Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 201: Soft Opening

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Air Date: 30 Jul 2014
Present: Andy, Kim, Maer, Matt, Terri

Tuesday, 12 Jun 2525
Vandenburg, Boros
Georgia (Huang Long) system

Delilah and her crew screamed to a landing on Boros in April and have spent the time since patching up from their calamitous adventures. The deck holes have been repaired, the casino gear has been installed and locked into place, and thanks to Emilio Giaccoli's favor transfer to Rachel, Delilah acquires the last two escape pods she lacks to bring her up to code.

It's a lot of work and it keeps the crew busy. When June arrives, there are still tasks left undone but they are mostly cosmetic. All the crucial structural and operational needs have been met and Valentine decides to dust Delilah off on her first tour as a mobile casino. Given he's new to the business of ownership of casino and spacecraft, he does some casual research and finds Copperhead, a town an hour's flight away from Vandenburg about to throw its annual Festival. Part cattle drive, part street fair, part crafts market, people from all over the district come to attend. It would be the perfect place to set down and open Delilah for business.

Valentine isn't the only one working on projects: Vikki's power/wells have finally come in and the girl is over the moon, checking each one of them out and already drawing up improvements on paper. When she gets the news of Delilah's pending departure, she rents a powered auger to sink a well in Copperhead.

Meanwhile Tian has been running her clinic but the Vandenburg area has already been fairly well treated for the Plague. She keeps her clinic open for business, however, for the sake of those who were missed in the first wave of inoculation drives. She also takes the time to check in on her former patients from her military tour. Most have improved in the months since the Alliance retreat and most of the property damage has been repaired but it's a bittersweet exercise, full of reminders of what she'd left behind and not entirely of her own volition. To add to her worry, her messages to Han have not engendered a reply and her growing anxiety over the fate of her son, David, ratchets tighter. Tian's nightmares get worse and her sleep is disrupted even more than usual. When the time comes to leave Vandenburg, it's almost with a sense of relief that she shuts up her clinic for the trip.

Aldebaran "Baran" Douglas, Rachel's old friend and the current benefactor of Delilah's crew, whose shipyard they are currently effecting repairs in, offers Rachel a job.

Baran: It's not the safest work …
Rachel: Honey, define "not the safest". I'm a little bit more brittle in my old age.
Baran: Well, between the radiation and the drones, it's not the safest.
Rachel: More radiation than Lilah's puttin' off right now?
Baran: Probably not, so you should probably be fine.
Rachel: Now, honey, I'm approachin' my middle life so I figure a little radiation won't hurt me, but I gotta sell it to the kids. You got some info?
Baran: I have scouts who visit Ares frequently. Ares is the moon which used to be the headquarters for Iskellian Weapons, which was self-destructed as the Alliance fled Boros during the war. But self-destructed—well, the stuff doesn't just vaporize. The moon is still there and there's stuff around. You just need to go and look. And even a couple of microchips would be worth quite a bit. But there's the radiation and there's some drones there to fend off people who would try to salvage anything.
Rachel: Well, Baran, you gotta help me sell it. How about that?
Baran: Vast wealth awaits you.
Rachel: Hmm, if I bring Val to meet you, you think you can sell it to him better than I can? Cuz I can't lie. (off his look) Now, Baran, you know me. I can't. I'm 'onna look 'im in the eye and he's gonna go, "Is it dangerous?" an' I'm 'onna go, "Yep."
Baran: I wouldn't want to mislead your Captain about it being safe. (a beat, a smile) But you know, everything in life has risks. Some of our risks are with our hearts. We put ourselves on the line for somebody we think we might have feelings for … Other kinds of risks might be settling down and hopin' for the crops to come in every year. I reckon the crew of Delilah has a wider range of risk-taking behaviors than most.
Rachel: You know, before you love all the sweet off your lips, whyn't ya kiss me for a while an' see if I get in the mood to go find out?

Sometime later, Rachel returns to the ship and finds Valentine and Poco discussing last minute details on the lower priority repairs.

Poco: (continuing) "… never mind that coolant leak, keep gambling, keep gambling!"
Rachel: (chiming in) "That green goo on the floor? Phbbth, that's nothin'."
Valentine: You would be surprised. Or maybe you wouldn't. There was a fire at one time. Do you want to guess at how long after the alarm was sent it took to get people out of the casino?
Poco: I bet the fire was out and the firemen out of the casino—(laughs)
Valentine: And you got it in one.

