MTH:General Merits
Compound Origin (** or ****)[edit]
Prerequisites: Superhuman, Power Level 3+ or 5+ for the four-dot version.
Effect: The character has the mechanical benefits and drawbacks of two Origins. Experience cost reducing mechanics do not stack, but cost increasing effects do. With appropriate rational, the character can acquire a third Origin by buying the four-dot version.
Environmental Adaptations (*+)[edit]
Prerequisites: Survival equal to the level of the merit, or half that in Mega Survival or Power Level, and a suitable rational.
Effect: The character is specially adapted to survive in one environment humans cannot normally survive in. Mechanically, the merit removes any penalties provided by the environment in question. In a more general sense, the character's body is altered in whatever way is needed to survive. Aquatic environments provide gills, high altitude environments require inner ear adjustments and changes to respiration, etc. The specific number of dots in this merit measures the difficulty required to survive. One dot makes the character comfortable where a human could live with difficulty, such as the arctic or a desert. Five allows them to walk around on the moon.
Exanamic Object (*)[edit]
Prerequisites: A related Code (*), Superhuman Template
Effect: Sometimes an object can become so integral to its bearer that to lose it would be a fate worse than death. Other times an individual may dedicate themselves so strongly to a vocation or cause that their soul actually manifests this urge in physical form. Either way, the character’s soul is tied to an object irrevocably. It is, in fact, part of their soul.
The character may place this object within their soul, causing it to physically vanish. With an action, they may then draw this object back into physical reality. If they have the Quick Draw merit, this is reflexive. The object is either indestructible, or can be reformed in the character’s soul, if broken. It resists wear and similar degradation. It can be no greater Size then the character.
A spirit-warrior would likely have this object manifest as a weapon or armor, a musician as an instrument, or a physician as a medical bag. It must always be central to the character’s identity, but need not be something the character has easy access to. Storytellers should veto applications of this merit that simply allow a character to have unlimited access to a potent weapon or object, but exotic items are still reasonable provided they apply in a spiritual sense. For example, it's acceptable for a kid from inner-city Manhattan to manifest a katana, even if he has no knowledge of martial arts or Asian culture, provided that, deep in his heart, he truly feels the path of the Samurai. He will not, however, manifest a suitcase nuke.
The player may choose to have it deal energy, magic or mental damage instead of physical damage when they take this merit.
The object may also be a Fetish Object and/or an Enhanced Item, if the player pays for them as such.
Favored Foe (*)[edit]
Prerequisites: One specialty of a matching type.
Effect: Some superhumans are fine-tuned to fight a specific sort of enemy. Favored Foe adds one die to all skill pools when dealing with enemies fitting a descriptor such as "undead" or "giant", chosen when this merit is first purchased. Essentially, the skill specialty used as prerequisite now covers multiple skills. As always, only the Storyteller can decide whether a Favored Foe is specific enough.
Generalist (* to **)[edit]
Prerequisites: None
Effect: The character quickly grasps the nuances of new situations with respect to applied skills. Each dot in this merit removes the one die of penalty to untrained skill rolls.
Verve Reserve (*+)[edit]
Prerequisites: Equal or better Power Level
Effect: The character can use more powers before getting tired. Each dot in Verve Reserve adds 1 to the character's maximum Verve.
Virtuous/Vile Style (*)[edit]
Prerequisites: None
Effect: The character has a special flair and is especially good at capitalizing on the benefits of the superhuman method of stylish execution, when it matches their personality. The player doubles the dice bonus that their character gains for Stylish Execution whenenver the action matches their Virtue or Vice (chosen when the merit is purchased). The bonus for a dodge is applied after doubling defense when the character's Virtue or Vice applies.