the new version of the rules tonight?
<@Etheric> I think I know the basics. What I don't yet understand, hopefully, will be straightforward once we get there in play.
<@Rinley> I think I'm ready for that. I just need to keep them in front of me until it becomes habit.
<@Etheric> Scenes, Quests and XP are the main changes, right?
<@lazarus> Beth: "arc"? (sorry, not quite understanding how that word connects to the words on my other screen)
<@Random_Nerd> Correct.

  • lazarus is now known as Jasper
  • Jasper is now known as TheSun

<@Random_Nerd> That, and the different stats of some characters.
<@Random_Nerd> Like, Seizhi is Persona rather than Domain.

  • Knockwood is now known as Dulcinea

<@Random_Nerd> An arc is a series of quests for a character.
<@Random_Nerd> The first quest of yours in your arc is called, I believe, The Miracle.
<@TheSun> aha!
<@Random_Nerd> But we're technically on Part 1 of it, The Promise. How that's going to work... well, we're about to be getting to that!
<@TheSun> yes. The Miracle is first. The end result of that is me ... becoming? ... the powers of of the Sun.
<@Random_Nerd> But before we start... bonus XP emotions. What are each of yours?
<@Etheric> Is everyone supposed to have an arc or just Jasper?
<@Random_Nerd> You all do.
<@Dulcinea> O_O
<@Etheric> Is that also in the November 25 file?
<@Random_Nerd> It should be the quest of yours with the most XP required.
<@Random_Nerd> No, in the Nine Characters.
<@Etheric> Oh, okay. So it isn't changed from Nine Characters?
<@TheSun> I'm hunting for "The Promise", but not finding it :(
<@Etheric> There are no separate parts listed, is why I asked.
<@Random_Nerd> The Promise is on page 803 of Nine Characters.
<@Rinley> My bonus XP emotion is to get you guys to roll your eyes at me or similar.
<@Random_Nerd> And you'll see what I mean when I say you're kinda already on ti.
<@Random_Nerd> It.
<@Dulcinea> ah, here we go...
<@Etheric> Oh, I see now! It's separate from the character sheets, which is why I missed mine.
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@Random_Nerd> Only Step 0 of these will be on your character sheets.
<@Random_Nerd> The rest are at the very end.
<@Dulcinea> "Nightmare's Angel" for mine... drawn to Big Lake to die
<@Random_Nerd> Step 1: Die!
<@Dulcinea> I'll get better
<@Etheric> Step 2: ???
<@Etheric> Step 3: Profit?
<@Dulcinea> underwear theft.
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and evil being drowned in Big Lake is kinda a thing.
<@TheSun> oh wow. I didn't see, before, that Jasper's arc ends in "Sacrifice"
<@Random_Nerd> About the closest Town has to capital punishment.
<@Etheric> Creepy.
<@Rinley> While Rinley's focus on..her stories.
<@Random_Nerd> So, ready?
<@TheSun> this is a neat arc :) I'm ready!
<@Dulcinea> probably not, but do it anyway


<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, right. Bonus XP emotions.)
<@Etheric> We only got Beth's bonus XP emotion so far, so shouldn't we note those before we start?
<@Random_Nerd> (We're doing those, too.)


<@Dulcinea> mine's O_O, as you'll recall

  • Etheric is now known as Suzy

<@Suzy> Meaning what?
<@TheSun> oh, sorry. Forgot!
<@Random_Nerd> When any of you type an emoticon, he gets XP!
<@Random_Nerd> <----lies.
<@TheSun> The "WTF did I just read?!" emoticon gets him XP
<@TheSun> mine is the fist-bump or brofist or so on. Gratitude.
<@Random_Nerd> Suzy, what's yours?
<@Rinley> (Rinley sooooo should fistbump with Arachne.)
<@Dulcinea> Ariadne
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and one thing, on explaining how people in Town saw Jasper's mom. They knew that she was on some level the Sun, but they thought it was like how Rinley's brother is Death, a sort of shrine-family kind of symbolic/magical thing.
<@Random_Nerd> What they don't know is that she was literally and actually the no-shit Sun.
<@Suzy> Mine is a thumbs up or otherwise "I'm happy for you!"
<@Random_Nerd> Okay. And, everyone, try to emote when appropriate, so we get into the habit.
<@Random_Nerd> Ready?
<@Suzy> And one spin on that that's explicitly encouraged is the "Yes! That was your destiny!"
<@Suzy> Since my big quest is finding a destiny...  :)
<@Suzy> Ready when you guys are.


<@Random_Nerd> We begin, here, with a split-screen scene of sorts, in the middle of the night. One half takes place outside Jasper Irinka's window. The other half is outside Rinley's window.
<@Random_Nerd> Oddly, both scenes start out with the same thing: the Prince of Cats tapping on the glass.
<@TheSun> O_O?
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats, Jasper-side: "Jasper."
<@Dulcinea> Where am I?
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats, Rinley-side: "Mrrwow?"
<@Random_Nerd> The rest of you are, presumably, asleep, draining the blood of small rodents, or whatever else you do at night.
<@TheSun> *pulls her covers further over her head, and refuses to acknowledge*
<@Random_Nerd> We'll get to you later!

  • @Rinley blinks at looks at the window. Thinks ~"This is going to make a great story...I'm way too young for this!"~

<@Random_Nerd> PoC-R: "Mrrrow!"

  • @Rinley goes over to the window and opens it. "Hello! What are you doing here?"

