The World Tree/Gray Company
The Gray Company (or Windenosse in the elven tongue), is an ancient order found deep within the Khim Mountains of Ethir. Often told as stories or fairy tales, these adventurers are an organization that seeks to protect the world while keeping order, the greater good, and freedom as their highest values.
To the common eye, the Gray Company is a group of seemingly normal adventurers, with different identities, goals, and flaws. Upon further investigation (or if they choose) the Gray Company is actually a band of chromatic dragons (including a Pseudodragon that cannot speak) that have been the saving force of the world when its need is dire. Throughout history, the Gray Company has implemented themselves into various places of power in order to keep current with news, only returning as a company should they be drawn otherwise. Their deeds have many songs and texts written of them, with none mentioning their true form. The Gray Company is the hidden hand of protecting Ethir and its people from the Wilds, cannibals, and Magnus' forces.
Adathar Mintone
Adathar Mintone is the temporary leader of the Gray Company during the World Tree campaign. He served in the Ethhirian armies during the Time of Chaos as a commander, but did not work directly with the Ashen Warrior.
Adathar was rarely a leader before the Time of Chaos in both his human alias and his true form. Adathar developed his skills with a sword under countless teachers and mentors, developing the skills to prove himself in battle without needing his change of form (with his biggest obstacle being his arrogance, as many dragons hold). Adathar was a foot soldier in many skirmishes and raids into the evil orc cities of Axas. During the Time of Chaos however, Malraamo Yaara instructed and implemented Adathar into a commander of the Time of Chaos, effectively holding the city of Daerum from multiple onslaughts and maneuvering forces into effective positions. Arguably the most valued commander during the Time of Chaos, Adathar's alias perished during an excursion into Old Axas, shifting focus away from the Gray Company and onto the Ashen Warrior's heroic deeds.
Adathar throughout the ages has been highly involved with the armies of Ethir, changing his name and appearance slightly to work his way up the chain of command to keep tabs on the military information that passes through. Since the Time of Chaos, Adathar has been establishing his most recent form as a lieutenant and acting as the head of the palace guard of Daerum (although he is drawn away from this position when the adventurers begin their quest).
Appearance and Race
Adathar is overly confident and gruff as a human. Adathar's human appearances tend to have scars on their left cheek, due to his scar in dragon form. Adathar's persona should be similar to that of a grizzled military leader, with black furs adorning his armor. He is forceful and a natural leader his actions can be very predictable, and is often seen pacing when he is confused or uncertain of his actions.
Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws
Ideal: My responsibility and duty is to the Gray Company and the balance of the world Bond: I am extremely protective of my fellow company members, but I miss my post in Daerum Flaw: My actions and interactions have been labeled as arrogant, but that is only because they do not hold the same wit as I.
Dragon Form
Adathar's dragon form is an ancient adamantine dragon, with a large scar under his left eye. He is one of the largest dragons of the company and attacks strategically and aggressively with his cold breath and large claws.
Adathar Mintone Statblock
Dragon Form Statblock