Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 110: Confidence Games
I am so far behind, it's not funny, it's tragic. This episode's log is more paraphrased than I prefer it but the plot threads are getting complicated and we need something in place to keep them straight. Thanks for your patience!—Maer
Sunday, 01 Apr 2525
Erewhon Colony, Sophie
Kalidasa (Xuan Wu) System
Valentine and Director Indra work things out to their satisfaction. Indra tells Valentine she will arrange for Nuri's scan. Valentine thanks her. Business (and pleasure) concluded, Valentine returns to the ship to tell Tian the good news. It takes a second for Tian to figure out just how Valentine arranged it.
OMG! You didn't!
Yes, he did.
OMG! Awkward!
Why? It doesn't have to be. Completely between consenting adults.
This goes back and forth a few more times, with Tian appalled that Valentine pimped himself out on Nuri's behalf and Valentine insisting that it wasn't how it happened at all. Of course, the idea that this the Director exploring her options, as Tian gently suggested in their confidential meeting the other day, and doing so with Valentine adds a whole extra level of awkward for Tian—especially as she can NOT explain why. Doctor-Patient confidentiality requires Tian to keep that aspect a secret.
OMG, awkward.
Valentine gets word later in the evening that the appointment's been scheduled and that Nuri can be scanned on the morrow.
Monday, 02 Apr 2525
It's time to escort Nuri to the scanning suite. Who's going with her besides Tian?
Once we get there, we're met by Indra and two other doctors, Poc 596 and Rouix 702. The crew gives Nuri their good wishes and file out while Tian, Indra. and the doctors remain once the results are in. The full body scan takes a little time but at the end of it, the results come in. Poc and Rouix hand them to Tian as Nuri's attending physician and Tian steps aside to read them in private. Nuri's discomfort is from an inflammation of the gall bladder. It's easily operable. There are other results as well: Nuri's brain shows … well, some things aren't what you'd call typical. Her ganglia and amygdala are different. In the case of the former, their density is more complex, more connected. In the latter, it's simply more developed.
Tian consults with the other doctors about these findings. Would these … discoveries … affect Nuri's learning speed? Would they make her more receptive to information? If her abilities aren't caused by the plague, but by some other genetic mutation, would the plague treatment reverse or do away with Nuri's exceptional abilities?
It's possible, but it's uncertain if it can be proved one way or another without actually having Nuri go through the treatments. Her condition simply hasn't been seen before. Normally—ironicially enough, there is a normally to go by—plague victims end up with vestigial organs or uncontrolled cell growth which eventually causes organ failure and death. Nuri isn't growing an extra brain. Her brain is just being … augmented with what it's already been furnished with.
It's a puzzle.
Poc and Rouix respectfully ask Tian if they might be permitted to efface Nuri's surgical scars, if that is acceptable to her and Tian. Tian asks Nuri and the young woman agrees. The two doctors get to working on that and that leaves Tian free to do two other tasks on the sly: Doing Indra's bloodwork and doing a scan of the weapon vial's contents.
The vial from the weapons cache contains nanobots.
Which opens a whole 'nuther can of worms that Tian is not equipped to handle right now. She turns to the bloodwork results.
They show an increase in hormones and possibly the very beginnings of the plague. She and Indra discuss this in private. Tian is gentle but doesn't hold anything back. If she treats Indra for the plague, the changes the treatment will cause can change her from her genetically engineered state to a level that is more unaltered human. The genetic blueprint the treatment is patterned on is from the souls on the Ark ship that was found last year. Their DNA sequences did not undergo the manipulation that the Colony inhabitants have wrought upon themselves. In short, Indra would not exit the treatment as her old self, but as something different. Would she be comfortable with that outcome?
Perhaps, assuming Indra lets Tian get that far in her explanation. Once the two women are closeted to discuss the bloodwork, Indra hijacks the conversation from the get-go with her excitement over her amorous encounter with Valentine. The first half of their meeting is pretty much all about the woman's curiosity and questions about her newly awakened sexual activity. Tian manages the conversation with respect and tact and some good words of advice. She tells Indra of the possible consequences of the plague treatments and also that it's possible that her sexuality is not a symptom of the disease and therefore may not be affected by the treatment at all. Tian covers the pros and cons of continuing with Indra's exploration of sexual activity and also the plague treatments and when the women part, it's with the understanding that Indra has the final say in both.
