The World Tree/Act 2
After being unsettled by Magnus the night before, the party makes acquaintance with a guardian of the World Tree:a fairy named Nefaria. She informs them of the compasses' word and the location of the Ashen Warrior's remains, claiming to resurrect her if they are to find them. After helping the party locate the Ashen Warrior's Tomb, the party must fight their way through a dungeon to collect her remains before the tomb claims theirs!
Adventure Hooks
Although the party is already on a "main quest", these hooks are used to engage characters into the story and build knowledge to create the background, purpose, and importance of the World Tree as well as preparing them for encountering Magnus again. The following acts can be manipulated as you, the DM, chooses. What is important is allowing players to find the knowledge held within each act. (Example: insert your favorite dungeon designs instead of the one used in Scene Levels for this act.
Hook: Of Loot and Vagabonds
Nefaria has informed you of a tomb located near Ael'Dea that holds the remains of the Ashen Warrior. She claims that if we are able to retrieve the remains, the warrior can be resurrected for their cause by her. The catch is a heap-load of monsters and traps located within her tomb that are used for this very reason.
Those who have engaged in the story line, love a good dungeon, or a good alignment will happily spring at this chance. Be sure to explain who the Ashen Warrior is and her deeds to the players before Nefaria arrives (easily done through recapping the Scene 1 of Act 1.
Quest XP: XXXXxp (minor quest) retrieve the Ashen Warriors remains from her tomb.
Hook: ...ESPECIALLY loot.
Nefaria said something about a warrior from eons ago...but what's really important is the weapons she holds within. The Bane of Magnus and the Ashen Mace, among other amounts of tribute are free for the taking. A pretty penny can be made!
This hook works best with PCs who are more interested in gold or magic items. Be sure to explain the history of the dungeon, the Ashen Warrior, and the items she carried.
Quest XP: XXXXxp (minor quest) retrieve the magic items and as much gold as possible.
Within this campaign, it is crucial that information and story line that was covered in the past be remembered and questioned by the encounters the party faces. Due to the massive size of this module, it might be a good idea to have a record keeper in the group to take notes on the campaign and story line. When setting up for other acts, briefly recap these notes before beginning, adding onto major points and erasing minor points as those questions are answered.
Some things to consider, after the last scene in Act I, the players may be slightly upset with the previous encounter if the party was unsuccessful. Do not focus try to "fix" this too much. Most of this anger is yes, at the encounter, but will form a deep sitting rage for Magnus at the end with amazing results. The best advice is to skim over it, acknowledge it happened, and move on. Feel free to blame the module for its poorly written quality.
Scene I
When the players are ready to begin, read the following:
The night before was a long one. Not only was the Tsar Outpost destroyed by the Scarlet Eye, the very enemy they sought to destroy paid a visit to them. [insert what happened at the event]. The sun that shines through the trees is almost like a bitter mockery of what had happened the night before. Magnus will not be as lucky next time.
A use of humor can work well here. Nefaria is a pixie, after all, and loves to prank unwary travelers. She can do a variety of things, kicking the weight out from under an unbalanced character, flinging food at a player, or placing someone's possessions into someone else's bag. Feel free to role-play the responses, but if Nefaria believes there will be a fight to ensue, she will transport them to her plane in the Feywild. This is not required, but can break some tension if need be. Read the following whenever there seems to be a lull in the role-play.
A bright light surrounds each of your characters eyes and the world fades into light. The warmth pierces through to the bone, but is pleasant and comforting. The humidity dissipates as the light fades way to what is before you.
What once used to be your camp (or outpost) is now lush foliage. The world is tinted with a yellow glow as the sun hangs high in the sky. The scent of lavender, oak, and other plants fill your nostrils; truly a wonderful smell. You are standing in a clearing of tall trees, and can hear hundreds of pollinating insects and singing birds.
An arcana check of DC 20 will reveal they have been teleported to this location, the Feywild. A failed roll will merely suggest that they have been moved by magical means, but do not know where or by who.
The sounds of nature pass as a high pitched scream begins to grow louder and louder. The sound seems to be coming from a glowing orb of green light that is traveling at you as fast as an arrow, and stops before an elven player or a good character. As she stops inches from their nose, the green light fades to reveal a small fairy, the size of your palm. She is breathing heavily, until finally exclaiming, "Run for your life! There are crazy people everywhere!" (if asked, she is referring to them) She doubles over with laughter and wipes away a tear.
From here, she tends to make jokes and insults to the players, becoming agitated with those who do not go along with it. A LOT of interesting outcomes can come from this, but there is a core structure to the conversation.
Establishment of her character:
- Sassy and sarcastic, but serious about the World Tree and those who oppose it.
- Almost chaotic in nature, she can not keep still and only contacts the players on her schedule.
- Feels powerless for what's to come and has sought them out by her own means.
- She is able to raise the Ashen Warrior should they receive her remains from the tomb.
- She plans on taking the remains to the tree where Ra-Orn can raise her.
- The tomb is located near Ael'Dea, and is full of danger.
- The tomb used to be a shrine where offerings of gold and equipment were given to her.
