Forgotten Freedom:Power

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Revision as of 21:46, 10 August 2006 by (talk)
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Sa'vor uses his power to keep the time line in the place its meant to be, as well as keeping the characters from destroying the very foundations of time and space. Naz'roths use for his power is to carve a place for him in existance. Tara uses her power to survive against the people whom hate her for using darker magics, she also experiments with new spells and enchantments to expand her understanding of magic and its functions.

Mia on the other hand uses her powers to spread hope and happyness amungst the crew. she likes to solve problems and keep relationships going. she also uses her power to get people to open up rather than locking away all their emotions

they also use their power to escape persecution for being what they are, Sa'vor for being an abomination in the eyes of his people, Tara for being born with dark powers that she doesnt entirly comprehend and Naz'roth to fight against the forces of argonesson that wont whant him free.

Beryl use any power she has to live in realtive peace the only reason she went and drained the Rahja was to stop Naz'roth from threatinging her .. and killing her demons [ and to kill neo-Tifa now]

The Demon lords have no real power here that are really for fun

This P/Y/R does give a crap about power, she just want attention [that she gets from Volrath and her mommy now; yes I said this P/Y/R ] {speaking of that I have to restat her... Unseelie is a template insted of a race :embarrass}

Naz'roth isnt after beyrl. he conciders her as a netrul party at worst. his real concern are Asmodeous, Dispater, Orcus and friends. in his eyes they've become a little too assured in their power. Naz'roths trying to bring demons and devils into an alliance against a foe that threatens the very existance of the multiverse.... ( and we're not talking about carebears or teletubies).

It's just that every time I read about a new power one of the characters has gained another power in the form of a template or a new class or draining a rajah I just get so bored. Eventually it just makes the characters feel like a stat-block with a preprogrammed voice. Look at my characters: a really old professional henchman who has nothing better to do than talk about all the weird people he's worked for, a construct who's eternally peeved because it's trapped inside the body of a teddy bear, two random entities who claim to be gods but who just go around doing freaky things and occasionally pointing out how the crew is just as freaky, a sex-crazed mad scientist who's obsessed with breeding the most abnormally cute thing in existance, a progenitor dragon who's only purpose right now seems to be delivering mail that shouldn't exist, and a god living in the body of a minotaur who only seems to really care about running a multi-dimensional bar.

gaining knowledge and power is Sa'vors thing. but the ironic thing is that its his own worst enemy. because the more power he has, the more he has to fear about, the more opponents he has and the less he uses his brain to accomplish objectives. you present a valid point Silvercatmoonpaw. but in the end, thats what makes them human, and less powerful in a way. because they start to become more insecure about their positions and their emotions become more powerful. also thing that would cause somthing less damageing to us, like say a bad hair day become a apocolypticly rediculusly important event to the characeters. so in the end, having all this power about puts all the characters on edge. they have to constantly worry about things that would be trivial to a commoner. where as a bunch of lv 5 fighters could have a brawl and be wounded and accept it. the ubers unfourtunatly cant, since each of them possesses so much power and knowledge and guile that it suddenly becomes dangerous to even have a small fall out or to have frayed tempers. its really like whats happening to Satnak, her power magnifies the emotions she feels and her reaction to things that happen to her

I know what it's like to be all too powerless and still have emotions that could destroy the world. You point about the apocalyptic bad hair day is good, but it just illustrates that the more power these guys have the more you seem to go all out to create challenges for them. Maybe next time instead of the C'tan or the Dark you have some elf mastermind think the heroes into a corner. I hope it doesn't make you mad that I say these things: I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can while still saying what I feel like saying. Know what I'd do with that much power?

I agree that you do bring up a valid point. Any power I give Terra I try to keep in the context of character development. She grew up with her early feelings of helplessness eating at her constantly. It is what drove her forward so that she would never feel that way again. I would have liked to expand on the whole fusion thing at the time, but the plot moved too quickly for me to do much. I had more, time just didn't allow for it :( .

As for what I do with such'll just have to wait and see. :schemes:

One thing I'm not sure I'm understanding why does being more powerful make you stupid? I have yet to see where this concept is coming from. A powerful psion grows more intelligent more cunning.

you give me some extremly intresting ideas silvercatmoonpaw... but i'll save them up and build on them before doing anything. also, i think what silvercatmoonpaw means is that the more powerful you get, the more you rely on that power to get you places. you dont really use your brains as much as you use the powers and abilities that you possess. many of the characters have become less crafty as they gain power.

Well, pretty much. The more power a villain seems to have the less they get creative. Take Palpatine: "Oh, I'm all powerful, I have nothing to worry about, I could tell if my apprentice was going to kill me." In the first three movies he was really crafty, and then he becomes emperor and he gets all overconfident. I see that too often in villains these days. Heroes too. That's why I do Igor: he's a farce on all the dumb things villains do. To quote Terry Pratchett: "The best kind of magic is the kind you don't use."

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