Marco Domici: Ingalil's orchestra

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"Okay, listen up." Everyone was together in the barn. They had aerial maps on the wall and team leads had duplicates on their comms. "Time to revel in the brilliant master plan." A few people chuckled.

"Our first and foremost goal is to rescue Matthias. Everything else is secondary." He paused and looked around. "You might ask yourself, why all this for one man? If I were the one on prison, well, I'd not expect you to come after me. Might not even be happy about you risking yourselves."

"Yet here you are." Marco shrugged. "All of you either know, or know of, Ingalil Dovell. You might have done business with her. Maybe you owe her a favor. Maybe lots of things; what matters is that you are right here, right now. What matters is that the rescue of Matthias Dovell will be a high risk venture that will end in a change of government for everyone here. A change of life."

There were some solemn nods. Marco noted Gabbie and Jo looking at him oddly, but nodding anyway.

"What you also know is that Ingalil Dovell and Verner Ottosen are leaders in the Biter Interim Government. What they say, goes. They have asked me to lead the Voxholm Rescue Committee's first military action. Your bad luck." Marco smiled as Balt chuckled. Then Balt stood. "Begging your pardon, sir. And everyone's forgiveness. I'm a simple man and would prefer a simple name. Can we come up with a better unit name? Really? At least something easier to pronounce?"

"Yeah." Eddie stood up. "Nothing against committees and all, but have you ever seen one get anything done?" Multiple cheers of agreement. "Come on, let's have a unit name. How about...well..."

"Dragons." Jonatan said.

"Blue Dragons." Derek added. Marco turned to look at him, but said nothing. Gabbie and Johanna walked forward, in step. Verner moved forward and commanded. "Room!" Everyone stood. Some quickly to attention, some doing their best. From somewhere Ingalil appeared and Verner joined her and Marco at the maps.

Marco looked a bit wide eyed, and then saw the humor on Ingalil's face. "I'm getting the feeling this is a bit staged, ma'am." Marco said.

"Oh, pshaw!" Ingalil laughed. "Whatever gave you that idea? Lieutenants."

Gabbie and Jo each moved to one side of Marco. They pinned captain's insignia to his collar.

"You were staring." Johanna whispered.

"Now you're gaping." Added Gabbie, quietly. "Close your mouth and look captainly."

"Most of us have seen lousy officers, Marco." Verner said. "We're hoping you don't add to that list." The older man stood back and saluted. The room followed suit.

Marco mutely returned the salute.

"I believe you were giving a briefing, Captain?" Ingalil said, before moving to the back of the room.

"Yes...right." Marco said. He looked around. Tala winked at him. "Thank you. All. Hopefully after this you will not regret your choice today."

He breathed carefully, and used an old hoe shaft to point at the map. "Charlie One will establish position here, just off the main road. There's one way in to the target, thus one way out. Johanna, you're to make sure we all stay on task. Cecilia has the mounted gun while Vega provides close defense. Derek and Rasmus will be in the vehicle analyzing signal and keeping us from being surprised. You will provide down road cover in case someone shows up."

"Teams are mostly arranged in Sam, Hotel, and Oscar units. You are all good at what you do, but I want you to focus on keeping your team mates alive."

"Team One, key entry. We'll have electronics to open the doors if Derek can't, and explosives if subtlety fails. Hotel One, stay behind and close. Our role it to get to Matthias and get him out. Oscar One, you are our overwatch. Focus on any threats to us."

"Team Two, your target is the barracks. If there are people we can convert to our side, great. If not, well, eliminate the threat. Once the barracks are clear merge on us. We should have Matthias out and will begin filtering the rest of the prisoners."

"Team Three, there's a guard bunker here, near the vehicle pool. More vehicles would be nice as we'll leave with more people than we came with. However, neutralize whatever threats are there first. Don't be dainty."

"Cecilia, study the compound. There are some big threats here. If we can't take them with small arms, they are yours. Derek has worked to get the satellites away from watching the Camp, but you never know. When you fire that gun it will leave a distinctive 'high technology in use' signature. I'd rather avoid tipping our hand early, if possible."

"Everyone." Marco looked around. He would work on the details with each team as they traveled. Most of them were in roles specifically chosen for them. The unit was still too small for a lot of depth in position, so he had to maximize. "As an individual you are good. As a team you will be unstoppable. Take care of your team mates and they will take care of you. Clear?"

"Mount up in two hours. Say your goodbyes, double your ammo load, and pack your gear. I'll go over some details with each team as we travel. Leads, gather round."