It would be profitable to find customers like that on our first gambling run … minus the fire, of course. And we take off for Copperhead to see if we can do just that. On the short flight over, Valentine takes Poco aside for a moment and asks if he has any talent at forgery. Poco states he has. Valentine admits he's thinking ahead to possible issues of business authenticity. All our equipment has the requisite plates to note Federal inspections and those inspection stamps are currently out of date. If someone asks to see his casino license, he's going to need something to show. He's willing to hold off on getting the papers done, pending on actually being asked, but it's good to know that he's got a man in-house who can cover that need should it arise.

Once we're back on the ground, we disembark to find who's in charge of Copperhead's festival. They find three people on horses riding right on up. One of them is holding a rifle. Another is armed but the weapon isn't drawn. The third looks the most respectable and sitting easily. This one gets off when Valentine steps down from the ramp.

Introductions are quickly made. Valentine Quick, Captain of Delilah. Magistrate Bartlett of Copperhead. Pleased to meetcha.

Bartlett says that he doesn't see Valentine or Delilah on his schedule for the Festival. Well, no, sir, Valentine comfirms. He'd been on the ground at Vandenburg, had heard of the Festival, and was hoping there'd be room for one more to participate as a casino. Bartlett tells us that the bar in town has cards and electronic games but … well, there should be enough room for everybody. Of course, the town receives a substantial portion of anyone's proceeds …

And Valentine and Bartlett work out Copperhead's take. Once concluded, Bartlett tells Valentine that he can expect Deputies to come by to check things out at least once a day. If there are any complaints … Bartlett leaves the warning hanging, but Valentine is smart enough to pick up. He assures Bartlett that he has no interest in running anything other than a completely above-board operation. Bartlett stresses again that this annual Festival is Copperhead's main source of income and everyone's counting on it making good for the coming year and maintaining friendly relations with the towns in the surrounding area. If anything goes wrong …

Valentine assures the man that he understands the stakes and if this works out well for the casino, he would like to come back for next year's Festival. He also admits he's only got 6 people aboard the ship and would need to hire locals to help him run the casino during the Festival. Bartlett seems amenable to the idea, but warns Valentine that if he's running any other activities, he doesn't want to hear of it. The implication is: don't make trouble, don't get the law involved. Valentine assures Bartlett that he's only interested in running a casino and making a little money.

However, if Valentine chooses to hire local security, please vet them through Bartlett first. Valentine asks if there will be a job fair or a hiring hub for the Festival and Bartlett says it's permitted to put up signs around town with permission. The Big Star, the town's tavern, is a good place to start, and Bartlett's office is another good place to post his notice.

Valentine also mentions that two of his passengers have something to offer the community as well. Dr. Grace Tian and her IRP clinic will be open to take patients needing treatments against the Plague and other ills. No cost to the town. Bartlett tells Valentine that Copperhead's own doctor, Doc Owens will come by to inspect Tian's clinic, with the unspoken implication that an unfavorable report will preclude Tian offering her services. Tian agrees to the visit and states she's looking forward to meeting Owens.

Valentine goes on to explain that Vikki has power/well equipment to install if the town wishes it, again, at no cost. Bartlett is unconvinced that such a mechanical advantage is available for free and is quick to point out that they already have a well. Vikki steps up to explain how her well and power generator can be used and Valentine has to rein in her enthusiasm. Tian also inquires if the town actually needs a well to be dug or if there are other people in need. Bartlett tells her that the town is mostly set up for water but he'll ask around.

Bartlett tells Valentine that the Festival gets a bit rough-and-tumble and since some of the crew look to be on the tender side, it might be best not to stray too far from the ship. Both sides assured that due diligence will be taken, Bartlett returns to his town duties and Valentine gets his crew to setting up Delilah for visitors.

Poco points out that there ain't no fun in running a casino without alcohol and we should get some. A trip to the tavern is in order—perhaps we can pay them for some? Valentine assigns that task to Poco and tells him that he can take a cut of the booze or the money paid, but not both. Job given, Poco leaves to take care of it.

He arrives at the Big Star tavern to find it larger than implied: it's also a small inn and the town's general store. Once inside, he spots two teens looking to cash in a money voucher post dated for a future date. They need to cash it out in order to get a place to sleep and food to eat, as they've been traveling for some time. They get turned down and they turn to leave to find someone else more accommodating.