<@Random_Nerd> PoC-J: "Jasper!"
<@Rinley> (And can I understand him if he's speaking Cat? Or is it just the normal cat thing of 'I want on the other side of this!")
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats-Rinley Side: "Smell. You smell. Like family."
<@Random_Nerd> (At first it was that, now it's interpretable as words.)

  • @Dulcinea makes noisemakers out of dreams in which the dreamer is chased by unseen hounds...

<@Rinley> ...
<@Random_Nerd> PoC-J: "You need to understand something. You need to marry. Ideally, me."
<@Rinley> Thinks *Oh crap oh crap Henge*
<@Random_Nerd> The Rinley-side Prince of Cats hisses.
<@TheSun> *ignoring still* ... *appearing to, at least*
<@Random_Nerd> Then it breaks down into a pile of cats. But unlike before, the cats don't scatter.
<@Rinley> " My family is...also Mysteries of the Rats."
<@Random_Nerd> PoC-J: "You are a child. And the sun cannot be a child."
<@Rinley> "Well, drat. Faster, Rinley, faster!" *bonks self on head*
<@Random_Nerd> The pile of cats then begins to reassemble into a humanoid shape.
<@Random_Nerd> But this time, it's not the Prince of Cats. It's Rinley.
<@Random_Nerd> Other Rinley: "Riiiiiiinley."
<@Random_Nerd> (That was actually in human-speak.)
<@Dulcinea> (Where's my PK-meter...)
<@Rinley> *blink* "If Big Brother put you up to this, I'm putting tabasco in his milk every day for a week."
<@Random_Nerd> The other Rinley taps on the glass. "This is better. Rinley. Rinley rinley RIIIIIINLEEEEEY."
<@Random_Nerd> It tries to scratch its way through the glass with Rinley-like lack of claws.
<@Random_Nerd> (Never mind, the window is open?)
<@Random_Nerd> It starts to crawl inside.
<@Rinley> (Yes, opened it a while ago.)
<@Random_Nerd> Other Rinley: "RIIIIIINLEY! Mine!"
<@Rinley> "Now hold on a moment! What's this 'mine' stuff? I'm the one and for now only Rinley Yatskya!"
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats, to Jasper: "The sun could be a woman, or a man. But it cannot be a child. You are, then, not the sun. That leaves... a gap. There are things that can slip into gaps."
<@Rinley> (*cough*)
<@TheSun> (... I thought D. was supposed to be the "wtf?!" emotion, not the GM ...)
<@Random_Nerd> The other Rinley tries to embrace Rinley, as if trying to melt into her. "Miiiiiine. Riiiiinley."
<@Random_Nerd> Other Rinley: "Sooooooon."

  • @Rinley scrambles back! "I don't know where you've been!"

<@Random_Nerd> And with that, Other Rinley collapses into a pile of cats.
<@Rinley> (Do the cats scatter?)
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats: "Such as... your mother."
<@Random_Nerd> They do not scatter! They look confused, as if suddenly awakened.
<@Dulcinea> (Wanna borrow my laser?P

  • @Rinley stops my foot at them! "How dare you! Barging into the bedroom of a young girl while she is dreaming! And to do such...such...*wail* "BIG SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *cries*

<@Rinley> (*casts summon older sibling*)
<@Random_Nerd> Cats: *scatter when Rinley stomps!*
<@Random_Nerd> Prince of Cats, to Jasper: "If you're not ready to take over in place of your mother... there are others... who are. Consider this."
<@Random_Nerd> And with that, he walks away from her window.

  • @Dulcinea makes some squirters...

<@Random_Nerd> A few minutes later, Rinley's sister Katherine stops by the door. Unlike the usual shrine clothing, she's wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt, and from the look on her face may be either hung-over or sleep deprived.
<@Random_Nerd> Katherine: "Mmmgh?"
<@Rinley> Rinley hug-tackles her! "Catherine!!!! It was horrible!" *drags her to the bed and sits her down on it*
<@Random_Nerd> The final cats are clamouring to get out the window.
<@Random_Nerd> (Err, Caroline!)
<@Rinley> (Sorry, Caroline, didn't even know my own sister's name)
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: " were having a cat party? I thought you outgrew those."
<@Rinley> "The Prince of Cats was at my window and then he was a bunch of cats and then he was ME and he said that I was his and it went for me like all rawrgghrawr and then he changed into a bunch of cats and it's got to be Henge and I don't want to be the Massacre of All Rats and...I haven't had one of those in years!"
<@Rinley> (All of that before the ...was breathless. Then it was hurt.)
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "Huh."
<@Rinley> "Not since the thing with the laser pointer and the paper shredder."
<@Rinley> "Oh and the carton of mushu."
<@Dulcinea> (don't forget the noodles)
<@Rinley> (Could that have coutned as storytime?)
<@Random_Nerd> Then she stands up straight. Shadows shift and twist, and she's the Witch of the Far Roofs, who happens for some sinister and witchy reason to be in sweatpants and a t-shirt.
<@Random_Nerd> (Yes.)

  • @Rinley tries to look attentive and respectful. Even more so.

<@Random_Nerd> The Witch: "The Thousand And One Cats is not in Town, nor on the Island. You are not him. None can make you be him, the magic of your peculiar family does not work in that fashion."
<@Random_Nerd> The Witch: "You contact us, to become us. It does not work otherwise, and cannot be forced."
<@Random_Nerd> The she slumps her shoulders again, and is just Caroline, your sister who you woke up at three in the morning.
<@Rinley> "But there is a ship on the edge of Town, that has many many cats aboard which may force his presence." ... "Oh. Thank you very much for telling me this."
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "The thing is, though... even though it's us that make the contact, to become them... there are still tendencies that drive is one way or another. I might not have chosen to be the Witch. I know that Elder Brother would not have chosen to be King Death. And yet."

