The Wilderlands of Absalom
Original post here
- Demi-human rank of 1. Max 12th level, plus one build point
- Str and Con prime requisites
- Hit Dice. 1d8 (2 class points, 1000 XP)
- Fighting Value. 2 (as fighter, 1000 XP)
- Broad armor (shields, chain or lighter, 150 XP, plus one custom power)
- Armor must be custom made at twice the cost (75 XP, plus 1/2 custom power)
- Saves and gains proficiencies as fighter.
- Thief Base Value of 1, bought off for 3 custom powers (200 XP)
- Strong. Caballi possess great strength. All caballi characters have a minimum Strength of 13. Reroll any result of 12 or lower until a score of 13 or higher is obtained. 2 custom powers.
- Tough. Caballi possess incredible endurance and resistance to injury. When rolling hp they reroll all results of a 1, taking the new result even if it, too, is a 1.
- Attunement to nature (1/2 custom power). +1 to surprise rolls in wilderness.
- XP progression:
- 2,425 to 2nd.
- 4,850 to 3rd.
- etc.