This is the wiki page for the play-by-post Exalted game, Fractals of Hope and Sorrow.
Current Time[edit]
- Year: RY 769
- Month: Resplendent Fire, 17th Day
- Moon Phase Third Day of the Full Moon
Game Threads[edit]
Campaign House Rules[edit]
Player Characters[edit]
The Solars[edit]
Zenith Caste[edit]
- Kacie as Asphodel, bonded to Thousand-eyed Magpie.
- Vessiel as Magnificent Marigold, bonded to Unknown.
Twilight Caste[edit]
Night Caste[edit]
The Lunars[edit]
No Moon Caste[edit]
- CrazyIvan as Thousand-eyed Magpie, bonded to Asphodel.
The Sidereals[edit]
Chosen of Serenity[edit]
- Phantom Grunweasel as Silver Cloud, Chosen of Serenity
Major Personalities[edit]
RY 769[edit]
Resplendent Fire[edit]
- 17th Day -