ScaricksGPC--Winter Phase

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There are 9 steps to the Winter Phase

Step 1 Perform Solo Scenario (if applicable).

Step 2 Experience Rolls

Roll 1d20 for every skill in which you were awarded a check. If you roll above your current rating it increases by 1. A roll of 20 always succeeds on this test no matter the skill rating. This and Glory are the only way that skills can exceed 20.

Step 3 Roll for Aging Increase Age by 1. Check for age rolls

Step 4 Check Economic Circumstances

Narrative income this year. You gain normal income from lands (6 per village, 1 per hamlet beyond 4) and then roll for your rights and entitlements if needed.

Once you have your income spend the value of your upkeep for the next year.

Owain's upkeep is handled by the Earl. He can spend 1L to add mom and sisters onto his plan.

Lupinus has 9L. She can spend 4L to live Ordinary or all 9 to live Rich. Her family is automatically included in both values.

Everyone else can spend 4 to be Ordinary or 9 to be Rich.

No one may live Superlative but if you want more glory see Conspicuous Consumption in Step 8.

Step 5 Make Stable Rolls

Step 6 Make Family Rolls

Everyone should make a Family Event Roll.

Step 7 Undergo Training and Experience

Choose one:

  • Increase any Stat, Passion, Trait or Skill by 1 point. You may not increase SIZ. Other Stats cannot be increased above 21. Passions may not be increased above 19. Passions and Skills may not be increased above 20.
  • Increase 1d6+1 skills. No skill may be raised above 15.

Step 8 Compute Glory

  • +rating of APP, Passions and Traits that are 16+.
  • +100 if Religious
  • +total normal income of all holdings (ie land value only, rights, investments and allotments don't give glory)
  • +cost of upkeep (4 for an Ordinary bachelor or unmarried vassal, 9 if you want to live Rich. There is no discount for being single when living above ordinary.)

Conspicuous Consumption: This is when you just throw money around to no gain save earnin glory with it.

  • 1-10L: Gain 10 Glory per 1L spent.
  • 11-100: Gain 5 Glory per 1L spent.

These are cumulative so 20L nets you 150glory. 100 for spending the first 10 at 10/per and 50 for the next 10 at 5/per.

Step 9 Add bonuses from Glory (if applicable)

After computing your glory for each full 1000 you cross that year you get 1 point to raise any Stat, Passion, Trait or Skill. No maximums or other limits apply to this increase. Yes this means you can pump your SIZ to gigantic levels but once you hit 25 no horse can bear you so you'll die in battle soon enough after that.