Of course, Poco spots them for the scam artists they are. He quietly calls them out on it. Seeing how desperate they are and possibly empathizing with their circumstances, Poco offers them jobs at Valentine's casino. Not naïve, they don't immediately accept but agree to talk to Valentine first. Poco escorts the two scammers back to the ship.

Valentine greets them, commends them for surviving Poco, and negotiates their employment, which also includes room and board on the ship. They are Ma Qiang and Ma Ling and seem grateful to have a job and a safe harbor. It's not long before we understand the reason why: a man and a woman, both tall, burly, and flaming mad (!) approach the ship as hands are being shaken on the deal.

Valentine is unfazed and calmly asks them their business. He's Valentine Quick, owner of Delilah" and they are? Clem and Tess. They tell him that the Mas swindled 100 credits off them with fake vouchers. Valentine instantly sizes them up, then empties the Mas's pockets, and comes up with 60 credits. He gives it to them over the Mas's protests and pays Clem and Tess the balance owed in chips from his casino. Valentine invites them to come back and try their luck when it opens. They might make back their losses and extra besides. Clem and Tess grumble but take the chips and the partial payment in cash.

They'd been looking forward to beating their money out of the Mas but seem willing to try their luck. Apparently the opportunity to make more money is too good to pass up.

Meanwhile Poco goes back into The Big Star to get that booze and looks for a seedy employee contact. He finds one and talks him out of some of the store's booze supply.

The rest of the crew get to work tidying up Delilah for visitors. The casino takes up space on two decks. The main floor is on the passenger deck, with card tables, roulette, and slot machines. Broad stairs lead to the top deck where the old galley has been replaced by a bar and the old bar has been made into a bank cage. Several card tables take up the space of the old dance floor as well. The top deck's view ports, including the aft panorama window, lets the light of day shine down on all, gleaming on the polished fixtures and wood. It's a far cry from the floating junk heap Delilah used to be and Valentine is justifiably proud of her.

Tuesday, 19 Jun 2525
Copperhead, Boros

Over the next several days after arriving in Copperhead, the crew makes Delilah ready for the Festival. Vikki, Rachel, and Tian quickly work out logistics for hors d'oeuvres and bar service and draw up a rudimentary duty schedule to cover the expected guests. Vikki also figures out a way to herd traffic from the cargo bay to the casino decks without straying, deciding that an official greeter at the foot of the cargo stairs would go far toward the task. Signs announcing Delilah's casino and operating hours are tacked up around town, stating also that vouchers as well as cash will be accepted and that food and drink will be offered.

Valentine draws on his experience and knowledge of the casino trade to train the new-hires in their duties. He's got eight people working for him in various capacities on the floor and as croupiers. Their hours on the clock are rotated to accommodate running the casino 24/7 and they are assigned quarters aboard the ship to make clocking in convenient.

Tuesday morning, people from all over start arriving and the Festival opens. Patrons start showing up at Delilah's ramp, eager to try out her casino. Vikki and Valentine greet them aboard, with Vikki standing at the bottom of the stairs to guide the guests to the top deck. Magistrate Bartlett arrives and takes a look around and pronounces the operation good. For the first day of business, things go rather well. The new-hires manage their tasks with few mishaps and people are glad to gamble. Accepting their vouchers at the bank is a plus. Most of the patrons are miners from the nearby Corone mine and the mine drives much of the economy in the area. Instead of cash, the miners are paid in vouchers in the company's name. Not all the patrons are miners, however, and there is a fair amount of cashy money in evidence.

Valentine elects to stay awake for the first 24 hours or so, overseeing operations. It's a job that he slips into like an old shoe, long familiar from his days at the Golden Dragon. His natural talents and keen eye keeps things on an even keel as he makes himself available to staff and guests alike. As the day slides into night and night slides back into the wee hours, he spots several prostitutes working the floor. He doesn't make a scene or an issue of it. Instead, he approaches them with his house rules: keep it discreet, don't cause trouble, and give the house a cut. The women are fine with that and Valentine lets them ply their trade unhindered. Valentine's no prude. He's a practical businessman. The house is making money, the women are making money, the patrons are happy. Why interfere with a good thing? He gets some private razzing from Rachel on that score, however. Rachel is a little miffed that Valentine doesn't object to prostitutes making a living but objects (however mildly) to her own little deals when she's in port … and yet, he's willing to enjoy the benefits either situation nets the ship.

