Gamma Fury B/X

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A play-by-post game using a mash up of 1e Gamma World and B/X D&D, set in apocalyptic Roman Britain.

Cole Thomas The Course of Empire Destruction 1836.jpg

The apocalypse rages. Mighty cities have fallen and civilization has collapsed. Your job is to save humanity, or die trying!


Roman Wales 3.png

Ides of Martius, 986 AUC

It's been a half-year since I took command of what remained of the legion, abandoned Isca Augustus and marched north to Castell Collen. It was a hard winter, filled with savage battles against the...things that came out of the darkness and snow. We lost many good friends.

Spring has come. Something must be done or the light of humanity will flicker out forever.

-Legatus Vector Antonius Maximus

House Rules

I will be using a number of House Rules to better fit B/X D&D to 1e Gamma World's concepts:

  • Character Generation
    • Character Classes: Only humans allowed but to give players more options, I'll roundabout bring back the Elf and Halfing as two new classes, the Spellsword (Fighter/Magic User) and Scout (Fighter/Thief).
    • Characters get a Standard Array for ability scores 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8 (arrange to suit). Then, PCs modify ability scores with bonus points depending on class
      • Fighter, 6 bonus points
      • Thief, 4 bonus points
      • Cleric, 3 bonus points
      • Magic User, 3 bonus points
      • Scout, 2 bonus points
      • Spellsword, 0 bonus points
  • All classes can use all weapons and armor and magic items (e.g., MUs can use swords and fighters can use wands).