Sarasa Cheman
A character in the Force and Destiny: Blinded By the Light campaign.
Sarasa Cheman
- Career: Ace
- Description: A tall human woman with red hair and a perfectly insincere smile
- Background: Pirate/bandit/bounty hunter/thief/mercenary/whatever you'd call that job on Corellia with the Countess/confidence woman
- Duty: Support
- Morality: 50 (Bravery/Obsession)
- Motivation: Keep My Promises
- Force Rating: 1
- Brawn: 2
- Agility: 4
- Intellect: 2
- Cunning: 5
- Willpower: 1
- Presence: 2
- Heavy Blaster Rifle, Damage 10, Crit 3, Range: Long, Autofire, Dice Pool: YYGGG
- Blaster Pistol, Damage 6, Crit 3, Range: Medium, Dice Pool: GGGGG
Career Skills
- General Skills
- Astrogation: 0
- Cool: 1
- Discipline: 0
- Mechanics: 0
- Perception: 1
- Piloting (Planetary): 0
- Piloting (Space): 1
- Resilience: 0
- Social Skills
- Knowledge Skills
- Combat Skills
- Gunnery: 2
- Ranged (Heavy): 2
- Ranged (Light): 0
Non-Career Skills
- General Skills
- Social Skills
- Deception: 1
- Knowledge Skills
- Combat Skills
- Credits: 340
- Encumbrance: 7/11
- Heavy Blaster Rifle (Dam 10, Crit 3, HP 3/4, Encum 6, Range: Long, Autofire, Cumbersome 3, Weapon Sling (quick draw mod))
- Blaster Pistol (Dam 6, Crit 3, Range Medium, Encum 1)
- Heavy Clothing (Soak 1, Encum 1 (0))
- Backpack (+4 Encum)
- 5 Stimpacks
- On the Ship
- Somewhere Else:
- Debilitating Shot - Spend 2A when attacking vehicle to reduce max speed by 1 for 1 round
- True Aim x 2 - As Aim maneuver, but also upgrades pool once per rank
- Overwhelm Defences - Spend 2A when attacking vehicle to reduce defence in that zone for rest of encounter (up to rank times)
- Exhaust Port - Before attacking vehicle, spend 1 Destiny to ignore Massive rule
- Dedication (Agility)
- Toughened
Banked XP