Wednesday, 20 Jun 2525
Valentine takes the vouchers from the first night's take to the town bank. The bank charges him a fee for converting the funds, but Valentine still has money to take back to the ship. It's better than being turned away with useless pieces of paper. On the way back, he figures that if he breaks even this trip out, he'll be coming out ahead. He didn't expect the soft opening to net him a profit in cash—the real dividends would be in the form of ironing out any problems early and gaining experience in a relatively friendly environment before opening for business in more cutthroat conditions.

When he gets back, most of the night's patrons have left but there are still a few hard-core gamblers lingering at the tables. Valentine makes a mental note of who they are and thinks on their potential as casino whales. It's only one day into the long Festival run, however. There is still time to net a few fish.

He announces to the crew that he's catching some sleep, orders the crew to wake him in about four hours, and leaves them to run the ship. The crew works out the daylight schedule and Valentine gets his nap.

While he's out for the count, Doc Owens arrives and visits briefly with Tian. It's clear pretty fast that while Owens is genuinely interested professionally in Tian's operation, she's hoping to score pharmaceuticals for her own office in town. Thanks to the necessity of offering services at cut rates just to get people to come in, Owens has very little left for supplies. Perhaps Tian could pass on anything she has to spare as a courtesy between professionals?

Tian listens to her pitch but doesn't bite. If she feeds the fish once, who knows how many fish will be waiting for her at the next port of call … and how long after that before the fish turn into sharks? No. It's not a risk she feels ready to take and it runs directly counter to the IRP policy, which clearly states IRP supplies are not to be distributed except in emergency situations occurring immediately at the scene.

However, the care is free, if not the meds. Tian lets her know that while she isn't stocked to equip Owens's clinic, she would be more than happy to see any patients that need her care. Are there any folk in need? Owens admits she might. Tian tells her to bring them to the ship, she can take them. It's clear to Tian that Owens is disappointed to get nothing but the care. She asks Owens if she's asked the neighboring towns if they might be willing to pool their medical resources to keep Copperhead's facility afloat. Owens mumbles something less than definitive and Tian offers to let others know in her next ports of call that assistance would be appreciated. Owens thanks her and returns to town.

That night, Delilah gets word that a big wig is coming to visit. Sure enough, a man dressed in Border finery and attended by bodyguards comes up to the cargo ramp. He behaves as if he owns everything he steps on and though it's in a hail-fellow-well-met sort of way, it's obvious he expects his wishes to be followed. He beams magnanimously and announces he's here to play our casino. Vikki is doing door duty and greets him with her usual charm and escorts him right up. She leads him to the bank and Madson drops a thousand in credit notes and pushes them to Rachel, who's manning the till. Thank you, sir, she says and slides a big stack of chips in return. He smiles and tips her a 100 credit chip off the stack "for her trouble". Thank you, darlin'.

He makes a show of looking around approvingly and leans in to murmur: he's interested in establishing a line of credit for the duration of the Festival. If there is anyone he needs to talk to about this, let him know. Rachel smiles brightly and assures him she will. Madson and his hired muscle take off for the Tall Card tables. Rachel takes off to tell Valentine of this new development.

Valentine is glad of the news but gives Madson time to play before introducing himself. Over the night, he observes a few things: Madson makes free with his chips with the crowd, who always bow and thank him gladly; the people receiving the largesse always address him as "Mister". Rachel asks one of the lucky few who the generous man is. Oh, that's Mister Raymond Madson, the owner of the Seven Branch Mine. As it turns out, a lot of the people he gave chips to are miners who work for him.

Valentine finally goes over to introduce himself and conversation ensues. Madson is jovial and friendly and asks about opening a line of credit. Even though he didn't bring a pile of cash with him, Madson assures Valentine that if he asks around town, folk here will say he's good for it.

Valentine extends him 10 thousand credits and bids him a pleasant evening. He goes off to the side to watch Madson and Madson goes for the Roulette table. Valentine knows Roulette favors the House and simply watches the man play. Madson wins enough times so as not to feel cheated but doesn't lose enough to get mad. As the hours go on, Valentine sees all the classic symptoms of a gambling addict in Madson. He makes some rounds of the floor, keeping an ear out on what the miners say and making a discreet inquiry here and there. The word is in: Madson is not a man to be crossed.

