MTH:Fighting Style Merits

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Fighting Style: Assassination (* to *****)[edit]

Levels 1-2: Effective total of 13 dots in any of the following: Dexterity, Wits, Medicine, Stealth, Composure, Power Level
Levels 3-4: Effective total of 15 dots in the above traits
Level 5: Effective total of 17 dots in the above traits

Naming the Prey (*): The character is granted a specialty in stealth related to any target they identified as a target (in or out of character) in a previous scene. This must be a previous scene specifically so that the character is hunting the target, not just naming the each foe in a combat sequentially.

The character is also granted a stealth specialty in "When attempting to leave the scene of a successful assassination I have committed".

Line of Sight (**): Environmental and situational penalties not related to a superpower or merit are reduced by the character's rating in this merit.

The benefit for Naming the Prey now includes a specialty in Brawl related to the target.

The character is also granted a stealth specialty in "When attempting to leave the scene of an assassination attempt I have committed, successfully or not".

Silence (***): After the assassin has attacked their target, rolls made by others to detect that the attack is happening are penalized by the dots in this merit.

The benefit for Naming the Prey now includes a specialty in Weaponry and Firearms related to the target.

The character is also granted a stealth specialty in "When attempting to leave the scene of an assassination attempt, successful or not".

Capitalize (****): The character gains the 9-again quality on any attack which applies their Naming the Prey specialty, provided the prey also has a 0 defense. This 9-again quality does not stack with other x-again qualities.

One Shot, One Kill (*****): The character gains the 8-again quality on any attack which applies their Naming the Prey specialty, provided the prey also has a 0 defense. This 8-again quality does not stack with other x-again qualities. The 9-again quality from Capitalize however, now does stack.

Fighting Style: Grappling (extension) INSTANT HOLD (special)[edit]

PREREQUISITES: Fighting Style Grappling 3, Total Effective Brawl+Strength 7+

Such is this superhuman's fighting prowess when it comes to submissions and grabs, that when beginning a grapple he can immediately make overpowering maneuvers. When the character initiates a brawl they may choose to take a -3 penalty. If successful they may immediately make an overpowering maneuver, also at -3. Dots in Mega Strength or Mega Brawl may be used to negate these penalties as normal.

Note: The cost of this merit is listed as 'special', since it is effectively the next level of the Grappling Fighting Style Merit. Determine it's cost in that manor.

Fighting Style: Super Strength (* to ****)[edit]

PREREQUISITES: Both Mega-Strength rated equal to the merit or greater.

Wielder (*): If the ST agrees that an object can be lifted and used as a weapon by the character, they may reduce a penalty to wield it by the character's Power Level.

Forceful Drag (**): When the character grapples with and overpowers a target of a Size up to his effective Strength, he can force the target to move with him that turn.

Fists Collide (***): If the character has not acted this turn, the character can contest a non-ranged Strength-based attack with his own Strength-based attack. Whoever rolls fewer successes takes bashing damage equal to the difference.

Meteor Charge (****): When charging as part of an attack, for each 3 yards he moves, he gains a +1 bonus to Strength-based attacks that turn.

Fighting Style: Tanker (* to *****)[edit]

PREREQUISITES: Stamina 3+, Strength 3+

EFFECT: Dots in this merit are added to the character's Strength for the purposes of meeting the minimums required to wield a weapon.

Armor To Armored Hide (*): The character gains no defense or speed penalties due to the wearing of armor.

Brace the Way (**): Allies may always claim the bearer of this merit as cover if the bearer wishes. The amount of cover is dependent on the physical arrangement of all concerned, as usual, but the bonus is one higher then it would normally be (so they still need to be close enough to be cover in the first place).

Impact Stance (***): The fighter adds 1/0 to the armor rating of any armor they wear provided they get their natural defense applied at the same time. They also receive their normal defense against ranged weapons at medium range.

Defender’s Will (****): When the character spends WP to boost their defense, the bonus is increased by one.

Adamantine Stance (*****): The character may choose to dodge in such a way as to double their armor rating instead of their natural defense. This “dodge” does not actually require the character to move, it in fact requires the character not to move more than their [size-1 feet] on their following turn.

God Machine Chronicle rules update: Impact stance creates a general armor bonus.

Piloting Style: Wrecked Ride (* to ****)[edit]

PREREQUISITES: Drive + Power Level equal to or better than the rating in this merit.

Some individuals, prone to the drama of a heroic protagonist, synergizes with their vehicle to the point that they may sometimes manage to hold them and their ride together by sheer force of will.

Distracted Driver (*): Characters may drive a vehicle and reflexively take another action. Penalties to handling the vehicle are reduced by the driver's Power Level.

Stunt Roll (**): Should the character be ejected from their vehicle, they can mitigate the harm done by the inevitable landing. Treat dots in this merit as Armor for that turn if the character is thrown from their vehicle.

Driver's Durance (***): Any damage done to the vehicle your character is driving, and which wasn't done by an attack or other intentional effect, is delayed. The cosmetic effects of the damage are still in effect. Once the scene ends, all delayed damage takes effect. Sabotage to a vehicle still harms it as usual.

Damage At Bay (****): Damage done intentionally to a vehicle while in motion now can be delayed as per Driver's Durance. Sabotage to a vehicle does not take effect for Power Level turns of operation.

Note: This merit set replaces Stunt Driver and Crack Driver

Fighting Style: Wrecker (* to ***)[edit]

Prerequisites: a total of Effective Strength and Demolitions 5+

One Inch Punch (*): The character negates all penalties to free movement when making a Brawl attack. If held prone / inactive, the character may strike as if they weren't, but must spend a willpower or verve point to do so.

Slam (**): When this character makes a brawl attack, if he has as many successes as the target's size or stamina - whichever is higher - they may choose to knock the target up to one yard per the character's effective Strength + Power Level. If they hit a stable obstacle during this movement, they take 1 bashing damage. The Storyteller decides weather the target stops at the obstacle or passes through.

Shockwave (***): Such is the character's strength that he can damage nearby opponents and objects by striking the ground they stand upon or clapping hands together to send forth a thunderclap. The character makes a Strength + Brawl attack roll and applies the result to every damageable target within Power Level yards. The character may not exclude any person or object. Characters in this effect radius may apply armor and cover against this attack, but may not apply normal defense. Characters may dodge only with an appropriate Stylish Execution. As this is a Brawl attack, Slam applies.