  • @Rinley hugs her sister and wishes she was smaller again. "Oh big sister. Thank you for telling me that! I'm so worried! I like the rats! They're so full of adventure! And I..don't want to become something against my will."

<@Rinley> "Well, we've seen him when he's grumpy."
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "You do not have to seek to find a Mystery of your own. But if you do, be careful, because you might find that you did not fully undestand what kind of person you were."

  • @Rinley nods slowly. "Yes, big sister." *sigh* "I just want... I want to be important! And live a life of adventure and story and wonderful brightness!! And..that just seems to be death and non-existance..just..*sigh*"

<@Rinley> "I don't think I'm old enough to know what I want to be when I grow up." *grin* "Maybe I'll be everything!"
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "That's the kind of choice you'll have to make. But... you don't have to make it tonight. Go back to sleep, Rinley."
<@Rinley> "Yes, big sister." *HUG* "Thank you for coming and comforting me. It's not like when I was little and thought that there was an octopus under my bed, wanting to drag me off to the deep to open mussels for it."
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "If you're still worried after you've slept on it, you and I and Father can talk about it later."

  • @Rinley noods.

<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "That... may have been your brother's friend. But still. Sleep. I am almost certain there is no octopus under your bed tonight."
<@Dulcinea> (If there is, it's probably mine)
<@Rinley> *kisses sister on the cheek and gets into bed* After Caroline leaves, looks down at the floor and says, "You'd better not be down there, octopus-pervert-boy."
<@Random_Nerd> Caroline: "If you are, I'll boil you in my cauldron and make you into soap. Like I did when that rat tried to kill me."
<@Random_Nerd> She grunts and goes back to her room.
<@Rinley> (Idril Nakano)
<@Random_Nerd> (So, cut to the morning?)
<@Dulcinea> (Sure.)
<@TheSun> (sure)
<@Rinley> (Yep, I'm good. Although if Dulci wants to wax villanous speechifying, that's good.)
<@Dulcinea> (Well, I did come up with a hypothesis)
<@Random_Nerd> (Would the four of you meet up somewhere to discuss the problem?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh?)
<@Rinley> (Sure. You guys pick a place, because otherwise, Rinley's going to suggest someplace with lots of sugar.)
<@Suzy> (I'd probably need to have been roped in somehow in-character, but we can handwave that if it's easier.)
<@TheSun> (That Diner Down The Corner?)
<@Dulcinea> Basically: We know cats go nuts when an earthquake's approaching. That may be due to subsonic waves that precede them.
<@TheSun> (Jasper wants a good breakfast after that)
<@Random_Nerd> That proceeds earthquakes? Or cats?
<@Dulcinea> Therefore, if we can reproduce those kind of waves we may be able to affect cats en masse.
<@Dulcinea> waves that precede quakes
<@Rinley> (But do they go nuts or do they leave? Because we want them to leave.)
<@Dulcinea> depends on the cat
<@Random_Nerd> Well, shall we start with the four of you in late morning, with Dulcinea explaining her cat theory?
<@TheSun> (sounds good)
<@Suzy> (Works for me.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Kakeru Hut!)

  • @Rinley slurps at a triple berry bananananana shake.

<@Dulcinea> "So, I slapped together this.
<@TheSun> *eats a lumberjack breakfast. With three mouths*
<@Dulcinea> "If I'm right, this will affect animals but not affect people.
<@Rinley> "I was visited by the Prince of Cats last night!!! He was then a bunch of cats and then he was me! I think that it was Henge trying to get out some more! And that's why you shouldn't eat pickles before bedtime!"
<@Random_Nerd> And with that, a head of a rat pokes over from the next booth: "When you say people..."
<@TheSun> "I was visited by the prince of cats! He was creepy again!"
<@Rinley> (Eduard?)
<@Rinley> "What a two-timing son of a cat!"
<@Rinley> (And the pickles thing count for storying?)
<@TheSun> "He told me I wasn't allowed to be the sun *pouts*"
<@Dulcinea> "Hm... don't know if it'll affect you at all."

  • @Suzy looks at the rat, then to Dulcinea, then to Rinley and then at Jasper and then at Dulcinea again.

<@Random_Nerd> (Nope. The female rat with the russian accent. I mean, lots of people in Town speak Russian, but, like Natalia, that of a recent immigrant.)
<@TheSun> (... I guess she's talking from a fourth mouth, because she's anime-style wolfing down her breakfast)
<@Random_Nerd> (It's Rinley.)|
<@Dulcinea> "Here, let me know if you hear a scream..."

  • @Dulcinea hits the activator

<@Rinley> "Dulci!"
<@Suzy> "why?"
<@Random_Nerd> The rat's eyes momentarily cross. And then she pulls her oversized-for-a-rat handgun and points it at the machine.
<@Random_Nerd> "Oh, you'll hear a scream."
<@Rinley> "Turn it off!"
<@Dulcinea> "Ah, so it does work."

