Glory XXX[edit]
Character in The Great Castlemourn Campaign.
Glory this Session
Total: 2208 Current Year
Personal Data[edit]
Age: 23
Son Number: 1
Homeland: Greatbellow
Culture: Lyon
Religion: The Seven (Damantha)
Father: Galthus (deceased)
Father's Class: Vassal Knight
Lord: Seldyn, Duke of Greathollow
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Current Home: Friarkeep
11 | 16 | 10 | 12 | 15 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
4d6 | 2 | 3 | 23 | 6 |
Distinquishing Features
Long Mustache, Musical Voice
- Chaste 10/10 Lustful
- Energetic 11/9 Lazy
- Forgiving 7/13 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 13/7 Arbitrary
- Merciful 17/3 Cruel
- Modest 10/10 Proud
- Pious 14/6 ,Worldly
- Prudent 6/14 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 8/12 Suspicious
- Trusting (Jimarla) 2
- Valorous 16/5 Cowardly
Chivalric total: 77/80
- Love (Family) 15
- Loyalty (Lord) 15
- Honor 16
- Hospitality 15
- Hate (Golaunt) 16
- Loyalty (Group) 25
Non-Combat Skills[edit]
Surprisingly Deductive (+5 Intrigue)
- Awareness 9
- Boating 2
- Compose 0
- Courtesy 14
- Crown Tongue 1
- Dancing 5
- Faerie Lore 1
- Falconry 2
- First Aid 11
- Flirting 4
- Folklore 3
- Gaming 6
- Heraldry 3
- Patrol 11
- Intrigue 18
- Orate 9
- Play 3
- Read 0
- Recognize 4
- Religion 2
- Romance 2
- Singing 5
- Stewardship 2
- Swimming 2
- Tourney 3
Combat Skills[edit]
- Battle (3) 10
- Sword (6) 16
- Lance (3) 11
- Spear (2) 15
- Dagger (3) 5
Sword 2
First Aid 3
Battle 1
Horsemanship 4
High Finance 5
- Old Knights: 0
- Middle Age Knights: 4
- One uncle, father's side
- Three uncles, mother's side
- Young Knights: 5
- Two younger brothers
- Three first cousins, father's side
- Other Men: 17
- Levy: 68
Father's side
- Aunt Linda, deceased, was married
- Aunt Bertha, alive, unmarried
- Aunt Bethanny, alive, married
Jimarla (Wife)
- Relevant Numbers
- Appearance 17
- Wordly 16
- Chaste 3
- Dexterity 15
- First Aid 8
- Chirurgery 8
- Stewardship 14
- Dancing 21
- Orate 7
- Intrigue 10
XP Checks[edit]
Passions and Traits
Wealth and Holdings[edit]
- 19L
- Duke Seldyn's Ring (worth 1L)
- Bejeweled dragon cloak pin (worth 6L)
- Dwarven sword ("Damantha's Glance") (worth 2L)
- Partial plate armor (14 points)
- Lightweight wolf-visage helmet (worth 1L)
Friarkeep (4L per year)
- Pay 87L to restore 1L/year
- Restore Mossgreen to restore 1L/year
- Remaining cost: 371
Caravan (1d6L per year)