When Tian returns to the ship with Nuri, she tells Valentine in private about her findings on the weapons vials and finally lets some of her worry show. She's ex-military. She has enough imagination to realize just how BAD nanobot technology—especially in the wrong hands—can be. Compounding the problem is the fact that there is nothing they can do with the weapons at the moment. They're stuck with them … and the consequences of ownership should other interested parties come knocking …
On the plus side, Tian has the pleasure of telling Valentine that he should call Indra and see if she wants to start a relationship … because she seemed mightily interested in him. Tian actually says, "Oh, by the way, she thought it was fantastic." The expression on Valentine's face is priceless. Tian exits and once she's in the safety of her med office, she laughs her ass off.
It's a light note to end the day on.
For his part, Valentine does make that call. He lets Indra know that if she needs our ship's services, feel free to call him. The subtext of the conversation allows for some romantic dalliance as well. As typical with Sophian culture, Indra states that arrangement is acceptable and hangs up.
Okay, then.
Scan completed, arrangements with the Director made, and cargo for Sophie long ago offloaded, there's nothing more to keep us on the ground. We lift off for Beaumonde, a day's flight away.
Tuesday, 03 Apr 2525
Nouveau Lyon, Beaumonde
Kalidasa (Xuan Wu) system
We land at Nouveau Lyon at pretty much the same spot we'd left in such a hurry. No trouble seems to be waiting for us when we touch down but we do have a message: Katerina Selezneva would like to take us out to lunch in appreciation for saving her life earlier …oh, and perhaps she can arrange a job for us, yes? Of course, it would be a proper luncheon in a proper tea room and we're invited to join her there if we can behave. In addition, she asks specifically for Vikki.
Vikki? The young woman hasn't a clue why she's specifically asked for … but would like to go, please.
Of course, as this is a fancy tearoom, everyone will have to go shopping for appropriate attire. We've been paid for our Sophian cargo and there's actually enough left over from expenses that the crew has money in pocket. Vikki has to be convinced to spend some of it on herself: she intended to send every last penny back home to her folks. Tian encourages her to get something nice for herself—she wouldn't want to show up to luncheon in anything that would embarrass her host, would she? Watching this conversation unfold in front of them, Rachel and Poco decline the invitation in favor of relaxing in their usual duds and drinking beer. They'll pass up the fancy-shmancy, thanks.
Valentine's wardrobe needs some sprucing up as well. He, Tian, and Vikki step off to do a little shopping while Rachel and Poco go to Peter Kowolski's bar to drink. Rachel gets cozy with Peter at the bar while Poco gets a table for his beer.
Another patron shows up, long and lean and white haired despite his obviously still-vital appearance. He's a local arms dealer by name of James Brion and he invites himself to Poco's private party of one, sniffing around about our secret gun cache … which rumor has it we've got.
Poco plays dumb. Brion continues to hint around the subject, saying he'd heard it was military grade stuff
Poco gets Rachel's eye at the bar and she mosey's on over to his table. They listen to Brion and they both play dumb and incredulous. Brion persists. He offers them a couple thousand for their "empty medical container". The conversation continues on multiple levels, neither side admitting outright the other knows what they are talking about, yet arranging for the sale of that container nonetheless. Poco argues for more money and more discretion. He doesn't want to get caught doing this. The consequences would be—as he so quaintly put it—a minor annoyance of epic proportions.
Poco knows the weapons cache is a hot potato and it won't be easy to fence. But he also knows it's in Brion's self interest to be careful in acquiring it. He assures he'll let Brion know what he and the crew will do soon and will arrange a pick up time then. He get's Brion's contact information and leaves with Rachel.
Once Brion is safely away, they discuss what they're going to do.
• Fix the container camera.
• Call Brion
• Brion gets the guns (recorded on camera)
• We get paid
• Guns off our ship.
• Score!
Once Poco is sure everyone else is off the ship, he'll call Brion. No muss, no fuss.
Speaking of whom …
The tea room is as Selezneva promised: it's a pretty swank place. Tian, Valentine, and Vikki are decked out in their new finery and are led to Selezneva's table without a hitch. The spread is not as lavish as Selezneva would have liked but neither is it insulting to her guests or the establishment. Once we're settled and eating, she offers us a job hauling cargo for a friend of hers. It's going to Rockpoint Waymeet, a space station in the Halo. The cargo is big but not live or dangerous. We're to meet her friend to pick up the cargo and Selezneva would take 40% off the top as her finder's fee.