Valentine and Poco come up with a plan to managed the mine owner. By all means, let the man play but pains must be taken to make sure the mine owner doesn't cause trouble. Valentine knows he's in Copperhead on Bartlett's good graces. He doesn't want to give the Magistrate any reason to bring the force of the law down on the place. He has his crew to keep safe.

Thursday, 21 Jun 2525
Madson plays to sun-up before leaving. He confirms his line of credit is not yet exhausted (it isn't) and declares he'll be back. He leaves with his entourage and Rachel takes pains to bid him a warm farewell. In his wake, some of the casino patrons leave as well. It's obvious that they are miners who lingered as a show of employee solidarity with their boss, rather than any desire to gamble.

Valentine watches them all go and hits his bunk for some much needed rest. It's his turn on the rotation for it.

The day passes with the crew and staff taking care of their duties without incident. Tian keeps her clinic open for those that need it. Vikki, Poco and Nuri tackle their own assigned tasks. Valentine doesn't absent himself for long, his old casino routine taking over. He mans the floor when he's awake and towards evening, he gets a little sleepy. Vikki fetches him coffee. Everyone on the crew and staff are running on the caffeine.

Madson returns with his entourage of bodyguards and miner-gamblers. He's more aggressive this time around, assured of his welcome and status. He plays craps and as the play goes on, he starts to lose. His losses plateau and his confidence rises. It isn't long before he starts to lose again … and then he starts to sweat … and goes to the men's room.

Valentine has been watching (without looking as if he's been watching) and notices that the bodyguards are packing heat. When Madson goes to the mens room, Valentine perks up, already mapping out the possible scenarios in his head. He knows that Madson is a gambling addict and the signs are telling him the man is in the grip of his addiction.

Madson reappears and sits at a table in the dining area on the top deck, pulls out a tablet and starts looking at something on it. Tian is pulling floor duty and goes over to ask him if she can get him anything to eat. He asks for a plate of something light. She steals a glance at his tablet and sees a spreadsheet with figures on it. She recognizes the Corone Mining Conglomerate logo and spies "Seven Branch Mine".


Tain steps into the galley, warns Val by comms that his wale is having trouble, and delivers a sandwich and a whiskey to Madson. Madson downs all his whiskey and half his sandwich, and takes off for the Roulette table again. He puts down a bet of 1000. The bid limit is 100. The croupier waves for assistance and Valentine okays the action.

Madson starts winning. Once, twice … People start to cheer. Madson's mood improves. He's a man on fire! Luck will surely make him her favorite son, now! He bets. He wins again. More cheering. Madson is the center of attention now and loving it, throwing bets down and passing chips around, tossing down drinks. The life of the party.

Valentine fades into the background to watch him. He knows how this story will play out. Gambling addicts always lose in the end, but their addiction keeps them coming back, convinced that their luck will change. Casinos are counting on it. People like Madson are called "whales" for good reason: it's patrons like him that make a casino profitable. It's how the industry works. However, Valentine is keenly aware of the consequences of making an enemy of this particular whale and unless he does something, Madson will lose his shirt and shortly after lose his temper. With the authority and weight he carries in this town, he can make things very expensive and uncomfortable for Valentine and his crew … and that is something Valentine will not risk.

So he watches Madson carefully, devising a strategy to manage Madson before things get out of hand.

Come midnight, Madson starts losing and reaches the amount he started the night's gambling with. He looks tired. Valentine comes over and suggests he take a rest from the tables, offering food and drink to keep his strength up. Madson refuses and plays on. By 2 a.m., Madson's luck goes up and down but in the net, he's losing … and continuing to lose. Rachel and Valentine are both keeping an eye on the man and this time, Rachel approaches Madson with the suggestion to go home and come back tomorrow. Tired and unsatisfied but optimistic he can recoup his losses when he's fresher, Madson agrees and finally leaves.

Valentine goes over the evening's take. Madson is in debt to the House for 4000. His line of credit still has 6000 left. Should we cut him off? At this point, the casino has pulled in enough money to break even and Valentine is willing to buy Madson's goodwill. He decides to go to the Magistrate about Madson in the morning. Likewise, he'll figure out what, if anything, he and the crew will do if Madson returns the following evening.