  • @Dulcinea turns it off

<@Suzy> >_< "What were you thinking?"
<@Dulcinea> "But that's really an overreaction."
<@Dulcinea> "I was thinking, does it work or not? And will it drive animals away?"
<@Rinley> "Was it an overreeaction that one time you made an invention that made your bowels invert and you threw it into the lake?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Our ears aren't like yours. And it wasn't an overreaction."
<@Dulcinea> "Answers seem to be yes and yes... once I crank the volume, anyway."

  • @Suzy winces sympathetically to the rat.

<@Rinley> "Uh, Dulci." *wave* "You can't use it."
<@Suzy> "So these substatic waves affect rat people, but not human people. And Dulci needs to be more careful."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Actually, there was a reason why I came to meet all of you. And it's rather about rats and humans being different, actually."
<@Suzy> "What do you mean?"
<@Dulcinea> "Why not? It works!"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Well... all of you are unusual. Rinley is a Yatskya. Jasper's mother was some kind of important sun priestess. Dulcinea... does things I don't really understand. And I hear that Suzy once beat Chuubo in a legendary soapbox derby."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "So, I wanted to know if any of you know... is there a way for a rat to live as long as a human?"
<@Rinley> *nods* "I was there! It was awesome!"
<@Rinley> *to Dulci* "Because it hurts the rats! Not only is that wrong but you're going to have the Council upset with you again."
<@Suzy> "That's true! Although I'm not really that special. It was only a soapbox derby."
<@Rinley> ( I have any lore about that?)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "A legendary one. I have heard rats on the far roofs discussing it over a campfire."
<@Rinley> *to Suzy* "Bah! You were awesome!" *gives thumbs-up*
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. You probably know about rats and age the same things everyone does. They grow up much faster than humans, but age a lot faster too.)
<@TheSun> (ah damn, I don't have a Miracle to use :( Otherwise Rats would!)
<@Dulcinea> "We're going after cats, so I made a cat-scarer."

  • @Suzy's eyes are panicking. "That means it's worth reminiscing over, not that it's legendary because legends don't always have actually happened but that derby definitely happened so you don'thavetocallitalegandaryderby!"

<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I ask because... this is awkward. I was raised human."
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and mark your XP, Suzy.)
<@Suzy> "What, really?"
<@Suzy> (For the hiding evidence quest, right?)
<@Rinley> "Well, yes, it probably scares cats but it also hurts rats."
<@Random_Nerd> (The thumbs up... so, two, one generic and one for the quest!)
<@Suzy> (Oh, whoops, I got a thumbs up.)
<@Suzy> (I probably didn't do enough to get the quest yet.)
<@Rinley> *to Alexandra* "Oh wow!"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Well, my mother and my siblings died. And these people found me in their attic. I think I'd just crawled there because it was warm."
<@Rinley> "How is that different? Less lore, more table manners?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "And... I mean, they were new to the island. Came from Russia. They didn't really know about the rats. So they just raised me like a pet, at first, instead of taking me to a rat family."
<@Dulcinea> "Well, if you really want to live longer you should probably avoid sciency types."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "And then I started talking, and things got complicated."

  • @Dulcinea pulls out her bio-science kit...
  • @Suzy furrows her forehead in sympathy. "I'll bet they did...."

<@Dulcinea> "Offhand, do you know your blood type?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "My parents were good people. My father and I made this gun together, in case of cats. But... I mean, I've got maybe seven years left. And they really don't want to outlive me."
<@Rinley> (I thought Dulci was more spiritualist than bio?)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Uh... rat?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Do we have blood types? Is that a thing?"
<@Dulcinea> (She's less tech, more bioscience)
<@Rinley> "oh." *sniffles. Such a wonderful story!*
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "But, anyway. If any of you talk to someone who knows about that, send me a letter or something. Prokofiev And Glenn Investigations, in the harbor district."
<@Rinley> *nodnod*
<@Rinley> (Huh, rats do have different blood types. In our reality.)
<@Suzy> "About rats' blood types?"
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "About age extension for rats. At least long enough that my parents can go first."
<@Suzy> "Oh, of course."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "There... was something else I thought maybe you should know about, too, although don't tell my partner that I told you."

  • @Suzy raises her right eyebrow.

<@Dulcinea> "Well, depends on how... flexible you are with regard to quality of life.
<@Random_Nerd> A: "But it would be better to... show you."
<@Dulcinea> "Technically you can live for a long long time... just for a day at a time every, say, month or so."
<@Random_Nerd> A: "Hmm. That could work. I'll have to think about that."
<@Random_Nerd> She tosses some money on the table, gets up, holsters her gun, and stands ready to go.
<@Rinley> "Oh, show us!" *pays, has shake in a to-go cup* "Come on, Jasper, you can eat more later!"
<@TheSun> *gets up, and goes to leave with the others*
<@Random_Nerd> She points at a large column of smoke in the background. "That's it, or at least the closest one."
<@Rinley> *blink*
<@TheSun> "Huh?"

  • @Suzy puts her napkin on the table and stands to crane her neck at the column of smoke.

<@Random_Nerd> Even from this distance, it smells odd, like a mix of barbecue and burning hair.
<@Rinley> (Whew! Not an incense monster that escaped from the Yatskya Shrine. Like..never happens...)
<@Rinley> "Are there a lot of those?"
<@Dulcinea> "Reminds me of when Alvin first... never mind."
<@Random_Nerd> A: "There will be more."
<@TheSun> "What is that?"
<@Random_Nerd> She leads you down a road toward the harbor district, where a lot of rats live.
<@Random_Nerd> It's a part of town where you'll see tiny rat businesses sandwiched in between human-sized ones, and a certain amount of the seediness that you get in an area that caters largely to sailors.
<@Random_Nerd> And it also smells, much more strongly, of overcooked meat and burning hair.
<@Random_Nerd> Which may actually be an improvement.
<@Random_Nerd> She points at a narrow alley.

