Hira of the Seven
- L3 Antiquarian Witch (Siren)
- XP: 4000/8000
- Neutral Alignment
- Henchman of the PC Karag Two-Blades
- Titles/Holdings: none
- STR 8 (-1)
- INT 13 (+1)
- WIS 18 (+3)
- DEX 12
- CON 14 (+1)
- CHA 9
- Languages
- Common
- Faery
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Healing III on 14+ can neutralize poison, cure disease, or cure serious wounds (2d6+3) once per day per patient; 11+ to identify if a disease is magical or mundane and diagnose mundane diseases; supervise six patients for an extra 1d3 natural healing per day
- Class Proficiencies
- Beast Friendship She can identify plants and fauna with a proficiency throw of 11+, and understands the subtle body language and moods of birds and beasts (though they may not understand the character). She gains +2 to all reaction rolls when encountering normal animals, and can take animals as henchmen.
- Class Abilities
- Brew potions
- Cure Moderate Wounds (2d6) once per 8 hours (takes 10 minutes)
- proficiency in Healing added to General Proficiencies, above
- AC 0
- HP 5+1d4+1
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier: +0
- Attacks
- Staff: attack throw 11+, 1d4-1/1d6-1 (two-handed)
- Dagger melee: attack throw 11+, 1d4-1
- Dagger ranged: attack throw 10+, 1d4
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 12+
- Poison & Death 9+
- Blast & Breath 15+
- Staves & Wands 12+
- Spells 14+
- First Level: 3/day
- Cause Fear
- Command Word
- Cure Light Wounds*
- Delay Disease
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison
- Faerie Fire
- Light*
- Locate Animal or Plant
- Predict Weather
- Protection from Evil*
- Purify Food and Water*
- Read Languages
- Resist Cold
- Salving Rest
- Trance
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- Weapons
- staff
- dagger
- Backpack
- Light Riding Horse
- Weapons