Valentine and she bargain the percentage. In the end, he successfully whittles her down to 25% . Selezneva isn't finished, however, as she turns to Vikki next: The Verse is a dangerous place and perhaps you would be better off elsewhere. Be careful who you fly with, little one. Otherwise, you might end up damaged by the experience, perhaps end up like me. See, I used to be like you, all bright eyed and idealistic. It would be a shame to ruin such youthful optimism and potential.
At which point, Valentine asks (half amused, half not) if Selezneva is trying to shark one of his crew. Selezneva insists her heart is in the right place … but doesn't exactly deny the accusation, either. Vikki doesn't refuse the advice Selezneva gives her but doesn't say anything that would have her leaving Delilah, mostly achieved by keeping her mouth shut. Oh, and a couple stiff shots of vodka.
Business finally concluded, Selezneva relaxes into the luncheon and keeps her guests entertained with stories on everyone present in the tea room. Lord, but this woman knows the dirt on everybody.
Before Poco and Rachel leave the bar, Rachel asks Kowolski what the word on the street is about Delilah. He tells her. Fisheries men are asking after the ship. Some reports of violence over this outside of town is trickling in. Kowolski also tells her what he knows about Brion. He's a decent sort of guy, but never forget he's a crook. Rachel thanks him and asks him if he's doing anything tomorrow night. Kowolski winks and says he certainly hopes so. Rachel leaves with a soft laugh and an implied promise she'll get back to him tomorrow. She and Poco go back to the ship to get things ready.
When Valentine and the rest of the crew return from the tea room, he tells Poco and Rachel the good news that we've got cargo and a job. Poco offers to get the truck to pick up the cargo. Valentine takes him up on his offer and Poco leaves to get that truck.
Tian and Valentine trade a look. Why is Poco being so helpful?
Poco returns shortly with a double-double and Vikki asks him tongue-in-cheek if it also came with a dog. It's rather similar to the truck she rode on Persephone. She privately hopes that no one will try to jack this truck out from under her, too.
The cargo is waiting for us at a place outside of town and the crew piles into the truck to pick it up. Well, minus Poco and Rachel. They elect to stay behind on the ship. They imply it's to guard Delilah. Valentine doesn't question them on it but tells Tian to get the truck in gear.
They drive off. Poco waves and then gets to fixing that camera in the container. He's unable to fix it. Reasoning that it's not a deal-breaker, Poco leaves the camera and calls Brion with the all-clear. His men show up soon after.
A woman is first off the cargo truck that pulls up. It's Matty, an old acquaintance of Poco's and for once, someone who doesn't seem to want to shoot him on sight. Instead, she returns his hail in a friendly manner. The next off the truck is a man named Austin. Several other men round out the crew and they get to work.
Austin's considered something of a philosophical sort of fuck-up by the rest of the crew and it's not long before he proves them right. He seems more interested in talking and asking questions than working. He asks about Tian, fishing for verification of rumors he's heard of her. Poco plays dumb.
Meanwhile, the rest of the crew drive out to the pick-up site for the cargo. The route takes us past cattle feed lots to an agricultural warehouse. We see a red-headed woman carrying a big stack of papers. She sees us and goes quickly inside the warehouse.
Looks like this is the place.
Valentine tells us to wait in the truck. He gets out (armed with his gun) and meets the woman inside. They talk. Are you Minerva? Yeah. She shows him the cargo. It looks like bales of hay, strapped and bound for transport. The papers she's carrying are shipping labels like the ones on the bales. The labels have complex symbols on them and as Valentine watches, Minerva rips the existing labels off the bales of hay and slaps on the ones she's carrying. She's camouflaging the fact that they're going to be taking out the good stuff—which is over here, toward the rear.
All righty, then. While Minerva swaps the labels,Valentine fetches Vikki to help him load it onto the truck. He has Tian stay in the cab behind the wheel as lookout and getaway driver.
Back at the ship, Austin is mighty interested in the guns. He actually removes one from its cradle and Poco orders him to put it back and get it on the truck. Austin tries to argue but eventually does as ordered. Of course, this starts up again when Austin starts loading the ammo and notices that one of the rounds is missing—the vial Tian had removed for testing on Sophie.
The missing ammo queers it for Austin. Poco tells him to forget about it, the ship is full of idiots. Just load the ammo on the truck, willya? Austin loads the ammo but the damage is done—Matty takes Poco aside and asks some questions about the doctor travelling with him. What kind of doctor would be carrying guns and ammo like this anyway? Heard tell they're secret weapons, experimentin' with bio-hazard shit.
