Dawid Lusk

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Back to Dawnhaven

Personal Data[edit]

Name: Dawid Lusk - The Soldier of Fortune
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling
Class/Level: Barbarian (Titan Mauler) 1/Fighter (Two-handed Fighter) 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Description/Background: The Halfling Fighter Dawid is short, even for a halfling. The small soldier has a thick, grizzled jaw and a toned (if scarred) body that is just starting to show the signs of age. A rough crop of dark hair dust his head and feet as world-weary eyes stare out at the world. Downright curmudgeonly for a Halfling, Dawid has “been through the wringer", serving in several wars back on the continent: serving as royal guard to mercenary work and everything in-between. It was Alassa’s vision of a better world; a halfling nation; that inspired Dawid. The halfling soldier signed on for that dream: willing to give his life for a chance at a real life of his own. Dawid practices religion in the same way he lives his life: aligning himself with whichever side would be of the most use at the time.


Strength 15/+2
Dexterity 14/+2
Constitution 14/+2
Intelligence 9/-1
Wisdom 14/+2
Charisma 9/-1


Senses: Low light vision
Init: +2
HP: 30
AC: 22 (-1 vs. Large targets, -2 w/Rage)
CMB: +4
CMD: +16
Fort: +7
Ref: +2
Will: +2

Melee: Nodachi [+7 (-1 vs small targets, +2 w/Rage), 1d8+6 (+2 vs large targets, +3 w/Rage)]
Ranged: Halfling sling staff [+6, 1d6+2 (+2 w/Rage)]


Common, Halfling


Survival: +8
Climb: +1 (due to Full-plate)
Swim: +1 (due to Full-plate)
Stealth: +1 (due to Full-plate)
Perception: +6


Level 1: Power attack (-1 to hit, +3 to damage; scales with level)
Fighter 1: Cleave (attack one additional adjacent opponent, -2 to AC)
Level 3: Well-prepared (1/day, check bags for 1 DC 10+GP cost item, Survival check)
Fighter 2: Risky striker (-1 to AC, +2 to damage on large foes; scales with level)


Fate's favored (All luck bonuses increase by +1)
Berserker (of the society) (Gain three additional rounds of rage per day)

Class Features[edit]

Rage (+4 to Str and Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 AC for 9 rounds/day, fatigued when ends)
Big game hunter (+1 to hit and AC against Medium or larger foes)
Shattering strike (+1 to CMB, CMD, and damage for Sunder attempts/attacks against objects)

Racial Features[edit]

Small (+1 to hit and AC, -1 to CMB and CMD, +4 to stealth)
Fleet of foot (30ft of movement per round)
Fearless (+2 to Fear saves)
Adaptive luck (+3 on an attack, save, or check, 3/day)
Low blow (+1 on critical confirmations vs Medium or large foes)
Weapon Familiarity (proficent in Slings and halfling weapons)


+1 Nodachi (1060gp, 4 lbs)
Masterwork Full-plate (1650gp, 25 lbs)
Halfling sling staff (20gp, 1.5 lbs)
Billow cape (100gp, 2 lbs)
Fighter's kit (9gp, 21.5 lbs)
Grappling hook and rope (2gp, 14 lbs)
Purse (159gp)
Total: (3000gp, 68lbs)

Dawid Lusk