Friday, 22 Jun 2525
Tian and Val go to the Magistrate and report that Madson is losing at the casino. The Magistrate is not surprised. Valentine asks if Madson is good for the gambling bill. The Magistrate says he is. Besides, the Magistrate adds, Madson is a sonuvabitch that needs to be taught a lesson. He tells Valentine to keep an eye on the ANS goons Madson's hired for muscle. There are only two of them but still …. keep an eye on them. They have a certain reputation.

Valentine thanks the Magistrate for his time and he and Tian leave for the ship. On the way back, Tian speculates that Madson might be cooking the mine's books to finance his addiction. What happens when he loses big, draws on the mine, and Corone finds out? Having run into Corone once already in the Halo, Valentine isn't keen on attracting their attention. He and Tian decide that they should cut Madson off at 5000 and present it as the casino's lack of funds for the reason. Plan in hand, Valentine waits for the night and Madson to arrive.

Sure enough, both arrive as expected and Valentine delivers the news of the cut off amount. Madson refuses and insists on gambling.. Valentine isn't surprised. He's seen this happen before, more times than he can count. Valentine acquiesces and settles in for another high-stress night of whale watching.

As the man hits the tables, Tian suggests to Valentine a ploy: Get Madson into a High Roller game of Tall Card and give the man a chance to win his losses back. That way we aren't on the hook for more than we have and he gets his money back. Valentine agrees that it's a good idea.

He approaches Madson with the offer. It'll just be him and Madson playing. Madson looks at him narrowly.

Madson: Just me and a professional gambler, huh?
Valentine: Just you and a professional manager, sir.

Madson stares at Valentine for a moment. Then:

Madson: I don't like losing. And I don't like being treated like a child. So if I get a whiff of anything going on here, these two gentlemen will make sure that we're on the up-and-up.

Madson nods to his bodyguards and Valentine recalls they're ANS.

Valentine: Fair enough.

They sit. The hand is dealt. They play.

It's clear that Madson wants to intimidate Valentine. Valentine is unruffled—at least on the outside, where it would show. But as the game wears on and Madson wins … and loses … and wins …. and loses, Valentine lets a little worry come to the surface. by midnight Madson has lost and won his way back to his starting point pluse a couple hundred credits ahead. Valentine decides to buy his doowill by playing one more hand … and loses to Madson. Madson is now 1000 credits ahead and encouraged by the win, the man insists on playing some more. Valentine tries to convince him to stop, playing up his fears that Madson will break the bank. Rachel adds her support to Valentine's argument. We really are worried about the bank, sir.

Madson insists on one more hand. The cards are dealt and Valentine again loses, pleading for mercy. We're a small outfit and if we can't pay you, you'll break us. Madson tells Valentine to put the ship up as collateral. Another hand is dealt and Valentine loses the casino equipment in lieu of the ship. Rachel leans in and tries to convince Madson that the casino equipment isn't worth it. He's already 1000 credits ahead of his losses. Surely he can let a rustbucket like Delilah go?

Madson frowns. Is he being played for a fool? Or is this pretty gal talkin' sense? The moment stretches … and stretches … and stretches some more …

Madson stands up and announces he'll let us off. Just take his cash winnings and call it a night. Sure enough, the bank comes up short. Madson leaves and doesn't gamble again but instead buys chips for his people with orders to stay and gamble until they win the balance owed. It takes several more nights of gambling before that goal is reached but Valentine pays out the money gratefully. The alternative is going to debtor's prison with the ship impounded. God knows what would happen to his crew as a consequence and that is not something Valentine will allow to happen.

Despite this, others keep coming to the casino and by the end of the Festival even they have decided they've lost everything they can to us and stop coming. The crew will need to get food and fuel after closing shop but at least they won't go in hock doing it. As a soft opening, the casino landed harder than Valentine hoped but as a learning experience it was priceless. And relatively bloodless, to boot. In the cutthroat stakes of casino ownership, Valentine knows he's gotten off light.

Friday, 29 Jun 2525
The Festival is over and Copperhead breathes a sigh of relief. People have fared well or less well as fate has decreed and it's all over now but for the mopping up. The place seems like a ghost town after all the crowds and activity. Delilah somehow rings emptier in their absence.

Over the Festival, Tian has taken and processed a pleasingly vast amount of footage for IRP's PR machine and once it's edited and sent on its way, Tian has nothing to distract her from a pressing worry: her waves to Han have gone unanswered and she is desperate to find out what's happened to her son. She begs Valentine for a job that will take her to Kerry. Once there, she will go to Han and ask for the news—good or bad—herself.

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