Poco doesn't confirm or deny anything that would get him into trouble and as the last of it is loaded up, matty apologizes for Austin's curiosity. He's new, she says, just in last week. Brion picked him out of the herd for this run.
Poco looks amazed at that: No way, Brion's smarter than that. Matty stalls further comment by bringing over the payment. The money bag changes hands. Finally, Poco's getting paid! And a pretty couple thousand, too. Biggest score yet one this ship, hell yeah. He simply thanks Matty for doin' business with him. Good luck and best wishes and all. Bye, now.
Austin says he wants one last look.
Rachel draws her guns and tells him to get the hell off her ship. Austin disagrees. She puts the barrel to his face and orders him off. Matty steps in and grabs Austin's elbow. C'mon, you. Austin resists … then gives in, no doubt convinced by Rachel's gun and steely gaze.
When Brion's men are gone, Rachel goes to the bridge to try to arrange for a different berth for Delilah, in case someone comes back looking for them. Is there any way they could get another spot? The one we got seems to be infested with rats.
Poco comms Valentine, asking if he'll be ready to leave when he gets back with the cargo.
Valentine answers, saying that he wasn't planning to be in any hurry but—Poco interrupts, saying we should be ready to go when he gets back to port. Valentine tells him that they'll talk about it when he gets back. Sure! says Poco. The comm goes dead. Valentine looks at it and wonders aloud why he's here and why he even bothers being the Captain?
Meanwhile, Vikki notices something. The warehouse is set up with dehumidifiers to keep the hay from rotting from damp … but there are also heaters wired up as well. The heaters haven't been installed all that safely and when Valentine gets back, she tells him of the fire hazard those heaters represent. If a stray spark from the shoddy wiring hits the hay … Valentine tells her to keep loading.
Sure enough, we've only one load left to go when we smell smoke. Minerva says the burning isn't supposed to happen yet.
What does she mean—"Yet?!"
We work faster. Valentine warns Tian to be ready to drive like hell out of there. Already the flames are spreading and the alarms are going off. Valentine grabs Minerva by the arm—we have to go! Minerva shakes free and tells him to go on, she's got to set the scene.
Set the scene? What the hell? The warehouse is going up in flames and she wants to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic? Valentine tells her to hurry.
Seconds tick by. They feel like hours. Sirens scream, headed our way. We need to go.
Minerva comes out of the smoke and jumps into the truck with the others. Tian pulls out and we pass the emergency responders on their way in. Poco comms Valentine again. You comin', Boss? Like we're on fire, Poco.
Tian floors it.
Poco cuts the channel and tells Rachel to leave off getting us a new berth. Valentine's coming in and we need to get flushed and fueled up for departure.
Valentine arrives with our cargo, Tian driving the truck right on aboard.. He very quickly sees the guns are missing and all of Poco's odd behavior suddenly makes sense.
Rachel. Poco. Here. Now. Where the hell is it?
Poco says he sold it.
Who did you sell it to?
An old friend of mine.
How much did you get paid?
Poco quotes only half the take.
Valentine rips Poco a new asshole. Not only did he endanger the crew by exposing to outsiders that we had the weapons, he kept Valentine in the dark about it. By doing an end run around the chain of command, Poco put everyone at risk. Valentine's ignorance could have gotten them all killed. Did Poco ever think of that?
Meanwhile, Tian escorts Minerva off our ship, offering to drop her off at the port office. Minerva seems a little out of it … but walks with Tian onto the tarmac. Minaerva asks Tian how long she's been with the crew. What does she know of them? Tian asks Minerva why she wants to know? Minerva doesn't explain but hands Tian a card.
Here's the contact info. Be safe. And Minerva walks away into the night.
Hinked, Tian closes our ramp right up and interrupts Valentine. She gives him the contact information and Minerva's warning. That makes Valentine turn around and question Poco some more about the sale.
Before they can get far into it, there's a buzz at our cargo ramp door. Looking out the peep hole we see a man of middling height and unassuming mien … but Tian knows him. It's Chris Christian, the Naval Internal Affairs officer who handled her exit interview. We open the door, he walks in like he owns the place, and calmly tells us they've got the weapons back. He thanks Tian for her messages, even though they are still in post-production.
It's a short little visit, but long on threat: he leaves us with the impression the Navy now has enough to hang Tian as a traitor. He doesn't linger and neither do we. Once he's clear, we blast off for Rockhaven and the Halo. ETA: 7 days.
Once we're underway, Nuri finds Poco and calls him by his real name: Tony. This makes Poco blink but she doesn't pry.
