Forgotten Freedom:Chalky
Chalky Changeling barbarian4/warshaper3/Spellthief 1
Chalky was raised by shifters when his parents ditched him for chewing on their ankles and generally trying to maim them
The shifters thought he was being "cute" especially the old ones who thought they saw a little were wolf-blood in his natural form
Chalky doesn't truck much with traditional changeling disguises he just likes to be as animalistic as won't get him skinned. Known eating victims alive he is the source of much of the halfling and gnome abuse, (the shuffle board was his idea), despite his barbaric values he has a changeling's sense of mischief. He enjoys outsmarting opponents almost as much as he loves cracking their bones and making them watch as he drinks the marrow.
His name comes from his pallor and his tendency to graffiti with chalk of various hues. He is quite good and could easily become a respected artist if most of his work wasn't involved with the various misadventures of the forgotten freedom.
He dislikes Marish because of her civilized tendencies, tolerable in others but despicable in shifters. He respects the necromancer as a mage but aside from that avoids her. The captain is a target for any prank involving his "works" and any artistic liscence taken within a 5-mile radius around the ship usualy is his fault. He has spent more time on the keel than anyone except maybe the artificer. Doog is everything Chalky despises about civilization lazy, arrogant, boastful, and stupid. He is currently working on a way to smuggle enough blue paint on board to redo the ship in sky colors so it is invisible in the air. Actually he is just going to paint everything while the res of the ship sleeps and see how many people get stuck to stuff.
His great ambition is to one day find a were-bear and recieve its blessing as he calls lycanthropy
skills and feats improved nat weapon bite, power attack, track, and improve natural attack claw, profession artist?, survival, listen, know nature, intimidate.
Some Random Facts
- Changling barbarian/warshaper/reachrunner
- Acts like he's a shifter (specifically werewolf descent)
- Loves art especially chalk and paint
- Mischevious streak especially around moonspeaker holidays
- Little patience for those he considers weak
- Does not consider eating weaklings to be cannibalism since he is "strong"
- Moderately religious
- Wants to eat squishy
- Has a rapport with the ninja onboard