Alassa Creyr
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Personal Data
Name: Alassa Creyr
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling
Class/Level: Bard/3
Alignment: NG
Description/Background: A tall (by halfling standards, at least), slim young woman, Alassa can't help but draw attention to herself. Her flawless dark skin, luxurient black curls, piercing green eyes and uncharacteristically regal and self-assured poise all add up to make her a halfling capable of commanding the attention of whoever she wishes - and that's before she starts talking.
Blessed with a voice at least as beautiful as the rest of her, Alassa found it easier than she had expected to share both her vision for a halfling nation with others, and her passion and drive to see that country made into a reality.
Travelling far and wide, renowned for her wit and singing, Alassa has experienced both the worst and rthe best of many kingdoms, However, there was one thing she always noted- none were ruled by halflings. Her people were becoming forgotten, accepted as simply smaler humans (but never, of course, amongst the nobility) or sought as servants. Or slaves.
And this, Alassa cannot bear. Her people matter to her, a great deal, and as she travelled and looked upon the works of humans, elves and dwarves, her thoughts increasingly turned to wondering just why no halfling had done these things.
Not finding an answer, she decided to spend her wealth and reputation on doing it herself. Seeking what assistance she could, and giving speech after speech to gather halflings and dissatisfied members of other races, she finally gained the support of the cult of Iodan and left to found her new nation.
Strength 7/-2
Dexterity 14/+2
Constitution 10/+0
Intelligence 15/+2
Wisdom 12/+1
Charisma 18/+4
Init: +2
HP: 23
AC: 17
CMB: -1
CMD: +1
Fort: +2
Ref: +6
Will: +5
Skill name Ranks + Ability Modifier + Class Skill + Misc Bonus (total modifier)
Bluff 3+4+4= 10
Stealth 3+2+3+4= 12
Knowledge (Nature) 3+2+3+1= 9
Knowledge (Nobility) 3+2+3+1= 9
Linguistics 3+2+3+= 8
Perception 3+1+3+2= 9
Perform (Sing) 3+4+3+2= 12
Knowledge (Oratory) 3+4+3+7= 17
Level 1: Skill Focus (Perform: Oratory) +3 bonus to any one skill
Level 3: Prodigy (Perform: Oratory, Perform: Sing) +2 bonus to any two Craft, Perform or Profession skills
Savant: <+2 trait bonus to one performance type (Oratory)>
Precocious Spellcaster: <One 1 level and one 0 level spell are cast as if one caster level higher (Marked by *)>
Class Features
Bardic Knowledge (+1/2 level (1) to all Knowledge skill checks, may make Knowledge checks untrained)
Bardic Performance (12/day)
- Countersong: Any creature (includig the bard) within 30 ft can use the Bard's Perform check in place of their saving throw against sonic, language-dependant magic effects
- Distraction: As Countersong, but against Illusion (figment) and (pattern) effects.
- Facinate: Can cause a crature (1+1/3rd level creatures) to become fascinated with the bard. Save DC 15.
- Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects, +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Inspire Competence: +2 competence bonus on one type of skill check.
Versatile Performance: Uses a Perform skill's total bonus, including skill ranks and ability modifier, in place of two other skills. (Perform: Oratory in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive)
Well-Versed: + 4 bonus to saving throws against bardic performances, and all sonic and language-dependant effects
Racial Features
Size: Small
Speed: 20 ft
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Save DC: 10 + 4 + Spell Level
- Message
- Light
- Prestidigitation
- Lullaby(*)
- Flare
- Unwitting Ally
Level 1 (4/day)
- Touch of Gracelessness
- Cure Light Wounds (*)
- Tap Inner Beauty
- Saving Finale
Sleeves of Many Garments (200 gp)
Masterwork Rapier ((1d4 damage, 18-20/x2 critical) (320 gp) (1 lb))
MW Light crossbow ((1d6 19-20/x2 damage, 80 ft range) (335 gp) (2 lbs))
Mithral Shirt ((+4 AC, +6 Max dex, no check penalty, 10% arcane failure) (1100 gp) (6.25 lbs))
Kit, Courtesan's (10 gp, 5 lbs)
Parasol (10 gp)
Snapleaf ((Single use magic item, Feather Fall and Invisibilty (CL 5) (750 gp))
Gold (275 gp)