- The tomb is now long forgotten relic that no one dares enter.
- The citizens of Thal chose to keep the remains protected by wild beasts and dangerous monsters.
- The word for the compass shortest distance including the future is Gairid, with Direach being for the shortest land distance.
What is most important are the things that Nefaria doesn't know. Whether she is a one time NPC or a recurring guide is up to you, but that all depends on her usefulness to the party. At any point, Nefaria can be exchanged for Horough should the need arise.
As long as these points are met, the topic of conversation, her temperament, or her attitude towards the players can and should be played however you wish. The more dramatic and sarcastic with the players, the more irritating and memorable she becomes!
Whenever the party (or you) is finished with the information and have no other questions, read the following text:
Nefaria glances to the player she met first. "Remember, Ashen Warrior. South of Ael'Dea. Tomb with Bad Monsters." Nefaria spins in a circle that forms a green light as she darts off into the trees. The woods around you begin to fade to white once more.
When you return, you camp is no longer at its original place. In fact, your entire camp has been moved into an entirely different spot on the road, with all of your possessions keeping relative distance to one another. The road next to you is at the edge of the woods, where you can see the village of Ael'Dea before you, with chimney smoke rising to the skies. Thankfully, it appears as if though no time has passed.
Scene II
Entering the City
Within the city of Ael'Dea, there are only three major professions that make serious money: raising livestock, growing crops, or delivering the previous two to Thal or Daerum. There are no taverns or inns here, since those coming to Ael'Dea stay with family. The locals are also easy to trust and there are few guards that are on actual duty.
The smell of freshly cut plants and sizzling beef fills the air. As you enter into Ael'Dea, you see that there are very few people on the "streets", for they are all out hunting game, doing chores, and running errands. The people are kind to you in passing, but when asked about the tomb, they know nothing of it. Finding this tomb will be harder than you thought.
Borik Reginald
You are approached by a tall man, with a confident air about him. When he speaks, he is polite and friendly.
"Hello there. The name is Borik Reginald, leader of this village. What brings you to Ael'Dea?"
If they mention the tomb, he will nod and say the following:
"Aye, many a wary wanderer has searched for the Tomb of the Ashen Warrior. I will tell you the same as I told them. Leave it be. Its too dangerous out in that area. There is a statue of her in Daerum, you can pay your respects there."
If they don't ask about the tomb, he will nod and say the following:
"Good on you. We are a small village, but we are growing. Should you need anything at all, feel free to let us know."
Should the players insist on finding the tomb, Borik will say the following:
"I'll tell you what. I've heard that not far from here, there were reports of [insert enemies from wilderness encounter here]. Take care of them and prove that I'm sending self reliant people to take care of themselves."
This is where you insert the prepared wilderness encounter. Should the players have already defeated them, Borik will believe them and tell them the location.
Upon returning, Borik will respond with the following:
"Word travels quickly about you. Thank you. If I had the time or resources, I would myself. Ael'Dea is located south of the first bend of the east path. Keep going past the eagle's rock and you will see it."
Borik will not have much to reward the players with for taking care of the monsters (20 silver pieces in total) but he will reserve a plot of land for them, should they choose to live here in the future.
Scene 2 Conclusion:
After the final conversation, Borik will head to his house to finish some chores with his wife, Sarii.
All that awaits them is the tomb, which will be one of prolonged combat and little chance for RP. Make sure the party realizes where they will be heading. When they are ready, begin Scene III.
Scene III (XXXX xp)
An Unexpected Visitor
Regardless of whether the the party sleeps within the outpost or outside, Magnus will visit the party at their most vulnerable moment. Should the party keep watch, Magnus will arrive on the lowest roll, regardless of score. He will attempt to persuade the party into joining his side, to find the World Tree and destroy it. Should they refuse, he will attack them.
Allow players to make any kind of checks or readied actions.
- That is when you feel it. The ground rumbles and a heavy feeling fills your heart as you sense a faint smell of sulfur in the air. And that is when you see him.
If characters draw swords and attack at this juncture, he will sheathe his sword, teleport behind a single attacker, or surround himself in an aura that is impenetrable, causing 2d6 necrotic damage to those who attempt. Magnus is not wanting to fight but merely have them join him. He will continue with his actions to the best of his ability, stopping if the players seem to attack.
- What you notice first about him is the sheer size of him. He stands to almost eight feet, with black armor forming horns and points over the entirety. Red glowing eyes shine from under his helm and his mere footfalls seem to cause the earth to tremble. He carries a jagged sword at his side and when he stops before you, he places it in front of him like a cane. He pauses for a moment and releases a wicked laugh before addressing you.
- "It appears we have the same enemy, you and I. Do you know who I am? (Magnus won't respond to their answer at this point) I am not very much different from you. We are merely pawns that seek to stay on the board, hoping to survive another day in this twisted world. We spend everyday looking for ways to make us stronger to fight enemies we can not overcome and we seek answers to questions that have not been addressed. Within all of this, we are tossed into a war of the deities, awaiting an outcome that will crush us or save us. We may be on opposing sides of this war, but this is a war we can stop."
