LetsBuild5e:Demographics and Society

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Who lives here, and how?

All the player-character races described in the Player's Handbook are found in non-trivial numbers in the game's starting region.

Locally, the technology level is classical, but it's possible that a higher technology level might exist elsewhere. (Decision: [1] ) Moreover, all kinds of arcane magic are known, but their practice at higher levels, and especially for payment, are tightly regulated by an oligopoly of competing mage guilds. (Decision: [2] ) The starting region is highly cosmopolitan: major cities are melting pots where one could meet anyone, while in more rural areas communities tend to be dominated by 2-3 different races. (Decision: [3]) There is no superpower in the starting region; instead, it is divided up among many weak states with diverse political systems. (Decisions: [4] [5]) In addition to the regular PC races, orcs and aasimar are found in significant numbers in the starting area. (Decision: [6]) Also present are an enigmatic race of human-sized colonial insects, with whom the humanoids have a very limited form of commerce. (Decision: [7])

Up the revolution!

The campaign begins in a nation that has overthrown its previous government at some point in the past 12 months. There's no real head of state - the chairs of the various citizens' committees take the role depending on the situation at hand. There isn't even functioning democracy as such - just various ad hoc groups trying to muddle through. Thinkers in the marketplace are starting to propose new constitutional arrangements, but enough other things have kept the interim government busy since the revolution that no constitutional convention has been called, nor has any single leader emerged. (Decision: [8])

Geography and Cosmology
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