  • @Rinley is praying, ~Please don't let it be roast cat~

<@Random_Nerd> A: "I saw this when I was coming from work to where I thought I could find you. None of the others even told me about it."

  • @Dulcinea is regretting not bringing barbeque sauce

<@Random_Nerd> At the end of the alley is what looks like a very messy bonfire, with painted slogans on the cobblestones in front.
<@Random_Nerd> "Twenty down, five hundred to go." "Honor the treaty." "Flee Town now!"
<@Random_Nerd> The bonfire, of course, is made largely of dead cats.
<@TheSun> "That doesn't sound good"

  • @Rinley falls to her knees.
  • @Suzy shrieks when she sees what it is burning.

<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra just nods.
<@Rinley> "How... many."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I'm pretty sure that there are at least two more this size. All done last night."

  • @Rinley hangs her head. "My family is failing. Failing both our charges and the rats of Town."

<@Dulcinea> "Alex? Plug your ears."

  • @Dulcinea hits her noisemaker.

<@Suzy> "Wait, don't!"
<@Random_Nerd> There's a lot of clamour in nearby buildings, too.
<@Random_Nerd> Rat heads poke out over the edges of roofs.
<@Rinley> (It would be like telling someone to cover their ears when you're throwing them into a concrete mixer...)

  • @Rinley pleads. "Dulci, no..."

<@Dulcinea> "Hm. I could probably tweak this so that those affected are catatonic rather than scared..."
<@Dulcinea> "I know I can put a parabolic reflector on it so it's directional."
<@Random_Nerd> Yells are heard, and rocks start to be thrown. Not big rocks, because these are rats, but a rock the size of a marble still hurts if it hits you in the back.
<@Suzy> "Turn it off. Please turn it off?"

  • @Dulcinea turns it off. Fine.
  • @Rinley sobs.

<@Suzy> "Whew..."
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I am not quite clear on what the plan is at this point."

  • @Suzy is speechless after all that.

<@Random_Nerd> She takes a tiny flask out of her back pocket and chugs for a good five seconds.
<@Random_Nerd> The rats on the roofs are still staring, and some are beginning to climb down.
<@Rinley> (I'm not sure what the point was either.)
<@Dulcinea> "Let's try this."

  • @Dulcinea pulls out a pouch.

<@Dulcinea> "This is a mix of silver, corpse dust, ground holy symbol and a touch of ceyenne pepper.
<@Random_Nerd> A rat in traditional "knight of the rooftops" clothing, much less tattered than Eduard's version of the same style, walks up to Dulcinea and puts a hand on his saber hilt.
<@Dulcinea> "Let's see what happens when I do this..."
<@Random_Nerd> Rat: "Oh, let's."

  • @Dulcinea throws a pinch into the fire.

<@Random_Nerd> He pulls the saber out a few millimeters.
<@Dulcinea> "Oh please, that was not on high. Your organs are still inside."
<@Random_Nerd> And then he pulls it out all the way.

  • @Suzy backs away.
  • @Rinley obeisances before the bonfire. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

<@Random_Nerd> Rat: "Do you wish the same to be true of yourself, offensive human?"
<@Random_Nerd> A few of the other rats have finished climbing down too, and some of the armed ones are forming up at his back.
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Let's all calm down, here..."
<@TheSun> (I'm trying to come up with a neat helpful way of solving this, but instead I find myself falling asleep. Sigh. Stupid time.)
<@Dulcinea> Any effect from what I threw into the fire? It's a broad-spectrum magic detector and classifier.

  • @Rinley also prostrates herself before the rats. "I'm sorry for my friend, I'm sorry for my cats, I'm sorry for my inability to be strong like my siblings..."

<@Rinley> (I have an idea but involves invoking an NPC.)
<@Random_Nerd> (No effect. Maybe you didn't make it right.)
<@Dulcinea> (aHEM.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Or maybe there's not much magic here.)
<@Rinley> (I don't think there's any magic here. Just angry rats.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Again, remember, you do not have a generic gadgeteer power.)
<@Dulcinea> "Hm. The fire isn't magical."
<@Random_Nerd> (You are no more able to randomly pull out magic-detecting power than Suzy is.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Powder, even.)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "It's a fire. Heat. Wood. Uh, cats, also, in this case."
<@Random_Nerd> Saber-Rat: "I think it's time for you to leave, stranger."
<@Dulcinea> (I've been spending most of my life making simulacra as my only 'friends'. I contend it's reasonable.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, show me on your character sheet.)
<@Rinley> (How is making friends out of stuff lead to able to pull magic-detection powder out of your..pocket?)
<@Dulcinea> (They're magic friends.)
<@Random_Nerd> A few of the rats edge around Rinley.
<@Rinley> (But you wouldn't have to detect their magic. You build them!)
<@Rinley> (built even)
<@Random_Nerd> Is the noisemaker on the ground, or in your hand?
<@Dulcinea> (Which would require a magically neutral workshop, which would require a way to detect any residual magic. Q.E.B.)

  • @Rinley keeps apologizing profusely to the rats, tears running down her cheeks. She is also apologizing to the burning cats and their spirits.