- "With our alliance, we will rival the power of the sun, surviving the oncoming destruction of the ages. Things have been set into motion that cannot be stopped, which will allow me reign of this world. But my reign does not leave all to waste. I will spare those who aid me (this is a lie, with a DC 5 Insight check). Should you join me, we will find this World Tree together and bring power to mortals (a DC 15 insight check will show that this is for an ulterior motive and only a half truth). The gods will be left to themselves and we will be left to our selves and the world shall be cleansed under my rule, the world will NEVER be the same."
- Magnus laughs again before turning his back to them (with an attack at this juncture provoking the encounter) and says to them:
- "The world is beyond saving, its vile filth overpowering the just. It is up to us to create the world as it should be." He turns back to the party. "Shall you join me?"
From this point, characters are left to decide their next course of action.
Should they choose to accept his offer, Magnus will wave his hand over each of the players eyes, causing them to see the world in a tint. This causes their alignment to change negatively (good to neutral, neutral to evil) with no effect on evil players. Magnus will say the following:
"It is good that you have seen reason. My power can not be stopped. Your purpose is to find the tree. I will have my agents find you (if asked, he has written a magic "beacon" on the backs of their eyes that is only removed by changing the text) and begin the initiation (if questioned, Magnus will send his followers to have them sell their souls in return for their servitude).
He will dissipate into the darkness, leaving the party to themselves. (NOTE: The World Tree is not meant to be an evil campaign. This is mentioned for those who wish to feign loyalty. Nefaria can restore the alignment change and words, but will need to be persuaded that they can be trusted).
Should they refuse his offer, Magnus will stand in silence for a moment before forming a fist in his hand.
"You have chosen unwisely, fools. Let me show you your folly!"
He draws his sword and begins the encounter.
Magnus' goal is not to kill the players, but to show them his power. He will attack players and try to humiliate them, not kill them (example: throwing a strong character, outrunning a fast character, spotting hidden characters, etc). Magnus still believes they will join them. When he reaches his bloodied amount, Magnus will begin to cast his powerful spells. Pay close attention to the extended tactics in Scene Levels for more information of how this fight is to be finished.
Magnus will also allow any character to flee without consequence, accepting this as the most humiliating defeat. Should the party be defeated, proceed to Act 2 Scene 1.
Features of the Area:
Illumination: Dim at the outpost and outside. Bright lighting depends on added illumination by the players.
Terrain Features: See Scene Levels.
Treasure: 0 gp
Play out what the characters would like to do from here (unless they were defeated). Allow them a rest to regain their bearings. It is not important of how far they run or where they end up, but it is important that they are well rested before continuing with the next act.
Magnus is no longer at their previous location, having teleported away after the encounter. The Thal Council is also not at the Thal, should the characters decide that route, due to their traveling to Daerum. The belltower's meeting room is merely a room with cogs, no table and chairs like before (unless the party came to this scene non-linearly). Proceed to the next act when the characters are ready.
Experience Total
With a Little Help from the Thal (XXXX xp)
- The Thal Council (XXXX xp)
- The Tsar Outpost (XXXX xp)
The Unexpected Visitors (≈XXXX xp)
- Magnus Encounter (≈XXXX xp)
- Surviving Magnus' Will (≈XXXX xp)
Previous XP amount: 101,250 xp
Prologue XP total: XXXX xp
Total XP Progression: XXXX
Current Level: 12
Act Loot: 5d4 + 10 gp total. 50 xp for good role-play.
NPCs and Organizations
Orland Earcoro: Oldest member of the Thal Council, Orland holds the greater good as his ideal, no matter what it may take. He tends to overlook social rules and edicate, with Intelligence being his high score and Strength being his low score. During the Thal Council Meeting, he holds the majority of information about history, Magnus, the Time of Chaos. Regardless of how the PCs are towards them, he believes they are able to complete the mission. (Orland Earcoro Stat Block)
Larenlothrin: Expert of Ra-Orn knowledge and history. She is attuned to the ways of nature and the surrounding life force, speaking slowly and kindly. She responds best to those who approach conversation with a "bigger picture" mind set. (Larenlothrin A'maelamin Stat Block)
Aeraland: Tactician and realist of the Thal Council. Aeraland believes that the cannibals are as much of a pressing threat as the World Tree, and tends to get annoyed when the conversation travels elsewhere. He speaks brashly and gruffly due to his military background and hold honor and duty above all other ideals. (Aeraland Elearo Stat Block)
Magnus: Magnus is the primary antagonist to the campaign, sent from an unknown plane to destroy Ra-Orn and effectively ending life of all things within the world. Magnus is eloquent and terrifying. (Magnus Statblock)
Scarlet Eye: At this juncture, the Scarlet Eye is a mercenary group that is usually hired by patrons to assassinate, smuggle, or blackmail. Their symbol is a red inked iris and eyelashes.
The Thal Council: Refered to as the Thal, governmental structure for Thal and the surrounding port communities.
Tsar Outpost: An elven outpost outside of Thal. Only those who bear the mark of the Thal Council can enter the premises of the mansion made fortress.
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