The World Tree/Reviril
Reviril, the goddess of the sky, was formed by Ra-Orn to create the world while Ra-Orn began the beginnings of nature and life in order to cross over. Reviril formed the sky, sun, and moon by scavenging the remains of Katasis and Vareus to form them and brought light and darkness to the world and brought their remnants to Ra-Orn. Once Reviril and Turrux filled the Material Plane, Ra-Orn formed nature and sentient races, using the final pieces of Katasis and Vareus.
Reviril was pleased with her work and chose to give the new sun and new moon sentience in service to her. They were to balance the light and dark of the world by watching over the beings that dwell within it. The new sun, known as Sanus was to hold dominion over light and fire, filling Turrux's mountains with volcanoes. Sanus enslaved one of Althum's titans and created the first fire elementals. These elementals began to overpower the new moon, sending them to battle over complete dominion of the skies. Reviril cast Althum's titan and his elementals into the elemental chaos and binded Sanus to the sky, forcing him to never walk the Material Plane again.
The new moon, known as Aluna, held dominion over darkness and cold. Aluna is the only lesser deity to successfully create elementals without Althum's titans, but they were cast from her side into the Elemental Chaos by Ra-Orn himself, seeing as how elementals can not be trusted. In fear and anger, Aluna chose to give her gifts of darkness to Nazuma in the form of Zorum. In outrage, Ra-Orn cursed Aluna with the never ending phases of the moon. It is claimed that Aluna can only see when she is whole, only seeing the light that she casts and is forever divided from darkness.
Reviril, in order to keep Aluna and Sanus in check, attached them to a ring of wind that pushes them in a circle, binding them to the sky while Reviril watches over the Material Plane.