The Qinglong Alliance
Any army fit for a large-scale engagement must contain a series of relays to carry their commander's orders to more distant soldiers and blow the trumpets, beat the drums and carry the pennons that bolster a troop's morale. Though the Marukan are fit riders and brave fighters, they typically lack unit cohesion and know little about fighting in a group against a similarly organized foe. To solve that problem, Cathak Nekuto used an old Training Protocol he had first developed in the Imperial Legions to teach a dozen relays to drill and run the communication lines for the circle's armies. They are:
- Su Jiao
- Ami Kang
- Tomo Di
- Soi Fang
- Nakago Jin
- Ashitare Wei
- Mi Ji
- Bi Xi
- Chi Wen
- Pu Lao
- Bi An
- Tao Tie
The members of the Qinglong Alliance are regular mortals who have been specially trained to be heralds and military relays. They are treated as extras and have have the normal statistics for Regular Troops, with the following exceptions:
- Charisma 3, Manipulation 3
- War 3 (When Acting as a Relay +3), Presence 3 (Ruses +2), Integrity 2, Performance 2, Ride 2, Socialize 2
- Temperance 3, Valor 3