The World Tree/Thal Council

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The Thal Council is the remnants of the government system after the capital moving to Daerum within the World Tree campaign. Due to its proximity to major ports in the area, the Council has been tasked with handling affairs of the coastal cities.


The Thal Council has been established as local government of the coastal cities of Ethir, mandating port regulations, market values, boat inspections, fines, and judiciary duties. The Thal Council has been known as a fair and just council, creating a reputable trade market and ideal living condition for families and elderly tradesman.

Very few cities in the world can lay claim to a council like the Thal. Comprised of three anonymous elves, the Thal delegate decrees and laws for the surrounding territory and coastal ports. This council is handpicked in secret by the current mayor and serve a lifetime in this position. For the last century, the Thal have created and mandated these laws for the betterment of the people and have done so successfully, however some speculate and ridicule the secrecy of the organization, claiming it has created a “hidden hand” approach to the law.

Campaign Interaction[edit]

The party encounters the Thal Council during Act I Scene I, where they are met by Orland Earcoro (who they might of heard about if the characters choose to complete the Prologue), Aeraland Elearo, and Larenlothrin A'maelamin the current Thal Council.

The Thal Council tasks the party to protect the World Tree from the evil forces of Magnus, an ancient necromancer seeking the tree's destruction. They will attempt to help the party as much as possible and will give the party a compass that will show them the way.