In Darkness In In Silence
Crew: 26,000 Speed: 10 Maneuverability: 20 Detection: 15 Hull: 40 Armor: 18 Turret: 2 Ship Points: 50 Mounts: 2 Dorsal Background: Reaver of the Unbeholden Reaches (2sp) Crew Rating: 65 (Elite)
Armament: Sunsear Laser Battery: 1d10+2 Str4 Crit4 Rng9 Dorsal Sunsear Laser Battery: 1d10+2 Str4 Crit4 Rng9 Dorsal
Components: Cypra Pattern Class 2 Drive (+40 power, 12 space, 2sp) Strelov 1 Warp Engine (10 power, 10 space) Warpsbane Hull (1 power, 1sp) Single Void Shield Array (5 power, 1 space) Command Bridge (2 power, 1 space, 1sp) Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer (4 power, 2 space) Clan-kin Quarters (1 power, 4 space, 1sp) M-100 Auger Array (3 power) 2x Sunsear Laser Batteries (6 power, 4 space, 1sp) Teleportarium (1 power, 1 space, 1sp) Astartes Drop Pod Bays (1 power, 3 space 2sp)
Upgrades Best Crew Improvements Best Stormtrooper Detachment Best Turboweapon batteries (x2)
39/40 Space 39/40 Power
Small Craft and Vehicles -Due to the varied needs of the Deathwatch half the Drop Pod Bays are modified to allow the launching and retrieval of small craft. This limits drop pod capacity to half (10 stored, 5 launched per turn) but also allows for the storage of 2 Massive vehicles and 6 Enormous. Up to 5 attack craft can be launched per turn, massive size vehicles count as 2.
1 Thunderhawk Gunship 1 Thunderhawk Annihilator 2 Stormraven Gunships 2 Stormtalon Gunships 2 Lightning Superiority Fighters 10 Deathwind- pattern Drop Pods
2 Rhino APCs 2 Razorback APCs 2 Landspeeder Storm 2 Landspeeder 10 Combat Bikes 2 Attack Bikes