Farewell to the Promise

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The sword first flashed in the dawn's light. Rivers held it before him with effort; the blade was taller than himself and fully a hand wide. It was two edged straight sword with a double hand grip. The pommel held a large ruby, easily as an owl's eye, though it was merely providing weight in the hearthstone socket. The gem was the focal point of sunburst relief etching that extended through the lower half of the handguard. A second rising sun was etched just above the crossguard of the blade, but on close inspection the design was formed entirely from carefully etched sutras in old realm. The etchings gave the polished orichalcum of the background behind the sun a matte finish, so small and tightly inscribed they were. They continued for the full lenght of the blade, with only a fingerwidth along the edge of the blade unmarked, tapering to the razor-edge.

Seven Thousand Wonders Unfolding twitched with excitement on River's chest. "Try it out! Isn't there a slave nearby? Wait..."

The copper spider laughed. "I don't have half the strength I'd need to actually wield this blade. This is for a bigger man than myself. And, ah, we don't really have slaves... as I've mentioned to you several times."

The seven craftsmen looked at the blade in the rising light. No words needed to be said.

Fear's Umbra was the first to shake his head and turn away from the sword. Rivers asked him, "Will you be returning to Nexus?"

He smiled and took another pull on his pipe. "No, but I will be going inside before the sun rises much higher. I've a mind to see how this fight turns out. From what I hear, you're friends have developed quite an army in your absence. I'm wondering how you plan to convince your new allies that you're not devils."

"Ah, well, you're welcome to stay at the Plum Blossom Retreat; a little packed there, but I'm sure that we have a guest room or two left in the lodge. I can't wait to return myself; I'm sick of the forge."

Berren feathered his hair with his fingers. "I'm anxious to see the place myself. I assume that you have some real friends there, perhaps some girl I haven't heard about yet? Or is it all freaks, deities, and first-age wonders."

"No girls... no... just my family and a few... well... I don't know what I'd call them really. I guess I don't really have a lot of time to spare for casual relationships." Rivers let the sword droop in his hands.

"You know, that waitress asked about you for a while after you left. You remember, what was her name..."



The Promise

Heaven's Mandate