Later on, Poco and Rachel hole up together and discuss the deal and Christian. One is a peck of trouble they've brought on themselves and the other is something from the outside. What will they do about it? Poco resolves to keep some of the money back if Valentine asks for it. He's already lied about the amount the deal netted him. There's no reason to reveal the true amount now.
Wednesday, 04 Apr 2525
En Route to Rockhaven
Valentine corners Poco and orders him to hand over all the money from the deal. All of it, Poco. And that's not all—Valentine bluntly asks Poco why he stowed away on the ship. Well, to get away from a girl, like he's already said. Valentine doesn't believe him: why are you still here? After all, Poco could have walked away at any time after he got off Persephone, but why is he still here?
It's pretty clear that Valentine is pissed as hell—unusual for a man who keeps his feelings and temper under tight control. Not now. They argue. The argument ends with both men storming off to their opposite corners.
Nuri approaches Valentine as his temper's cooling and asks if perhaps he's being too hard on Poco. When Valentine asks her why she thinks that, she merely says she likes him. Huh. Of all the people on this boat Valentine would have chosen as Poco's champion, Nuri would have been nearly at the bottom of the list. Curious, Valentine continues the conversation and Nuri offers up a bit of personal information: she'd lost her mother when she was young. Perhaps implying that Poco had as well but was unfortunate in his upbringing in ways she was not. "What's different about us should separate us but what's the same should bring us together," she says and withdraws, leaving Valentine to think on it.
He puts it aside for reflection later. First, he has one more person to talk to: Rachel. He joins her on the bridge, closes the hatch for privacy and as he had with Poco, he bluntly asks her the pertinent question: Does she want the ship?
Rachel insists she doesn't.
Then why the hell does she act like the Captain? Why did she and Poco pull off the end-run around his authority the night before. It brought Chris Christian down on us and Tian and there's no telling what sort of trouble will be waiting for us when we arrive in the Core. Ultimately, Rachel trespassed, usurping his authority, and it's not the first time she's done it. So he's going to ask her again—does she want the ship. He'll be happy to give it to her.
Rachel sighs and pleads she's an old woman and set in her ways. Valentine calls bullshit. Rachel straightens in her chair and lays out a couple of things nice and clear. Is he listening?
One, his father was unfocused. He needed a firm hand on the wheel to get things done and that duty fell to her and Freddie Sr. She's accustomed to it and so far, she's been doing it for Valentine as she had for Lazarus. What she and Poco did was very little different than what she and Freddie Sr. had done for years.
Two, she's not used to having a Captain around, much less a Captain capable of doing the job, even more less a Captain half her age. It's a huge shift in the crew dynamic and she needs time to adjust.
Valentine hears her out and when she's done, he files it away for reflection. Right now, however, he has to lay down the law: He's Captain of this ship and he needs to know what's going on with the crew—including her and Poco. He has to have the information he needs to command effectively. It has to be open.
Rachel calls bullshit. Oh Yeah? Well, as long as we're being open, what's with you and Tian sneaking off and having private meetings? If he ain't willing to be open, why the hell should she?
That puts the match to the gasoline. An argument ensues.
At what point did she ask him his opinion about the job, he demands.
Well, she figured her expertise sufficed and she'll make sure not ask his opinion about gambling.
Once again, he asks the top question of the day: why is he here? If Rachel is not willing to work with him, get off the ship. If she wants to stay on the ship, work with him. If she thinks he needs certain expertise, train him in it. Currently, her and Poco's method seems to be based on Valentine not knowing anything and so therefore he's not any good, leading to end-runs. Valentine admits he may not know everything but he asks Rachel to step forward and cooperate with him.
She tells him if he has a need to come talk, come talk to her and Poco. If Valentine has questions, ask them.
Valentine asks her why should he bother, given what they've presumed already.
He might actually learn something, she shoots back.
Valentine steps away. It's that or punch an old woman in the face. Actually, at this moment, he finds himself preferring Poco more than Rachel. Poco's at least predictable—Valentine's got experience with Poco's sort. Rachel, on the other hand, is undercutting him every time he turns around!
Why the hell did she even tell him she would respect his opinion when asked and given, when he knows she's going to ignore his orders and do what she wants anyway? She's pretty much set it up that he'll never ask her for hers and possibly not even trust her on his ship.
Which isn't a good footing to have with anyone, much less your one and only pilot.
They part with the argument unresolved and fly on for the Halo. If simmering resentment has the power to fuel the ship, we're on hard burn all the way there.
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