Nick Milti
- Level: 1
- XP: 0
- Age:
- Languages:
- Background & Description:Nick was one of the many scout pilots that dropped probes into neighboring systems when Phoenicia mapped out the Wyrm Sector. He was one of the few who made it back.
- Strength 9
- Dexterity 11
- Constitution 10
- Intelligence 14 +1
- Wisdom 8
- Charisma 10
Combat/Gunnery 0 Combat/Projectile 0 Computer 0 Culture/Spacer 1 Culture/Phoenicia 0 Exosuit 0 Instructor 0 Navigation 1 Perception 0 Science 0 Security 0 Tech/Astronautics 1 Tech/Medical 0 Tech/Postech 1 Vehicle/Land 0 Vehicle/Space 1
Other Stats
- Movement Rate:
- HP:
- Psi Points:
- System Strain:
- AC:
- Attacks (Attack Bonus +)
- Saves
- Physical
- Mental
- Evasion
- Tech
- Luck
- Readied
- Stowed
-Main Page: No Sharper Spur