<@Dulcinea> (hand)
<@Random_Nerd> (Show me on your character sheet, man, or no powder. We've been over this before.)
<@Random_Nerd> Saber-Rat: "Put the weapon down, slowly."
<@Dulcinea> (I say it's the same as expecting Leo to have, say, a geiger counter)
<@Suzy> "Um. I know you all are upset, but Dulci didn't mean any harm and I'm sure that she'll be more careful in the future..."
<@Random_Nerd> (No powder, then. An experiment that didn't work, perhaps.)
<@TheSun> (good night! Sorry again for leaving early!)
<@Dulcinea> (How big is the rat?)
<@Suzy> ((I'm going to try to use the Ordinary skill with one Will to convince the rats to back off, to treat it like an ordinary occurrence and shrug it off. If that fits well enough?)
<@Rinley> (Night, Laz.)

  • @TheSun Quit

<@Suzy> (Night!)
<@Random_Nerd> (Foot and a half tall.)
<@Suzy> (I figure passing something off as ordinary probably fits...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Big, as rats go.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. You can probably convince them that you live in the area...)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "If we could all just calm down..."
<@Suzy> (I was thinking more like, "These are just kids playing with some gadget, not trespassers with a weapon or anything.")
<@Random_Nerd> (Well, it's more "kids playing with an air raid siren" at this point.)

  • @Dulcinea puts the noisemaker away...

<@Random_Nerd> The rat sheathes his saber with a dramatic gesture.
<@Suzy> (Fair enough. Too much of a stretch I guess.)
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "Miss D'Avignon was testing a device which she constructed that is intended to drive away cats. Unfortunately, it appears to have the same effect on us."
<@Random_Nerd> A: "This is just an unfortunate misunderstanding..."
<@Random_Nerd> A few of the rats look at her in a "And whose side are you on, anyway?" way.
<@Dulcinea> "I will concede that it needs tuning."
<@Suzy> . o O ( ) ( Whew, she explained it. )
<@Random_Nerd> A: "It also might be good not to do things that might make large numbers of cats angry, either, at this specific moment."
<@Random_Nerd> A: "That might... trigger things."
<@Suzy> "Good point.. right Dulcinea?"

  • @Suzy makes a big, obviously fake grin.

<@Random_Nerd> A rat in the back: "And what are you humans going to do about this?"
<@Random_Nerd> Another: "Honor the treaty, or we'll fix the numbers problem ourselves!"
<@Random_Nerd> Saber Rat: "All these cats, here, were strays. But the number of strays is less than the number of cats that the Prince has brought."

  • @Suzy grimaces.

<@Random_Nerd> Saber Rat: "We may have a few days before the Mystery manifests. But when it happens, the streets will run with blood. Literally. They will literally run with actual blood. I've seen woodcuts of the last time it happened."
<@Rinley> "We are working on the problem. We have been asked to the Prince's airship where we will get him to leave, by force if necessary."
<@Rinley> (Bah. Carving Photoshop!)
<@Random_Nerd> Saber Rat: "We respect the rights of humans to keep cats, within limits. But if the Prince is not driven away, better a bunch of animals than hundreds of people."
<@Rinley> *Sadly nods*
<@Random_Nerd> Alexandra: "I'm sure we all agree about that. Right?"
<@Rinley> *looks stricken* "Big Brother and Big Sister...I have to get home!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Cut here?)
<@Dulcinea> (OK.)
<@Suzy> "I don't want anyone to get hurt... No cats and no people either."
<@Rinley> (Cut is fine with me.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Any lines before we end?)
<@Suzy> (Is there time to briefly wind up the conversation with Alexandra and the other rats?)
<@Dulcinea> "You're too soft-hearted sometimes."
<@Rinley> (At least she has a heart! ;P )
<@Random_Nerd> (Sure. What do you want to say?)
<@Dulcinea> "In fact, I may put a few of these around my place and leave them on...
<@Dulcinea> "Wait, seethe-hounds. Never mind."
<@Suzy> "That's the way normal people act! No one wants to be hurt or see others in pain..."
<@Suzy> (If there's no reaction to what I said to Alexandra earlier from either her or the other rats, we can skip it I guess.)
<@Dulcinea> "Life is pain, your fluffiness. Anyone who tells you diferently is selling something.
<@Random_Nerd> Saber Rat: "We don't want to have to kill any cats! We've had a treaty with you for years. But if it's them or us..."
<@Rinley> (Hmm, not sure, but I think Rinley had a O.O at Dulci keep on using the sonic thing.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Which thing that you said to Alexandra?)
<@Suzy> "I can't say you're wrong. I just don't like any of this."
<@Random_Nerd> The lead rat nods.
<@Random_Nerd> Lead Rat: "If we could only drive the Prince away..."
<@Suzy> (She said we all agree that dead cats are better than dead people and I said I don't like either one.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Yeah, that's what the lead rat was responding to with the "We don't want to kill cats, if we don't have to" bit.)


