World of Darkness on IRC: NewBabylon Game Info

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This is resource information for a campaign setting using the new World of Darkness system on the IRC network.


Basic Game Overview[edit]

Welcome to a new world of future darkness. Set in the district of New Babylon. A New frontier within one the towering Mega Cities along the Atlantic Coast of America. The worlds populations has been ravaged by disease, natural disasters and nuclear war. The face of the world has been forever changed as raising sea levels claimed back the land. With people in crisis the Catholic church became a beacon faith against the rising corporations and the ever changing face of technology. Among the supernaturals its a savage fight for freedom and survival as influence and resources stand between them and extinction.

We are currently playing Changeling: The Lost and Vampire: Requiem

This game features on the IRC game network on the Darkmyst server ( Our channel is called #NewBabylon_nWoD

To speak with a @Storyteller you can also contact us on

About IRC[edit]

IRC is an abbreviation of Internet Relay Chat. It is an application layer protocol that facilitates transfer of messages in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server model of networking. IRC clients are computer programs that a user can install on their system. These clients are able to communicate with chat servers to transfer messages to other clients. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing IRC is a text based game. You log on to the server by connection through programs like Mibbit and mIRC. It is descriptive and highly addictive.

In Game Terms IRC..[edit]

IRC is a highly addictive chat based gaming avenue, we try to keep it as close to table top as we can, the only difference is that it's a touch more social, where players have the chance to build allies and more through play not dice or downtime. We are a Dice/Sheet moderated game having a bot that functions with rules, game links and a dice roller. There are no set days we play, players can log on anytime (We cooperate with players for the best available times to run stories). If there are people available there is usually a game of some description, be it light social or Storylines. There are a number of Storytellers that run the game. If they are not on then players are welcome to enter social play. Though combat is discouraged unless there is a Storyteller to run it.

Do not concern yourself with spelling grammar and punctuation, players are there like you are to have fun. Though this helps its not what is important about the game.

An IRC role play game is very descriptive, it needs to be considering everyone creates and interpenetrates the scene in their minds. This is one of those systems where the more you put in the more you and the group benefits. When everyone works together the results can be as if you are living your character.

New Babylon[edit]

New Babylon is a vision of the future. We took concepts from Shadworun and mixed them in with the possibilities of World of Darkness. We also reference a similar type Mega City as featured in the 2012 movie Dredd. Concepts of Cyberware and Bioware were easily converted to the Merit systems of new World of Darkness. We do cross over Changeling and Vampire in the same city BUT still they are two separate games, where characters from both have their own agenda with there own kind. The new published games make these cross overs more reliable and less clashing. Currently we are only playing the two games of Changling: The Lost and Vampire: The Requiem but as we progress more games will be added to our setting.