Dungeons & Detention:Asha
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Name: Asha Septafix
Race: Human
Class: Cleric 1
Appearance: Kind eyes, strange hair, flowing robes, thin body.
- Strength: 9 (+0)
- Dexterity: 8 (-1)
- Constitution: 13 (+1)
- Intelligence: 15 (+1)
- Wisdom: 16 (+2)
- Charisma: 12 (+0)
HP: 21/21
Damage: d6
Alignment: Good (Endanger yourself to heal another)
XP: 0
- Diety - Halicene, the Flame of Knowledge (domain:knowledge and hidden things, precept:teaches the sanctity of suffering)
- Divine Guidance
- Commune
- Cast a Spell
- Turn Undead
- Human - Cast Magic Missile as a Cleric Spell.
- Magic Missile
- Cure Light Wounds
- Dungeon Rations x10 (2 weight)
- Holy Sigil, a carved flame of red stone which once belonged to my Mother (0 weight)
- Chainmail (1 armour, 1 weight)
- Mace (Close, 1 weight)
- Adventuring Gear (1 weight)
Load: 5/19
- Mouse has insulted my deity; I do not trust them. (She probably didn't mean it, but still)
- Mordecai is a good and faithful person; I trust them implicitly. (He seems so normal and nice! Plus he's smart and a good student! He must be a good person!)
- Kyla is in constant danger, I will keep them safe. (Oh, not from monsters or anything like that! She's really cool and tough and stuff. But her grades? Oh dear.)
- I am working on converting Cimmora to my faith. (Because worshipping spiders, that's a bit icky!)