<@Rinley> Wow. Heavy stuff tonight.
<@Dulcinea> ayep
<@Suzy> Yeah, this was more intense than I'd expected.
<@Dulcinea> we're doing interesting things with the rules, as intended
<@Random_Nerd> And... sorry to be hard on Dulcinea's limits. But the thing is... she's an Imperator, and the main limit on her powers is prep time.
<@Random_Nerd> Letting her skip that would be the same as letting a Noble have infinite miracle points.
<@Dulcinea> Hold on, I still say that's workable...
<@Dulcinea> thing is, it doesn't affect the magic, just checks to see what's there
<@Dulcinea> it's a detector.
<@Random_Nerd> Sure, with Nightmare Science.
<@Random_Nerd> But...
<@Random_Nerd> Even though the formal rules term is "magical Skill", the word you should be paying attention to here is "Science." This isn't magic, or at least not zap-or-shout-a-spell kind of magic: you start by doing research, observation, and experimentation, and then the actual use of the Skill is engineering.
<@Random_Nerd> In short, doing stuff takes time.
<@Dulcinea> And it works like in chemistry class: spread some around, burn it, see what color the flames are
<@Suzy> I feel like I missed an opportunity to give Dulci XP earlier on. I'm still a bit unclear on what qualifies for the "speechless" emote though.
<@Random_Nerd> When in doubt, emote.
<@Random_Nerd> Page 430.
<@Random_Nerd> "In fact, even if you are doing magic, even if you're a d'Avignon sorcerer and not the scientist de Montreal, using this Skill probably still takes time: time spent reviewing grimoires and experimenting
<@Random_Nerd> and then casting complicated spells. It's the same process, science-like and then engineering-like, only in a pointier hat; that's just part of what Nightmares' Angel is."
<@Rinley> I think that Rinley was definitely speechless, so take an XP, Knock.
<@Dulcinea> Arigato.
<@Suzy> :) That's true. It's the sort of emote that if you feel it OOC, you might not say anything at all.
<@Rinley> Well, with Rinley, her not-talking is noticeable. ^^
<@Suzy> I guess I just don't know Rin well enough to notice then.  :)
<@Random_Nerd> But, the point I'm trying to make is that Dulcinea really can't pull out devices and just say "Oh, I invented that Bat Anti-Shark Spray earlier."
<@Dulcinea> Well, there's a question of what's mundane equipment when you're talking about magic
<@Random_Nerd> Some of the PCs can, but those PCs don't have access to wish-level effects.
<@Suzy> I guess it would be kind of like my using the Know Things skill to know how to jump tall buildings in a single bound.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Dulcinea> Well, all we learned is that the fires aren't magic...
<@Random_Nerd> PCs in this, while not normal Nobilis PCs, are pretty powerful. But they do have limits to what their powers can do.
<@Rinley> Why would you think they be magic?
<@Random_Nerd> You didn't learn that! The powder didn't work, because it's not really a thing!
<@Rinley> sorry, that they are magic?

  • Rinley is now known as BethE

<@Dulcinea> well, the fires could be enticing the rats, or the cats could have been magically affected
<@BethE> Eth - at the moment, I'm thinking that Rinley is definitely a motermouth.

