Glory XXX
Character in The Great Castlemourn Campaign.
Glory this Session
Total: 2043
Current Year
10 - court dancing 50 - Whirlshard 25 - Expedition
Personal Data
Age: 22
Son Number: 1
Homeland: Greatbellow
Culture: Lyon
Religion: The Seven (Damantha)
Father: Galthus (deceased)
Father's Class: Vassal Knight
Lord: Seldyn, Duke of Greathollow
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Current Home: Friarkeep
11 | 16 | 10 | 12 | 15 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
4d6 | 2 | 3 | 23 | 6 |
Distinquishing Features
Long Mustache, Musical Voice
- Chaste 10/10 Lustful
- Energetic 11/9 Lazy
- Forgiving 7/13 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 13/7 Arbitrary
- Merciful 17/3 Cruel
- Modest 10/10 Proud
- Pious 14/6 ,Worldly
- Prudent 6/14 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 8/12 Suspicious
- Trusting (Jimarla) 2
- Valorous 15/5 Cowardly
Chivalric total: 76/80
- Love (Family) 15
- Loyalty (Lord) 15
- Honor 16
- Hospitality 15
- Hate (Golaunt) 16
- Loyalty (Group) 25
Non-Combat Skills
Surprisingly Deductive (+5 Intrigue)
- Awareness 9
- Boating 2
- Compose 0
- Courtesy 14
- Crown Tongue 1
- Dancing 5
- Faerie Lore 1
- Falconry 2
- First Aid 11
- Flirting 4
- Folklore 3
- Gaming 6
- Heraldry 3
- Patrol 11
- Intrigue 18
- Orate 9
- Play 3
- Read 0
- Recognize 4
- Religion 2
- Romance 2
- Singing 5
- Stewardship 2
- Swimming 2
- Tourney 3
Combat Skills
- Battle (3) 10
- Sword (6) 16
- Lance (3) 11
- Spear (2) 15
- Dagger (3) 5
Sword 2
First Aid 3
Battle 1
Horsemanship 3
High Finance 5
- Old Knights: 0
- Middle Age Knights: 4
- One uncle, father's side
- Three uncles, mother's side
- Young Knights: 5
- Two younger brothers
- Three first cousins, father's side
- Other Men: 17
- Levy: 68
Father's side
- Aunt Linda, deceased, was married
- Aunt Bertha, alive, unmarried
- Aunt Bethanny, alive, married
Jimarla (Wife)
- Relevant Numbers
- Appearance 17
- Wordly 16
- Chaste 3
- Dexterity 15
- First Aid 8
- Chirurgery 8
- Stewardship 11
- Dancing 21
- Orate 7
- Intrigue 10
XP Checks
Passions and Traits
Sword, Awareness, Courtesy, Crown Tongue, Intrigue, Dancing
Wealth and Holdings
10L (Jimarla's dowry)
10L (other wealth)
Duke Seldyn's Ring (worth 1L)
Dwarven sword ("Damantha's Glance") (worth 2L)
Partial plate armor (14 points)
Friarkeep (4L per year)
- Pay 90L to restore 1L/year
- Restore Mossgreen to restore 1L/year
- Remaining cost: 383
Caravan (1d6L per year)