  • Dulcinea is now known as Knockwood

<@Random_Nerd> Thought for a moment that you said "motormoth."
<@Random_Nerd> Which sounds adorable.
<@Knockwood> That's Dulc's thing
<@BethE> Ah, I knew that 'moter' looked weird.
<@Random_Nerd> Knock... do you want to consider switching characters?
<@Knockwood> back to Leo you mean?
<@Random_Nerd> To a non-Imperator.
<@Random_Nerd> You seem to not like the time-limited nature of most of Leo/Dulcinea's powers.
<@Random_Nerd> Might you be more comfortable with one of the characters who are more able to do things like that?
<@Knockwood> I'm still getting used to the entire thing
<@Random_Nerd> Because part of the thing is... this sort of "I did it off-screen" is a specific power that some of the PCs have.
<@Random_Nerd> Rinley, say. Lillimund.
<@Random_Nerd> But not Leonardo.
<@Random_Nerd> So I was wondering if you'd want to look at the others and see if they feel better, capability-wise.
<@Random_Nerd> Since I get the impression that this is bugging you.
<@Knockwood> oh, so basically I need to justify the stuff I use on-screen
<@Random_Nerd> The thing is, you have to invent it on-screen, and only use it afterwards.
<@Random_Nerd> It's a "make stuff" power, not a "retroactively have already made stuff" power.
<@Knockwood> just to check that I get it, how does the noisemaker fit in?
<@Random_Nerd> If you'd decided, earlier, "I'm going to make magic-detecting powder", then the response would be more like "okay, Obstacle 2, how much Will are you using" and so on.
<@Random_Nerd> The only problem is the "I already made it".
<@Random_Nerd> Because you're a mad scientist, but you're not Batman.
<@Knockwood> I'm NOT?
<@Random_Nerd> No. Natalia is Batman.
<@Suzy> So the noisemaker was made on screen?
<@Suzy> Batgirl!
<@Knockwood> Sort of. I said the theory behind it in-game, but OOC
<@Random_Nerd> Well, it related to the theory she was explaining.
<@Random_Nerd> Which we started the episode with.
<@Random_Nerd> And it was right after a period of downtime.
<@Knockwood> Question, though: what would be acceptable as 'mundane' magic stuff?
<@Suzy> Alright. So the main difference was, the powder was brought in suddenly without warning, and the noisemaker was brought in explicitly after a long downtime with about five minutes of in-character explaining.
<@Random_Nerd> Well, the magic version of Leo changes the asthetics more than the capabilities.
<@Random_Nerd> Yeah.
<@Random_Nerd> But, for instance, you can mimic the abilities of the Shrine Families, though with a boost in Obstacle.
<@Knockwood> Would, say, you be OK with Leo having a geiger counter?
<@Random_Nerd> And you can do stuff that Nightmare Science is good at, like transportation, tinkering with region properties.
<@Random_Nerd> That would be okay, since it's a thing you can buy in a store and everything. Putting one together from available stuff would be Obstacle 1 at most.
<@Random_Nerd> But magic-detecting dust is a much more arcane sort of thing.
<@Knockwood> That was my thinking. The powder is the magic equivalent of a geiger counter
<@Random_Nerd> But it's also something that would be impossible for normal humans to make.
<@Random_Nerd> That makes it harder.
<@Random_Nerd> Stuff that only a magician or mad scientist could make is Obstacle 2 and up.
<@Knockwood> that would nerf Dulc compared to Leo
<@Random_Nerd> Nah. Dulcinea can do everything Leo could do.
<@Random_Nerd> Just... not particularly things he can't do.
<@Random_Nerd> Part of the idea is... Nightmare Science/Magic is something that isn't supposed to exist. That's why the Engine and so on.
<@Random_Nerd> And part of how that works is, the farther it goes from what's mundanely possible, the harder it is to make it real.
<@Knockwood> OK, here's the trouble:
<@Random_Nerd> Mmm?
<@Knockwood> I was assuming that there's basically a level of 'mundane magic', stuff that Dulc could do just because she's been studying magic.
<@Random_Nerd> Ah. There isn't.
<@Random_Nerd> The "Dulcinea" thing changes the aesthetics, not the capabilities.
<@Random_Nerd> All magic is hard.
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, there is low-end magic. And either version of Leo can mimic it.
<@Random_Nerd> But that adds to the required obstacle level.
<@Random_Nerd> Page 430 and 431.
<@Random_Nerd> In the section on mimicking other kinds of magic.
<@Random_Nerd> We're reserving Obstacles 4 and 5 for nightmare adaptations of other magical Skills' techniques. For instance, the Kichi can astral project while staring into their magical pools as an Obstacle 2 technique. The Yatskaya can embody a spirit or archetype as an Obstacle 3 technique. So a device that you could plug into your brain that would send your thoughts out to scan the world would face a level 4 Obstacle, as for the Kichi technique, plus 2. A machine that grafted a "spirit" or post-Jungian nightmare archetype into your flesh would be Obstacle 5, as for the Yatskaya technique, plus 2.
<@Knockwood> aha... what would be 'simple, practical, and realistic feats of magic'?
<@Random_Nerd> Don't think of it that way.
<@Random_Nerd> Magic or science, it's still got difficulty levels based on how impossible a feat it is for normal people.
<@Random_Nerd> At least, unless you use the Engine.
<@Random_Nerd> The Engine cheats.
<@Knockwood> That would still mean Dulc is nerfed relative to Leo
<@Random_Nerd> But they can do exactly the same things.
<@Random_Nerd> So... neither is nerfed relatively to the other.
<@Knockwood> if there aren't any Ob 0 magic feats
<@Random_Nerd> There are. They are to do straightforward and mundanely possible things.
<@Random_Nerd> Just, magic-style.
<@Knockwood> oh, it's the type-of-magic thing
<@Random_Nerd> Like, you can set up a levitation spell instead of a block and tackle.
<@Knockwood> OK, now I get it
<@Random_Nerd> So, I mean, it's magic, in character. But it's easier to do magic to do things other people can do, but faster or better.
<@Knockwood> I should write this down. I kinda slipped into Leo this session.
<@Random_Nerd> Doing things they couldn't do at all... I mean, you can do it. But it's hard.
<@BethE> Night, guys! *HUG*
<@Random_Nerd> Part of the problem is that it's easy to slip into thinking "Well, magic can do anything."
<@Knockwood> g'night Beth

  • @BethE Quit (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)

<@Random_Nerd> But at least this specific kind of magic is good at some things, and okay at others, and not very good at some.
<@Knockwood> and RN, remind me of this in 2 weeks
<@Random_Nerd> *nod*
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and I checked, and it is possible to just put something together on the spot, with no prep.
<@Random_Nerd> But it raises the obstacle level 2 points.
<@Knockwood> which is the same level as burping out unicorns.
<@Knockwood> 9 chars, 431. :)
<@Random_Nerd> Or, at least, astral-projecting.
<@Suzy> I'm off for the night. Thanks for the game. :)
<@Random_Nerd> And is about as hard as it would be for Rinley to embody Hedge the Fang.
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, in many ways, Leonardo has the best magical skill in the game. The rest pretty much just do one or two things.
<@Random_Nerd> Like, all the Yatskya Magic is cat-stuff.

  • @Suzy Quit (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.)

<@Random_Nerd> His can do a lot of things, it's just that some are at high obstacle levels and require prep work.
<@Knockwood> Where are the Obstacle rules? I keep thinking I should be rolling dice.
<@Random_Nerd> It's like the mundane skill equivalent of an auctoritas you need to beat.
<@Random_Nerd> Let me find the rules.
<@Random_Nerd> Page 225 in the Fortitude PDF.
<@Random_Nerd> See also Magic, starting on 237.
<@Random_Nerd> Either Leo or Dulcinea has what's defined mechanically as magic.
<@Random_Nerd> Just with different FX.
<@Random_Nerd> And, for reference, Leo has two points in Nightmare Science when he's not using the Engine.
<@Random_Nerd> And note too that Heartless Perfection can free up more will for magic, if you use it to do other things without spending it.
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway, I must go sleep.
<@Random_Nerd> See you next week.
<@Knockwood> g'night RN

  • @Knockwood Quit

Session Close: Thu Dec 06 23:35:58 2012